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Generic Name: synthetic conj estrogens B

Brand Name: Enjuvia oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had a total hysterectomy 2 1/2 years ago because of stage 3 ENDO. I started taking Ebjuvia 3 months ago. I've gained 12 lbs and experienced 2 ruptured cysts in my left breast this past Friday. I have a follow up w/my doctor tomorrow. It did not work for me but it does not mean this medication will not work for others. I will keep searching.

Had a partial hysterectomy some years ago and was on the 1.25 dosage. Decided that I wanted to stop and the hot flashes returned with a vengeance. Now I am back on a dosage of 0.9 and my only concern is the breast soreness. Will give it another week or so to see if this side effect levels off. Other than that, no mood swings or memory loss. Weight gain is a small price to pay for sweatless nights and no more private summers during the day.

I have been on this medication for a little over 30 days due to an issue with Cenestin being unavailable. Since I've been taking Enjuvia, I've gained weight, issues with short term memory, night sweats are bad and I'm now experiencing severe pain in my right eye and the right side of my head. I'm definitely asking my doctor to take me off of Enjuvia!!

Starting taking it after a complete hysterectomy two years ago.

Made my Mood excellent

Enjuvia has been the most effective estrogen treatment that I've taken and believe me, I have tried a lot. Enjuvia has given me my life back!

gain weight

I have been on Enjuvia for almost 3 years after undergoing a complete hysterectomy at the age of 27. I am on the 1.25 thinking of decreasing it. I started enjuvia the day after my hysterectomy and have had no problems with the pill, I sleep fine, mood is fine, no weight gain or water gain. I can only get it at Walmart in my area and they don't always have it, I can go up to 3 days without it before I start with the hot flashes. My only complaint is I occasionally get a bad cramp like a menstrating one but worse then when I had my issues leading to a hysterectomy. This cramp is so bad it takes my breath away. I take Enjuvia before I go to bed per directed by my doctor. If I stay up for over an hour after I take it I get extremely hungry and have to get a snack.

This medicine has work for me but I now am having trouble finding the low dosage. I am not willing to take a higher dosage if I don't need it.

I have been on this medication for menepause symptoms for about three weeks, I have no hot flashes or night sweats anymore, but i have gained alot of weight and retaining alot of fluid. And I work out 4 days a week, I dont like the weight gain and i seem sleepy alot to. I see my doc next week and I am going to see about changing medication. I was taking estroven which is an OTC drug for menepause and it to took away the hot flashes and night sweats without the weight gain, so im getting off the Enjuvia

I started the lowest dose of enjuvia back in November 2011. It was effective but did not completely get rid of my hot flashes and from time to time, I still felt like I was in a fog. My Dr. increased the doage to .625 and I began having heart palpitations and still had hot flashes at night. My Dr. then took me off of it and prescribed an anti-depressant. This caused me to have anxiety attacks. So, I am very unhappy with all of the treatments so far and the fact that my Dr. is not willing to test any of my hormone levels. I am switching to another Dr. and hope to have relief soon.

I am 49 and had a complete hysterectomy in 2006. I had been taking Estratest, but it was causing an increase in facial hair so I asked my OB-GYN for something different. Within days of taking the Enjuvia my BP elevated, I had constant headaches and the issue I already have with an accelerated heart rate and PACs suddenly stopped responding to the medicine (Toprol) I was taking. After doubling up all the dosages and nothing working, the cardiologist was stumped. On my own, I stopped taking the Enjuvia and started the Estratest again from a leftover prescription. Wow! Immediate relief from the palpitations, BP and headaches. Sorry, Enjuvia is not for me. I'm asking to switch back to Estratest.

feel very sick

Was using Evamist for hot flashes and worked great! After palpitations primary doctor told me to stop it to rule out med. Went back on it but wasn't helping so started on low dose Enjuvia 2 weeks ago. Hot flashes mostly gone but feel dizzy occasionally, anxious and memory is awful. Thought was something else til read side effects and other reviews. Will give it another week.

Enjuvia .9 has helped somewhat with hot flashes, not entirely, but at this point I don't want to take a higher dose. I have noticed some weight gain.

I was placed on this drug due to having all the menopausal symptoms that were driving me crazy and I wanted to be on something plant based, so my doctor put me on Enjuvia and Premarin. It worked wonderful after one month; no more hot flashes, sex life improved, slept better. BUT after 6 weeks I started bleeding and had to go off of it. My doctor offered to adjust the dose but said I would have to have a uterine biopsy first and I refused, as I didn't think it was necessary and was caused by the medication. Wish I had not had bleeding with it or I would still take it.

Dr prescribed Enjuvia when insurance would no longer pay for the Premarin I had been taking for over 20 years. I had a hysterectomy & oophorectomy at age 39 & had no problems with Premarin. In the 2 months I have been taking Enjuvia, I cry easily, feel tired, sleep 2 to 3 hours longer each night, get hot flashes, & have diminished sex drive. After reading other reviews, I finally made the connection between this med & the way I feel. Thanks.

I've been on .45 dose for 3 weeks and have had good results. The one side effect,so far, is imbalance. I can't call it dizziness but just crazy imbalance. Wobbly and bumping into things. My mind has cleared, I have more energy, and I'm not grumpy. I'll reserve judgement. Maybe this minor issue will clear.

Adverse event. I am a pharmacist/patient. Happily controlled hot flashes for approx. 8 months on Cenestin brand of estrogen (A) 0.625mg/day. This brand became unavailable and my gyn agreed with Medco to switch me to Enjuvia (estrogen B) 0.625mg/day. Approx. 2 weeks into Rx, developed intensely itchy, hivey rash on both shins, spreading to both forearms and slowly around my neck. Thought I would go out of my mind. Finally stopped the estrogen when I thought that might be the culprit and within 6 days, no new lesions, rash substantially better. Will probably be weeks before completely resolved. Needed oral prednisone 60mg/day, Rx and OTC antihistamines. Cenestin has since become available again and I'm deciding when to start retaking. Reported to this MedWatch (as a healthcare professional) as a probably side effect of Enjuvia.