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Generic Name: zaleplon

Brand Name: Sonata oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Interestingly enough my situation is kinda different. I was bullied throughout elementary to middle school and now in junior year in HS, I am extremely anxious, hypervigilant and depressed. I take Paxil, Ativan, and now Sonata. This all began when last month i came home from school freaking out because some boy called me a nasty name and the bullying started up again. My parents couldn't get me to calm down so they brough me to the ER in which our GP met us there. I was hysterical and the doctor gave me iv ativan which calmed me down in minutes, in order to tell him what was going down. Apparently I wasn't sleeping either due to my anxiety and depression and terrible school experience. He sent me home with Sonata to fall asleep with. My mother stayed in my room as i took the sonata and immediately fell asleep after feeling this calm feeling. I stayed asleep a long time, til 9am the next morning. We went to the GP and he prescribed the ativan and Sonata to help me out during this time. I am working with a therapist and guidance counselor at school and feel much more calmer. I think the other kids see that in me and have backed off. I am so lucky to have found sonata. It's been almost a month now and nothing stops me from an 8 hr sleep. I have been taking ativan and sonata after studying at night and i watch tv after taking it and i feel so calm that none of the prior bullying effects me anymore. Then i turn off tv and turn out lights and it's LIGHTS OUT for me!!

I had great success with the generic version made by Teva (10 mg, light and dark green capsule). Pharmacy switched to a different manufacturer (navy capsule), and this version is awful for me. It's like the company uses caffeine as a filler! I can't take it because it makes me feel wired and I get NO SLEEP. I have gone through withdrawal because I was told that neither the brand name Sonata nor the Teva product is available.

This sleep medicine is horrendous. I have been trying to find a sleep medicine that properly treats my insomnia for over three years now. Normally I have one problem, I still don't fall asleep.. however when my Dr prescribed me this I had horrible reactions. I had a really bad anxiety attack, I was shaking and sweating, I couldn't speak properly, I also threw up. Use with caution!

Another sleepless night. This drug did nothing. Played awake all night. East of time.

Have Parkinson's and used AmbienER for years, but became ineffective. Switched to Sonata a few weeks ago. First few nights got little sleep but Doctor had said I would need to stick with it. Got better and going to stick with it. Easier to fall asleep with it and sleep 4-6 hours. Usually wake up for about 45 minutes but fall back asleep for 3 hours. Very vivid and weird dreams. Helps to not eat for a few hours prior. Like it better than Ambien.

Doctor trying to get me of Ambian that works well if you have to wear a c-pap for breathing. The sonata has little to no effect so I am back to watching the clock for hours trying to sleep with a mask on. Dont waste your time on this drug. Hopefully you can wear your c=pap mask without any drugs .Try smoking a little pot before bed it helps.

works well .

History of awakening around 2 to 4, unable to fall asleep for couple of hours. Sonata worked in 15 to 20 minutes and lasted for 3-4 hours, no hangover. I have used for years.

I loved Sonata. It was the best insomnia med had ever taken (Ambien was literally a nightmare). Such a smooth transition to sleeping that I had not known I had fallen asleep. Felt great the following mornings with no side affects, like I had taken nothing at all and fell asleep on my own.

Everyone is an individual. There is no standard human system. It does great for some, can make things worse for others,

was told to take 1/2 dose and if that didn't work to take the other 1/2, first off it is a capsule, took 1, 4 hours later still now asleep took a second and was still awake 12 plus hours later, would NOT tell anyone to take this!!

Ineffective in helping fall asleep and staying asleep. By the time I finally do fall asleep it is 3-4 hours after I have taken it. I am awake again within 90 minutes then have another 2 hours to finally fall back asleep and I credit that with combining it with an OTC sleep aid called Unisom 12.5 Doxylamine Succinate. Skip,this one and just stick with Ambien. You will build a tolerance to Ambien eventually (which is why I temporarily switched to Sonata 10 mgs and then self adjusted to 20 mgs hoping for an improvement--no such luck). Skip this med.

Have been using for about two weeks. So thats another two weeks without sleep. I am constantly up and down, I can't sleep for longer than a half hour at a time. Didn't work for me

I switched from Ambien CR - which I was taking for about 8 years. The first two nights on Sonata were not good, but then it started working really well. The quality of sleep I get with Sonata is a lot better than the Ambien. I do wake up a little bit in the night on Sonata, however I can fall back to sleep very easily. Also no Ambien hangover which is so refreshing.

I'd been suffering anxiety (separate medication) and chronic insomnia, often not falling asleep until 4 or 5 a.m., when I need to be at work by 9 a.m. Over-the-counter meds did nothing for me. Doctor first prescribed Ambien, but that also seemed to have no effect. Sonata has been the key to getting me to fall asleep within 30 minutes. I cannot believe what a difference it has made for me!

I have chronic insomnia and para-insomnia. The chronic and para-insomnia is genetic in the female (only) line in my family. This medicine did not help me fall asleep at all. In fact, it made me speed as if I was on methamphetamine. If I did get to sleep while on it, it made my para-insomnia even worse. I could walk, talk ,eat, drive and on one occasion, had sex with a total stranger all while sleepwalking. Very dangerous sleep disorder to have to begin with. Do NOT take this medicine if you're a para-insomniac! It actually makes your condition worse.

If you have ever had Hyperthyroidism, there is no sleeping. Zolpidem works but you need 2ea.10mg. However, only allowed 30 per/month. Also sleep walking with Zolpidem. Tried Trazadone, that was brutal, 2 not enough, 3 too much can't walk. Will try Sonata tonite. 2 bags Bigelow Sweet Dreams tea helps as a combo, but you will have to get up to go to the bathroom

Has helped me sleep without side effects. Is the only sleep med that I've taken that hasn't caused side effects. Also doesn't leave me with that "hangover" feeling the next day.

I dont feel anything from it. I even doubled up. Nothing.