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Generic Name: torsemide

Brand Name: Demadex oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started this medication in the hospital. A few months later I would get a blister on the tip of my tongue if I took one pill. If I took it again the next day I got another blister on my tongue. It wasn't worth it to take this medicine.

I cannot drive around the block without looking for a bathroom. I no longer go places because of the discomfort of constantly having to urinate and/or the pain of holding it. Another problem is the severe leg cramps. They strike without warning and are bad enough to take my breath away. After several months of being on Demadex, my lags and ankles are swollen twice their normal size. The mouth dryness is severe. I keep sores in my mouth and my tongue constantly burns. I cannot talk or swallow without a sip of water. I have an appointment with my doctor to discuss a change in medicine.

After 3 days started violently throwing up. Hospitalized for 4 days. Released from hospital thought it perhaps it wasn't the drug and because I gained 11 lbs. in 6 days started taking drug again. Same thing happened. The drug worked I just can't tolerated it.

I have been on Demadex since 2003 when a sudden water retention occured. Same condition my maternal grandmother had at the same age.Tried the generic torsemide which did not work.Excellent results with Demadex. Be sure to have a restroom available because it works within a half hour. I have had no side effects but I do eat a banana/day for potasium depletion and have regular blood tests. Recommend highly.

I have been on Demidex for a few months now. Was on it for 6 months (a year ago). I have found it to be effective when Lasix started to not work. The previous time I experienced the side effect of muscle cramps, which I have not experienced this time.

I had severe edema in my body. Within a week of taking this med I am almost not swolllen at all. Can't wait till next week and hopefully it will all be normal

Worked very well the first day. I do feel extremely tired and sleepy, hard to concentrate, very thirsty.

I have found this drug to be very effective in reducing fluid retention.

Used for several years with very satisfactory results but n Dec 09 became very dehydrated with vomiting (dry heaves)& diarhea for several hours. Adm to hospital ER then to hospital. Did not receive Demadex while in the hospital and have not used since coming home. Reduced edema in legs - less swelling.

No improvement over several days, depleted potassium levels causing lack of urination exacerbating the problem and fatigue.

Just started taking for fluid retention. The swelling has gone down to where I can actually see my ankles again.

medication was easily taken and did help with high blood pressure and also fuid retention very well. had side effects of extreme joint/muscle pain and had to come off of it. problem being the side effects for me lasted longer than the medication did.

frequent muscle and joint pain even with potassium. general run down feeling.

Since I have been taking this medication, I am thirsty alot and I have pain in both nipples. Is that a side effect of this medication?