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Generic Name: tretinoin microspheres

Brand Name: Retin-A Micro topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This was the worst acne product I’ve ever tried it made my skin extremely dry to wear I had to apply moisturizer all day because my skin was peeling. Also, it made it red and didn’t work for me.

I started using Retin-A after switching my birth control pills to progesterone only due to severe migraines thought to be caused by estrogen. I am now 23 and never struggled this bad with acne. Before Retin-A I had a few cystic acne spots on my chin and jawline and small blemishes on my forehead, occasionally. After using Retin-A my face got way worse. The first week it caused my face to be red, flaky and BURN. This wasn't the typical burning feeling I would get from a topical acne cream. This was a burn that would hurt when I would step outside. It made the cystic acne spots really dry, red and very sore. I called my dermatologist and they said those are typical side effects and to mix my moisturizer with the Retin-A. This helped but didn't help enough. I went another 5+ weeks dealing with peeling, flaking, red, irritated, dry, sore skin. I finally decided to stop using it. The next day my skin was feeling a lot less sore and irritated. This was not the medication for me.

I'm on Day 4 of using this med and it's already done the job I wanted it for. I was having issues of tons of tiny blackheads all over my T-zone and my dermatologist put me on this. I've had a few big boy zits rise straight up to the surface but were gone within 24-36 hours. The blackheads? Virtually completely gone on my forehead and shrinking constantly on my nose and chin. I highly recommend pairing this med with a good face cream and using SPF (zinc based) during the day to combat healing and damage.

Okay so I read all these reviews and I freaked because I was scared of my skin peeling off & it didn't. If you use a good moisturizer before putting it and before you sleep you should be safe. Sunscreen is super important!! I am in my 5th week of use and breakouts are a lot more minimal and the other ones are practically gone. I used to get lots of small pimples but now it's like 1 regular sized in an area which is much much better. Optimum effects are said to come around 8-10 weeks so yay!

I have only been on the medication for 2 days plus dorxy and spironolactone. So far my skin is dry and slightly peeling around my chin around. It has only been day 2 but my pimples have come to the surface and are ready to pop my blackhead are so much more noticeable on my nose which looks so ugly but I made one rule for myself- No mirror at work if I carry one i will pick at my face which isnt a good idea since your skin gets very thin. I wish everyone luck on their joruney with Retin A Micro Gel

This cream is amazing. Its only been 3 weeks and my skin looks so smooth and soft. I noticed a change after the first 3 days that the cream was applied. I have mild acne along with large pores that look as though i have freckles on my face.I also have acne on my chest and back. Since i started the cream my pores have decreased in size dramatically. I still do have some pimple appearing but i guess this is apart of the " get's worse before it appears to get better" stage..I must also add that once a pimple appears ,as soon as the cream is applied the inflammation decreases over night.I do suggest a good moisturizer to be applied once you wash your face in the morning.The cream does make my skin feel dry once its washed off ,but i apply Nivea to take care of the dryness. Overall this cream is wonderfull...

I want to write a review for all those out there hearing about "the purge" horror stories. When I started this medication (a mere week ago) I was terrified I would be dealing with my skin purging for a couple of months. I have mild, but painful cystic acne, primarily along my jawline. The purging lasted the first four days, and my skin has been looking better and better (the last three days have been miraculous!) Even the discolouration from old cysts is fading as the skin renews. Highly recommend - if your acne isn't severe, you will probably not purge for long (based on my experience), and even if you have severe acne, I would wait out the purging - I think it will be worth it.

Starting to see favorable results after 3 weeks of daily use at night. Need to keep your skincare regime simple to avoid interaction with other products that can cause a chemical reaction (burning, stinging & peeling), including cleansers. Regular vaseline gives instant relief to any flaking and itching, which has started to subside with regular use. Use only sparingly amounts of moisturizer as even the mildest contain a boatload of harsh ingredients. I only use a cleanser at night and rinse with warm then cool water in the morning. Also avoid foundation makeup, including minerals, if you are serious about wanting to clear up. By not over stripping my skin I have a nice natural glow. This is helping much more than Differin, Duac or Tazorac (which practically burned the skin right off me).

Every since I have started on this cream my acne clears up so fast. It reduces swelling and in the morning almost all my pimples are gone or hardly noticeable. Since using the cream, I have rarely needed to wear makeup and my skin looks so good. Although, it does cause some redness when you first use it, the redness seems to go away in a week or two. It just takes some time for your skin to get use to it. Moisturizer will be your best friend in the mean time! I would recommend this product to anyone. It is safe and effective and very easy to use.

I was terrified before starting Retin-A Micro .04% gel. I had heard all the horror stories and I was grudgingly preparing myself to look the worst ever yet for the next couple months hoping it would be worth it in the end. I was so nervous but I decided to go for it even though I had a busy summer planned and would be seeing lots of people. Another thing is I absolutely HATE makeup, I would rather die than wear foundation. I NEVER wear makeup, I'm an all natural, simple type of girl but I painfully betrayed myself and bought 100% Pure heavy foundation in order to save myself from the humiliation of what I thought would ensue upon starting Retin-A micro. I applied it, woke up the next morning, ran to the mirror and was shocked. My acne scars from recent breakouts were faded overnight and no new acne!!! I assured myself this was just the first day, the side effects just haven't kicked in yet. But, I have now been using it for almost a month now and my skin has looked the best it's ever been in years!!! And...I have had NO side effects!! Okay, a teeny bit of peeling around the sides of my mouth only because I was too stupid to apply it close to my lips. NO redness, no peeling, no initial breakout, NOTHING!!! My mom and sister the other day both commented on how great my skin looked with makeup on. I was shocked but with indescribable joy I was able to tell them that I did not have ANY makeup on, not even a swipe of mascara; they couldn't believe it! Every morning I look in the mirror and smile instead of cringing and looking down like I used to. I dress cute every single day because I have my confidence and happiness back. I can be myself and not feel worthless because of acne. My face right now is COMPLETELY clear, acne scars gone, no more acne, and I now have a glow that I've never had before. Thank you Retin-A micro!

I have always had mild acne since high school. Recently I have had more acne than usually. The dermatologist prescribed retina a micro pump. The dermatologist warned me that the acne may get worse before it gets better. However, I did not think the acne would get this bad. My face burns and is peeling badly around my nose. I now have acne in places on my skin I have never had before. After a month and a half I have decided to give up. The medicine is painful and not worth the wait.

I had closed comedones for over 8 years, (I am currently 24) & absolutely nothing worked for me. I tried all sorts of oral medications, topical medications and even expensive chemical peels. I found out about Retin A Micro on my own via the internet and decided to give it a shot. This medication has been a life saver. I have been using it since March 2014 (It is now September 2014) and my skin has NEVER looked better. My skin got much worse in the first few months than it had ever been, but other users advised to stick with it through this tough period. I also use Aczone with the Retin A Micro. Honestly, I would recommend this to everyone. Stick through the dry skin, the redness & the increase of acne for the first few months and you will not be disapointed!!

I've used this for 3 years now and my skin has never been clearer- the first 4 mths was horrible but push through it and you will get amazing results- what helped was using every other night and only a pea sized amount. I applied it over a gentle moisturizer (cerave) and my peeling lessened immensely- I exfoliated the dry skin in the am with a very gently scrub (st Ives green tea cleanser) and wore neutrogena sunscreen everyday- my skin is smooth, even toned and acne free- a added bonus is that it smoothes wrinkles. Don't give up on it, just manage the side effects and don't use so much, and don't expect miracles overnight- it has to purge the bad to get to the good.

I have been using Retin-A Micro for about 2 weeks now to reduce red and brown spots on my face caused by long ago sun exposure. I applied the medication...about a pea size amount with a finger. Within 2 days I noticed the redness and irritation that has been widely reported. My solution? I now apply the medication with a Q-tip. Since my skin problem is only in a few small areas, using the Q-tip (unlike my finger) allows me to precisely place the cream on the problem spots and NOT on the nearby areas. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of just using the tiniest amount of the cream....just barely covering the skin surface (any "extra" medication will smear over to non-problem areas). If the problem area gets some irritation I can deal with that. But it is the redness of the adjacent areas that I want to avoid. Again, my solution is to use the minimum amount to cover my problem areas and to apply it with a Q-tip to avoid irritation to nearby areas where the medicine is not needed. Now, obviously my technique would not be suitable for someone who has a large area to treat. But if your problem areas are small and "isolated" like mine, my controlled application method gets the job done for me without irritating the nearby areas of the face that don't require medication.

I started using this about 5 years ago in high school when I had moderate and persistant acne. I started out with a low dose adaptaline and moved up to .04 Retin-a micro. I now have normal skin with smooth texture and no acne scars. Starting this is frustrating because it can make your skin worse before it gets better if your using a too high dose or if your skin gets flaky and irritated but your skin will eventually adapt and you can move up to a higher dose. After about a month and a half of beginning Retin-a micro the flaking and irritation stopped. Though I would still consider my skin to be sensitive, I am able to use exfoliators to improve it's effectiveness with hardly any irritation.

I have been using retin a micro .1% for 4 months. I had a terrible initial breakout that lasted for the entire first 3 months. Everything is looking clear. My nose tends to get very dry and peel, but I'm currently looking at ways to prevent this from happening.

it really helped my acne,i really like the way it peeled my acne scares away

I was prescribed Retin A years ago for adult break-outs and dark areas caused by sun damage. It worked! I have stopped using it because insurance wouldn't pay any longer and it was quite expensive at the Med Spas. Recently I developed peri-oral dermatitis and say a Dermatologist. That was treated with Oracea, a low dose Doxycycline and she prescribed Retin A Micro. The dermatitis cleared up and I am continuing use of the Retin A Micro on all of my face. It is not causing the dryness that regular Retin A caused. I used to get crusting around my nose with Retin A and don't with the Micro version. After just a couple of weeks of use, my skin is glowing and I am 61. This will become a regular part of skin care from now on.