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Generic Name: succimer

Brand Name: Chemet oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Both Chemet and non prescription Zeolite were prescribed as a heavy metals detox for my teenager who tested high in mercury and platinum. He's suffering significant health problems from this detox, and we were not told of the potential dangers. His doctor said this detox would improve his trouble concentrating and improve or eliminate his food intolerances (because heavy metals combine with something in foods to cause food intolerances in some people, and when the metals are removed the food intolerances may go away- I believe this is true, I've seen it happen). The doses of this detox must be tweaked exactly for the individual, timed right and other details must be followed exactly under close doctor supervision. My son and I worked very hard at it but apparently the metals were pulled and stirred up, then redeposited in organs where they are doing much more damage than if they were left alone. This detox can improve health in some people but I would not have risked it if I had known. Now I have 2 practitioners offering help but each one is telling me what the other one says to do is dangerous.

My 1 year old daughter had lead poisoning level of 39. I kept her on bottle longer because she couldn't smell it and would drink it. I believe it took 2 years for her levels to come down.

Have been taking the medication for 4 days and feel worse than I did before I started taking it. Sick all the time now!!

We found our 2 year old daughter to have a lead level of 52, she has been exposed her entire life to the lead in the older home we used to rent, The Chemet, has worked to get level down to 36, it has been almost 2 months shes been on the meds, 3 treatments so far, not sure how long it will take, but I guess with gods grace, we're praying for the best.

I felt as if I was poisoned taking just on !100 mg tablet. This was prescribed as part of a cleansing program.