special offer

Generic Name: verteporfin

Brand Name: Visudyne intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had 20/60 vision in my right eye , after my treatment my vision is 20/400. Do not use this drug for your wet macular degeneration.

Do not use this for eye problems. The after effects have been as if I am poisened.No improvement to my sight but vomiting, nausea, joint pains & stiffness,nervous disorder & trembling in left arm. General feeling of unspecified neurological disturbance at 5 weeks after photo dynamic therapy with Visudyne injection. DO NOT USE!!!!

I am 33 and I had my 5th PDT with Visudyne and I also had an Avastin shot immediately after. I completely lost my sight for 5 minutes which was scary but I felt that having the two drugs together worked better than in the past. I was in alot of pain for 2 days but I felt that I recovered faster than after my previous treatments. I don't think my vision is improved but I think there is less leaking in my eye.