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Generic Name: sevelamer carbonate

Brand Name: Renvela oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

this medication is boosting my mothers blood pressure up sky high is worrying us shes never had it that higg

I developed a bleeding ulcer on my colon. By the time I got to the hospital I needed 2 pints of blood.

taking three pills three times daily,give me a light headed some times.

I have been on Renvela for six months. My blood work has been good I have not had ny bad side effects I have been most satisfied

I've been suffering from dry mouth and constipation ever since taking this medication. I have to take 2 after every meal along with 1 Tum.

No problem with this med-been on it since March 2012


stomach upset, size of medication, frequence of medication, unknown side effects, little liteature

Taking for a year. As doage increased, constipation has gotten worse. Take 4 pills with food. Last Phosphorus was 10.2 and I eat right. I only have bowel movements 1 or 2 times a week. Also, blood pressure runs 80/40 since I started taking. Would not recomend to anyone. Stopped taking today. They gave me Fosrenol but I am afraid to take for similar reasons. Same class of meds with same side effects. Any recommendations?

On hemodialysis for kidney failure for about 3 years. Take 3 renvela with each meal. Have been experiencing ongoing diaherrea and was told by the nurse at the dialysis clinic that I go to that Renvela would not cause diaherrea. Imagine my surprise when I read the reviews about how this drug can and does cause diaherrea.

Caused stomach pains that would keep me up at night and severe constipation. Quit it and went to forenol and had even more problems along with the constipation and stomach pains, it also cause constent gas.

seems to work well

caused diarhrea, now take hyomax along with this medication and tolerate it much better and phophorus levels are doing better...have been a dialysis patient for less than a year so time will tell

Causes diaria,upset stomach

Caused severe high blood pressure after using this drug for 2 weeks,for which my Md.prescribed Norvasc. This side effect was not in the product insert under"side effects". Thankfully I investigated further using webmd and found that my sudden and severe high blood pressure was listed under uncommon "side effect". I have been a dialysis patient for 5 years and never had high blood pressure until starting Renvela for my high phosphate levels. I've printed this information for my Doctor and am discontinuing Renvela. I took lanthanum carbonate(Fosrenol) prior to Renvela and will go back to using that to prevent my high phosphate levels. Thank You Webmd!!!