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Generic Name: valrubicin

Brand Name: Valstar intravesical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

6 infusions but it did not work. Continued to have superficial bladder tumors. Urologist recommended cystectomy and that is what was done.

I had 7 weeks,that is one time a week. The hardest part was holding it in on the last 2 treatments. It's been a year since I had treatments and no sign of cancer.

I had difficulty holding my bladder after installation. One visit I was on Vicodin for back pain and held it for the full 2 hours. My doc gives me 2 pills for each installation and now does the same for other patients. It works for most of them he told me. Glad I in advertently helped other people. The Vicodin reduces the irritation therefore making it easier to hold the full two hours.

I just finished the 6th treatment. Don't know how effective it will be. All treatments were very easy except the last one.I could not hold it for the two hours.

On my third instillation. BCG was unsuccessful. Mitomyacin C worked for about a year. Guess we'll see how ValStar does!

Extremely painful. Hard to hold due to the stinging of the instillation

Iam still under treatment at this time,having only four treatments at this time. The sideafacts have been fatigue and thats all.