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Generic Name: sodium hyaluronate (viscosup)

Brand Name: Hyalgan intra-articular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hyalgan was recommended by my Orthopedic and primary care doctors, to alleviate pain in both knees. The co-pay was expensive;5 of the 6 shots were with little pain. One shot, however, almost caused me to pass out. But I was told they should help within 2-3 months. They did NOT help, not one bit. I heard that Hyalgan doesn't work for everyone; well, I can attest to that. A rather painful, expensive and useless procedure for me.

Medication left both my knees badly bruised. They still hurt

This was a horrible drug for me. I had two shots. The first one didn't hurt that much but I didn't get any pain relief for my osteoarthritis. The second one hurt like a son of a gun and you could hear me screaming all the way down at the end of the hall. I'm pretty sure the doctor hit bone when she went in. Second shot made me worse than I was before. No relief whatsoever and increased swelling and pain. I did not go through with the third.

Works great for me! I walk 3 miles in the morning with my wife almost every day and jog 3 miles in the afternoon 5 to 6 days a week, also 2 aerobic step classes every week for the past 5 years. Before these injections, I couldn't complete a 1 mile jog without pain in both knees in which to return home via a slow walk. My physician does an excellent job by guiding the nettles to the cartridge area with pinpoint accuracy! Great job! Note: Been running (50+ yrs) & martial arts (35+ yrs)

I've been training brazilian jiu jitsu for 9 years. 1 1/2 years ago my MRI came back showing damaged cartilage in my right knee. I received a round of 3 hyalgan shots(wasn't and shouldn't be anymore painful than your standard injection) and was able to go back to training 3 times a week at full intensity with no pain whatsoever. After approximately 12 months my knee started to give me problems again. I'm ready for my next round of shots but I was recently told by my orthopedic dr that hyalgan is no longer recommended due to lack of efficacy associated with recent studies. This is a joke. This treatment gave my a full year of doing what i love to do. Having experienced the benefits of this treatment, I am very skeptical of this new research and what could be the real motivation behind this sudden break from long establish treatment guidelines.

I had osteoarthritis of the left knee about 6 years ago. Got 3 hyalgan injections and all pain was relieved. The shots lasted for 6 - 8 months, the pain returned, and I got another round of 3 shots. Each time, the pain went away completely. After 5 or 6 rounds, I had surgery to partially replace my knee. Now, my right knee has osteoarthritis and is very painful. The medical practice I belong to no longer approves the shots because some medical group decided it would no longer approve them. The soonest I can get an appt for surgery is 7 months from now. It is going to be a very, very painful 7 months. Those docs who disapproved this drug should have to feel the pain I'm feeling, that could be completely relieved with Hyalgan.

I have had six injections from September to October 2017; from the until now February 2018, the pain is the worse. It cause my knee to be so stiff. I am a walker who do 8 miles daily. Now I am doing just 4 . This makes me very unhappy because it is limiting my activities. I am taking over the counter pain medication.

I had my first series of injections over 10 years ago and my knees were great for about 4 years. These shots (4) were extremely painful. About 6 years ago my knees started bothering me again. I had the shots again, got braces and physical therapy from a chiropractor with MDs on his staff that was actually a money grubbing disreputable company that just wanted to milk as much money out of their patients. They used a florescope to show where injections went, tried to sell stem cell therapy, plasma treatments, etc.. MD that administered shots was not very good and shots were painful, as was their PT. 2-1/2 years ago I had knee replacement surgery on right knee. Painful and still not 100%. I just had the series of 3 hyalgen shots done on my right knee by a qualified pain management doctor. He administered the shots with a local anethesthetic with absolutely no pain and my knee feels great! You have to find the most qualified, and caring, professional who gets desired results.

I underwent a series of three injection. The first injection hurt so bad it took my breath away and I almost passed out. I was not going to continue until a kind friend encouraged me and committed to going with me for support. Injection two was a breeze! I asked for, and was given, a local anesthetic into my knee first, followed by the Hyalgan. The anesthetic shot hurt mildly, the Hyalgan, not at all! I walked out smiling and encouraged. Third shot, I again received the local injection. Alas, the Hyalgan injection hurt pretty bad, but not to the degree of the first one. After each injection, my knee felt a little "blown up" and full for a short time. I iced after each shot and experienced no actual swelling or further pain related to it. Disappointedly, I received no relief at all from my osteoarthritis - ever - from the Hyalgan. I won't try another round. I should comment that I had the same VA doctor for each injection. She was very kind, and, I believe, very skilled. This "fail" is just me, I suppose. I do not respond to steroid injections for pain management either.

Hyalgan injections have worked for me immensely! My first round of 3 lasted a year. I just started my second round as I had a flare up. I hear some orthopedic surgeons feel there is no proof that it works and are convincing the insurance companies not to cover Hyalgan. They are saying it's a placebo effect. I am living proof that it works for my osteoarthritis!

Fell and fractured my knee almost a year ago. Just finished my series of 5 shots, but still having full feeling in the knee and some jabs of pain along with not properly walking correctly. Doctor stated it may take up to 6 WEEKS AFTER the set of injections to fully kick in. Interesting Would I do this again, no! But not a surgical candidate per MRI. Read the side effects too. Had bad ACID i throat after every injection.

The injections went in pretty pain free. My 1 st set of shots have helped a little. But enough to notice the improvement. The next shots should do me even better. i'm looking forward to it.

I recently took the round of injections in my right knee...I am in worse pain than before. During the day I feel pretty much like I did before the shots, but at night the pain in my knees wakes me up...several times in fact. I wear Sinelee patches on my knee at night to be able to sleep at all. I didn't even have bone on bone so I'm a little disappointed it did not work and made it worse. And if it takes as long to wear off as it says it works for, length-wise, this is going to be a long couple of months.

I had finally had my knee looked a couple of years ago and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Earlier this year the pain had gotten very bad and my pain management doctor tried several cortisone shots with no relief. Then my doctor recommended Hyalgan injections, said the worst case he has seen was bone on bone and that individual received two years of relief. It was a series of five injections, one per week for five weeks. I was pain free for a joyous two months. I do not regret doing them, I just wished for longer relief because it feels like I never had the injections. I am back to walking with a cane, which is embarrassing for me because I am only 51.

Each set of injection has lasted for three years before needing to start again. Of course each time I had to have a new injection I had fallen and injured my knee again. The falls were not because of the knee, there was an ice storm, a hole in the yard, and this last one was a slippy curb I had to step up on, fell on same knee every time. After my injections I am pain free and I have bone on bone arthritis. I did however do my research and learned about what to expect and if I was a good candidate, also found what to do afterwards, received recommendations from my doctor and followed it to the letter. Cannot say anything bad about this treatment, research it thoroughly if you intend to try it, be positive it will fit your needs. Oh, make sure you doctor is well versed in the procedure, my doctor gives me the injection with NO pain and no numbing agents, he is awesome!

I decided to get this treatment in both knees. I had my ACL, MCL, and lateral meniscus reconstructed 22 years ago and my left ACL reconstructed 19 years ago. I've lost a significant amount of weight (20% of my body weight) and have returned to physical therapy. But I continued to have significant knee pain, especially when going down stairs. I am an active 35 year old and I'm unwilling to live with that kind of pain; it was debilitating. After only one (of the required 3) shot, I could tell the difference. I had my last shot about 6 weeks ago and the treatment has been LIFE CHANGING. I have not gone down stairs pain-free in probably 10 years. I had learned behaviors I wasn't even aware of, like leaning on the stair railing to try to lesson the pain in my knees when going down. I can now bounce down stairs...literally bounce! I can exercise without being almost unable to walk the next day, I can perform repetitive and deep squats (I lift in crossfit!). This is a treatment WELL worth trying if you've experienced the same difficulty with pain management. The shots themselves were a bit uncomfortable, but the discomfort was gone within about 2 hours. My knees felt 'soft' and 'gushy' right after, but again this subsides in about 2 hours. I STRONGLY recommend anyone give this a try...again, this has changed my life!

I have severe bone on bone arthritis in my left knee and almost the same with my right knee but not as bad as the left. I therefor went ahead and did both knees when I heard about these injections. Its hard for me to read the satisfaction rate on here as I am in more severe pain now in both knees than I ever was before. I am in constant throbing pain and aches in both my knees and now throughout my whole leg mostly the lower shin part of my knees. I had to have cortisone injections within the same week as my last injection from the pain in both knees and also put on pain medication. I just hope this wears off and Im not left like this. I guess all in all knee surgery will be the only solution for me and Im not even 50. But I cant take any more chances with these experimental it seems trials and erroros. In my opion I wouldnt do these injections if you are not willing to take the chance that you might be the one that this may happen to you and make your condition worse. I am in excrutiating pain. I hope it gets better.

had a left knee replaced with some problems and the rt knee was due.dr suggested the 3 injections instead,and cortisone.I had been crying daily for 3 months with pain,walked with a limp.got shot yesterday(first of 3) cant believe the rsults .no pain only slight headache.It's a miracle

I was not able to walk without pain at 45 years old after 4 knee surgeries. These shots have taken away majority of thepain and allowed me to ski, hike ,playbasketball, and softball. Insurance companies are starting to deny coverage though.

I have been AMAZED at the positive results I have had with this medicine. It has given me my life back. SO PLEASED!!!