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Generic Name: vincristine

Brand Name: vincristine intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Chemotherapy. Administered in hospital

I had to be taken off of this med, because my feet were freezing, and then they would be hot to the touch. that was 11 yrs ago and they are still that way.They hurt and are numb at times.

Ten years ago at the age of 15/16 I received Vincristine as part of my chemotherapy program to treat a Ewing's Sarcoma variant on my rib. The treatment lasted for a year. I am, it seems, fully recovered from the cancer, though I maintain that I am still suffering from the side effects of Vincristine. Whilst receiving the drug I experienced chronic and often severe join pain, in particular in my jaw, and in my ankles, the latter meaning I was unable to kneel or to sit still for more than a minute or so. I have put three stars for satisfaction as I appear to be cured. However, my joints and circulation have never been the same since I was on Vincristine. Various doctors claim that the side effects are temporary, but I still suffer from chronic joint pain, 'cracking' joints (and joints that need to be cracked), tingling, and cold hands and feet; albeit far less severly than when I was on the drug. Sometimes the elbow joint in my left arm locks itself painfully and is only relieved when the joint eventually 'cracks'. I am aware that there could be many other reasons for these symptoms, but it is interesting that they were absent before I was given Vincristine. Though ultimately Vincristine helped save my life, I wish there was a cure for my discomfort.

I had T cell lymphoma on my face in 1994 & was treated with Vincristine. I'm 79 years old.. I wante dto give blood but They would not except me due to my past condition.

I have been on chemotherapy for several months, including Vincristine, Adriamycin, Cytoxin and Retuxin. About a week after my fifth of the six rounds I have been administered I woke one morning with severe problems speaking. Today I was diagnosed with paralysis of my left volcal chord. Since one of the side effects of Vincristine is peripheral neuropathy, which I have experienced, is it possible that this condition is a previously unknown side effect?

It has caused joint pain and jaw pain and constipation. Right after she gets it she is very tired and after long term use she has a foot droping nerve sensations tingling in her feet and fingers.

I have Hodgkin Lymphoma and a cardiac condition so my oncologist suggested this as part of my treatment. I have a port and would recommend that to anyone who needs this. I do have numbness in the fingertips but that seems to fade after I go off the drug.

At first really weak and sick but as the time goes by and you recieve more of the med you feel a little better