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Generic Name: ustekinumab

Brand Name: Stelara subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve run through all the biologics but Stelara has worked the best. I had to go from 8 weeks to every 6 weeks and bam, I went into complete remission and the horrific joint pain went away. It takes a little time to work and get the right timing, but it has been highly successful for me. I have had UC and terrible joint inflammation for 25 years.

All I can say is this drug has been a life saver. If you are reading this, you’ve probably already tried other medications by now. For me, initially I tried Remacaid. After a few infusions, no success. Then I tried Entyvio. Same result. Getting very discouraged, I now tried Xeljanz. No improvement at all. This was all over a year and a half. I was starting to come to the realization that surgery was my only option. Then my Gastroenterolgist suggested Stelara which although known to be treated for rheumatoid arthritis, recent studies have shown success with ulcerative colitis. After my first treatment, I started seeing my symptoms improving. After my second treatment I was seeing drastic changes to point where my bowel movements were down to 2-3x per day, down from 10-15. Today, I can proudly say I am in remission and am leading a normal life, back to a regular diet and normal bowel movements. I can honestly say I owe my life to this drug and am thankful every day for it.

After 2yrs on Stelara I developed bronchitis after each injection was in the ICU for 5 days. I have ps for over 50 years used Humira for 10 years then developed terrible headaches after stopping use of Humira took 8 weeks to resolve the headaches. Changed to Stelara skin improved but after a year I started to get bronchitis after each injection did not realize the side effects until I was hospitalized. I will not use another biological Period!

I've tried all treatments possible and nothing was working. Stelara wanted to make a difference I felt it but just didn't seem strong enough. I was sent to SDSU to be seen by 1 of the top doctor's for my condition he too knew I didn't have much of anything left to do. This was after around of trying it for 1yr he decided to test my levels and if low have another initial dosing IV infusion and inject 4wks instead of 8wks 4wks after initial dosing 1st time since2011 zero massive amounts of blood and 28 plus daily br visits to 2. Its time I've taken a road trip in 8yrs with no accidents. I know that it took me going thru several GI docs in my hometown to finally find my NP wanting to learn more from Dr S in finding me some type of relief and thank God for Dr Popek my surgeon out of network to get all these doors open. Within my first 5min of our1st visit she said stop you've suffered for far too long time to get you on a plane to 1of4 best of the best less then 24hrs she had my insurances approval to fly out my med approvals take longer. So stelara at the not too common dosage is what made the 4star do NOT do without a Dr.approval best of luck. Now it's on to trying to repair the aftermath I want to just be able to smile and take photos with my kids graduation yes I am down to 5 teeth and pieces it does effect from mouth to anus in severe cases the crapper keeper and the trapper keeper it's a pooper ð??¯ð??

began treatment in spring of 2012, after a year my skin and my athritis was id say 90% inproved. however, a few months later they found i have tumors on both kidneys. not sure this drug is really worth the risk, epecially being an expensive drug. i would highly tell you to not take this drug.

I didn't know I had Crohn's along with plaque psoriasis and arthritis. I am doing much better since Doctor gives me the shots every other month.

Like some others have stated RUN!!! Our family watched our mother slip from the woman she once was to a woman who can only say a hand full of words. We watched as each time she was administered the drug her soeach was effected more and more and as she neared the end of the cycle her memory and soeach improved. Of course the doctors say it's not from the drug but we find it I treating since we took her off it she at least hasn't regressed like she was. Two years in this drug and a shell of a woman that lived and loved talking about life and now she can't put two words together. Very frustrated and disappointed and we try to discourage as any people as possible to stay away from this drug!

For severe Crohn's. Started Stelara as second choice when request for Entyvio was denied by insurance. Seven days after first infusion, noticed symptoms beginning to improve. Ten days after first infusion, ALL SYMPTOMS ARE GONE. Went from liquid bowel movements to formed, no blood, no puss, no urgency. I am very happy and shocked with results so far using Stelara. Thought I would have to wait longer to know whether or not it would work for me. Results are absolutely astonishing. I am reviewing this because I was unable to find information on the Internet from individuals about how long before I might see results after starting this medication. TEN DAYS! I am looking forward to being able to go to church this Sunday and a family event next weekend! I hope you will also find success using this drug.

It worked, but developed non alcohol fatty liver and rash over 80% of body after one injection. I have tried multiple things like everyone with psoriasis. At first, this stuff cleared me up fast and basically 100%. The effectiveness was great. Then two years in, abdominal pain paired with a crazy rash resulted in CT scans and dermatology appts which resulted in nothing to do. But it was enough to stop Stelara. Humira did not work and reduced my immune system really bad to where I was hospitalized. Otezla barely worked and had psychological side effects. This was by far the best results and I may risk the side effects to continue as it worked that well. Just be careful as the effects are not 100% known but Psoriasis is really tough to live with that the quality of life it gives may be worth the trade off.

The Stelara has cleared my skin up almost completely (my scalp still bothers me though). The one thing I have found is that I am getting more depressed/anxious and I get random bouts of EXTREME fatigue that my regular MD cannot figure out the cause of. My dermatologist says it is not from the Stelara, of course, but I have to disagree. At my next appointment, I am going to request a different medication.

Started Stelara 10 mths ago to treat 90% coverage of my body by psoriasis. Have received inital injection with 2nd injection 4 wks later. Since then, one injection every 3 mths. Within the last couple of months, I have experienced Adult Acne, mostly on the back of my neck with one or two appearing on my face from time to time. I did have acne as a teenager, but it has been long gone. I am a 40 yr old male. The dermatologist that is administering the injections has been pretty adamant about the acne not being a side effect of the Stelara. I'm not sure I agree. Luckily, I have had no other side effects to date and the Stelara has cleared a majority (80%) of my psoriasis not only on my skin but also my scalp & finger/toe nail beds.

I was on enbrel for 10 years. In the last year of use, it wasn't working quite as well anymore. Doc switched me to stelara. I cant say it has improved the psoriasis. In fact, spots on my legs that disappeared with enbrel are returning with stelara. Three month spacing doesn't seem to work with this medicine. Disappointed. Going to ask doc for another biologic.

After 16 years battling severe psoriasis on my hands and feet, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis too. I started on 45mg for the first 3 shots then jumped up to the 90mg. It has changed my world. The psoriasis is almost completely gone, a few light dry spots on heels, and my arthritis is manageable, nothing like last year. I'm so greatful the nurse worked and worked to find a place that would bill it the right way through my insurance. Hyvee Specialty pharmacy out of Omaha finally got it covered for me and I don't pay but $10 every 3 months. That's cheaper than all those creams I used but never worked. So So greatful for Stelara, I never expected it to work this well.

I have had psoriasis for 20 years. I had a bad experience with photo therapy (the dermatologist gave me 2nd degree burns)and since then I have not been able to get my psoriasis under control. I was on remicade at the time and it was working until the break out hit from the burn (I was also on Methotrexate). I have been on stelara for a few months and it started to clear after the loading doses but after the second shot following the loading ones it came back full force. I have experienced slight depression and fatigue. Not very happy with this treatment.

Works better than Humira or Enbrel. Would be more convenient if you didn't have to go to the doctor for the injection. However, concerned about possible side effects. Considerable joint pain after use. Especially knees. Also constant nasal drainage/congestion. Wonder if anyone else has noticed these possible side effects.

I have been Stelara for a little over 2 years now, and I am so thankful to say I've been completely clear for those 2 years. It took about 2 weeks for the medication to take effect, but I haven't had any issues or side effects at all. I have been on absolutely everything and have had psoriasis since I was 9, so finally finding a medication that has worked, I'm going to hold on to this one.

Excellent effectiveness with no known or apparent side effects for this user. Much more effective than Enbril or Humira. After 30+ years of multiple and various failed therapies, I believe Stelara has proven to work quite effectively for me.

Although it initially seemed to help the inflammation associated with my psoriatic arthritis, it wore off after two weeks for the first two injections. Also, I developed persistent nausea and colitis while on this, which by now I believe is a side effect. Since I am stuck on it for three months, there's nothing I can do but wait for it to wear off so I can try something else.

Tried Humira first, it worked on my skin psoriasis but not my psoriatic arthritis. Started Stelara. After my initial dose, I've had 3 more doses 12 weeks apart. After each injection my knees got steadily better for a month, plateaued at "pretty good", and then got steadily worse until a couple weeks after the next shot. I am worried that my knees are going to give out and I'll be in a wheelchair. Hoping for better results.

I've had severe guttate psoriasis since I was age 8. I've tried so many things from over the counter to various prescriptions including steroid injections, methotrexate, humira and now finally stelara. I've been taking stelara for over a year and a half with no problems. My skin cleared up within the first few weeks of beginning treatment and the injection has never been painful (like humira). I'm so happy I have finally found something that works for me! I hope many of you can find similar results as well.