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Generic Name: sulfacetamide sodium-sulfur

Brand Name: Plexion topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Bad reaction. Rash flares on forehead and other areas of face. Area itched a lot. Occurred after 2 applications.

This has worked so well for my skin, but does leave your face smelling really bad. I try to cover it by using a gentle cleanser after, but it is pretty potent.

My dermatologist prescribed this along with minocycline for a bad outbreak of rosacea. My skin totally cleared up. I am so glad I finally saw a doctor about my rosacea! It's horrible to still have acne in your 40's.

Clears up acne quickly, and gets rid of blemishes, especially on dark skin. Long shelf life, i have a bottle thats over 4 years old and I use it whenever I get a flare up

At first it made my skin very dry and peel; however, after a week my skin is gorgeous. It is literally the only product that has EVER worked. I am so thrilled to have found this face wash.

I used the cleanser - gave it several weeks even tho it wasn't helping at all - then discontinued use - expensive and totally ineffective - only made matters worse in my case