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Generic Name: zoledronic acid-mannitol-water

Brand Name: Zometa intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had a Zometa infusion for osteoporosis because of taking Exemestane (estrogen blocker). I had it done by 3:30 pm yesterday and by the early morning I was in excruciating pain in bone and joints! I almost passed out and felt nauseous. I’m still in pain but I will never take that again!!!

I had breast cancer with chemotherapy 3 years ago, and am on estrogen blockers because of the cancer I had. My bone density has decreased, so my Oncologist recommended this medicine. I had the infusion on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning was in severe pain and very dizzy to the point I fainted. I had bad chills and flu like symptoms. It is now Thursday and I am in so much pain I can hardly stand it. My neck, shoulders, hips and knees are so painful. Even some of my toes. I've taken Advil but it isn't helping. I pray I am better tomorrow because this is miserable. Never getting g the infusion again.

Had my first infusion. Did not take Tylenol until the morning after. I hurt bad. Bones and muscles. Misery. Next time I will get Tylenol onboard right after the infusion if not before. I have had chemo in the past. That was like I was sick afterwards. This was pain in the ribs and chest. Holy new misery. Spent day one afterwards. This is day 2, I am short tempered.

Only had one infusion and now can barely get up and down or walk. I am extremely tired and can not form a complete thought. But tbe body aches are horrible. Will not get another infusion.

I've been taking 6 months, (just had 2nd, 6th month infusion), to reduce risk of bone loss due to an anti-hormone drug I take following breast cancer/tumor removal. I'm hoping it's working for I have some joint pain, fatigue, and twice some strange visuals possibly related to not eating for a number of hours.

Now have jaw necrosis. Was getting once a month doses. Now taking nothing for bone strength.

I have HR and HER2 stage IV breast cancer metastasized to my spine. Previously I received a monthly infusion of Xgeva but was required by insurance company to try Zometa instead. The side effects started a few hours after the IV. I experienced bloating, constipation, loss of appetite, severe agitation/irritability, severe insomnia, depression and suicidal thoughts. To this day (1 1/2 months after the first IV), I still struggle with insomnia. These side effects occurred despite drinking lots of water since the IV. This drug is horrible.

How can I rate this drug when I had only one treatment. I took the drug on Friday mid day. I started a headache immediately, then by evening I started to ache all over. The pain was so bad-9/10 it was impossible even to lie down. My acid reflux kicked in. This continued until the morning when I fell asleep. The next day the pain, less intense, was still there but I was exhausted. I spent the whole day in bed, dozing on and off. Today is Sunday I am exhausted and have started a cough.

I got an i.v. drip of this drug ordered by my doctor with no heads up as to what it was or why he ordered it. I was as sick as I've ever been. I was already dehydrated upon administration of the drug. I was sick for a week! There are NO CIRCUMSTANCES in which I'd ever knowingly receive this evil drug.

I could barely walk when stage 3 Multiple Myeloma first showed up. I lost 3.25 inches in height due to compression fractures in my spine. After a year on various chemos, principaly Cytoxin and later, Revlimid, a stem cell transplant, and I.V. Zometa 3mg once a month, I am in remission. I stand up straight, can walk with no problem, have never been sick or had any other side effects. I'm no longer anemic. You would not know I ever had a medial problem unless I told you.

Has destroyed my right lower jaw due to the acid in it Has anyone else experienced these side effects

I have had three infusions to date and no side-effects. It is spread over 30 minutes. No issues.

Flu symptoms and very tired for 5 to 7 days following each monthly treatment.

I need zometa infusions 2 times/yr 4 the next 3 yrs to keep my bones strong & not to get osteoporosis. Had breast cancer 3 yrs ago & need to take Arimidex (estrogen blocker)for 5 yrs as it can cause 10% bone loss. First infusion was 2 months ago. Had slight leg cramps 2 days after infusion nothing further. This has been good to me. Prepping for infusion is critical for minimum SE of infusion! 8-10 glasses of water for 3 full days before infusion and 2 days after. Be proactive & do your research so u know what to expect. Ask drs. lots of questions. I get info from nurses that do the infusions. These people know best not all these sites online. I want others to know most reviews are people unhappy with results & I'm hear to say, trust your Dr. & if you don't have 100% confidence in them, find a Dr. You do; it means everything in your fight to keep surviving!

I had extreme bone pain after the last infusion.

I've been on monthly IV infusions of Zometa since diagnosis 18 months ago. No noticeable side effects except a bit of fatigue the first few months - perhaps due to starting other edications at the same time. No pain whatsoever and still able to exercise 4 km. / day on the treadmill! No complaints whatsoever about this medication.


I hate this medicine. I had 2 treatments with flu like symptoms both times for 4 days. That stunk but I got through it. Now I have lost all feeling in my fingertips and have pressed nerve pain in both arms. Cannot hold even small items. Spilling and dropping everything.

My father is in the emergency room due to this drug. He has no hand or arm function below his elbow. He can even feed himself. This drug is scary.

I had one treatment of Zometa infusion, and I have been sick for 6 days from it. It obviously is much more powerful than I was led to believe. I think the doctor should have given me more information before dispensing this.