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Generic Name: sulindac

Brand Name: Clinoril oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took on three occasions separated by a couple of weeks. On all three experiences, I became very nauseated and vomited numerous times. This occurred within three hours of taking the medicine. On the second instance, I continued to vomit 7 or 8 times over a four hour period. I did not associate the sickness with the medicine until the third time I took the medicine. I have taken other prescribed anti inflammatory type medicines for years with no adverse effects. Additionally, I continued to have diarrhea for up to three days. I took the medicine with a glass of water and shortly after eating.

Suldinac 150mg~ I have costochondritis.Here is what I can report so far on this medicine. After 3 days, I find that it does take the burning inflammatory pain away, yet still leaves me with the dull achy soreness in my chest. I do find find it odd that my Dr would prescribe it to me because one of the serious side effects is chest pain, which is what costochondritis causes, and the other serious side effect is shortness of breath, which I know he acknowledged that. He ordered me a Pulmonary function test!

I just started this treatment,due to the er visit,a while ago,it soo far doesn't do anything to relieve pain ,doc called soft tissue damage of neck but it feels very inflamed in my shoulder area as well sometimes this pain causes me not to get out bed

I have taken Sulindac treatment twice: once for achy feet which eventually got better; then I used Sulindac for lower back pain and still use it regularly for that. It enables me to have a normal, active life.

I was prescribed 200 milligrams twice daily for suspected back problems that radiated down my right leg. Until I was prescribed this medication, Sodium Naproxen wouldn't relieve the severe pain and I was basically incapacitated. I'm able to function, instead of being bed ridden due to my inability to walk.

I've been taking this drug since 1995 till 2012 and it has eased my pains considerably. I was instructed by my Dr to stop this medication and within 3 days the pain was back "big time". I now have a call in to him so I can restart this med.

I have taken this for 3 years for general joint vpain. I only have to take it 3 days a week and it gives great relief. If I forget to take iy I know immediately, because within a day the pain is back.

I have been taking Sulindac for 14 yrs and it has been the one stable medicine in my life of PAIN for the last 15 yrs, and my only complaint is that I have now developed a fairly bothersome allergy to the medicine and have to take Allegra on a daily basis to enable me to cont' taking Sulindac.

Has not helped my bursitis in my hip.

Taking for a frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). Dr. attempted to switch to Mobic because of digestive upset with the Clinoril. Pain returned while taking Mobic which made physical therapy difficult. I am now, happily, back on the Clinoril and just accept the digestive problems.



I have tried several RA meds this one id very good for me.

Have tried Lodine. Vicudin and 800mg ib pro and clinoril 200mg. No help at all. These meds started 12/6/2008. a couple of weeks each. Seems to me that a pill of some potency should relieve pain. Now What??

I have taken since 1987

I have been switched from Vicodin to this medication. I have DeQuervains Tendinitus and have to have surgery. I just wish they would stop messing around with my medications like a guinea pig. I know the Norco took the pain away...They probably thought I might get addicted, but was originally told to stay ahead of the pain and took the medication as directed. I dunno. I hate Kaiser!

I am using Clinoril for Fibromyalgia Pain. So far it works well; better than others I've tried. Great for sore muscles and joints. Hope I don't develop stomach problems in the future, though.

any sudden move of the neck muscle creats pain due to a spasm in the left neck. You did not offer enough options re;"conditions to treat". Thses are spasms according to MD. I would like to know what clinoril is prescribed to treat, not hoe effective it's been with me.