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Generic Name: Zolmitriptan

Brand Name: Zomig

Zomig Drug and Medication User Reviews

But side effect specially dizziness and jaw pain are EVERY SINGLE TIME

Totally relieves my migraines normally with one dose but occasionally I will have to take a second dose. My worst side effect from taking Zomig is that my whole body is so sore to the touch after taking it. I am willing to deal with that side effect because it’s less painful than the migraine and more tolerable.

I have been taking Zomig for the past few years to help with my chronic migraines and, providing I take them at the onset, they are usually about 99% effective. The only downside is they cause me awful muscle pains especially in my legs. The pain kicks in literally as the migraine diminishes and lasts for a couple of hours. It's not bad enough to change drugs but it's certainly unpleasant.

I found the relief almost immediate- but I did find that my migraine still hung on, and a second treatment was needed. That said - the initial relief was quick profound. I definitely was pleased to have this option over the Relpax I was using.

I get debilitating migraines following 2 neck surgeries, and I feel like zomig saved my life! My doctor & I had tried several medications & treatments and nothing worked.

I usually wake up around 2 to 4 a.m. With my migraines so there is no "warding them off" with another drug. I, too, have taken every drug imaginable, with varying results. Imitrex injections worked for about 7 years, but I then grew immune to them. Zomig Zmt is my miracle drug. 9.5 times out of 10, one will last me for 24 hours. That's amazing to me! We be had migraines since I was 22 and am now 72. I was old I could outgrow them - ha - don't see that happening!

Have the sublingual tabs. Even if I can't get to the drug when the migraine starts it is still effective with me to take during to help ease symptoms.

This has been my miracle drug for migraines! I could not find relief with any other med. Some reviews mentioned tingling and/or numbness in the hands as a side effect. I experience this as well. However, those that say they would rather have the headache, in my opinion, are NOT having a TRULY debilitating migraine! My migraines get SO bad, I would do anything to make them go away! I sometimes get nauseous and have to stay in bed, in the dark, with ice on my head. Tingling hands?! I'll take those ANY day over excruciating, debilitating pain in my head! I mean, seriously?! The tingling is only TEMPORARY but the migraine is GONE in less than 2 hours!

Zomig is effective for treating migraines once they start, but is not effective as a preventative. I have awful body aches when I take this medication- deep muscle pain and bone/joint pain. I find that taking a couple Aleve with the Zomig typically prevents the muscle and bone/joint pain. Dose: 5mg dissolvable tabs

I have had migraines since age 3 and I'm now 52. I've been on every medication possible. I now take the Zomig inhalers. While it's not a perfect solution, it does allow me to continue to work and function without side effects.

I tried every other medicine for migraine, this is the only one that ever worked

Easy to use, side effect made me sleep all day.and feel achy but t was better then the migraine. I tried ralplex, max salt, and sumatriptan none worked as good. I am also on topamax 200mg a day

My neurologist suggested this medications after immitrex wasn't working for me and my migraines have been really bad. I have been suffering with increased migraines and really bad migraines. She suggested I try this medication before we try Frova. So, far, I have been on this medication for about 6 months with no relief from the medication and my insurance only allows me to get to pills filled at a time so I am always on the phone with my neurologists office calling for a refill of this medication or suffering with a migraine without medication for days until they can call something into the pharmacy for me and I am so disabled by my migraines when I get them!!

My doctor decided to switch me to Zomig. I have migraines 2 times a months lasting sometimes 3-4 days in a row. My insurance would only allow for 4 pills in a month. They made me feel very sluggish. I couldn't take them and work. They didn't help my migraines at all. It was hard trying to make 4 pills lasting all month long. This, medicine did not help me at all. When I went back for my follow up I explained to my doctor the pills were not helping. He told me just keeping trying them. Needless to say. I found a new doctor. She gave me back my Imitrex.

For years I went without knowing my headaches were migraines because I was told that if Imetrix didn't work it wasn't migraines. That was since resolved. Been using the Zomig for more than 10 years now. Very sad because my insurance took it off their medication list. Back at finding a replacement that works and still lets me function.

I had migraines for many years. I tried everything, off the shelves and prescribed. Zomig is the only thing that ever worked for me... but it's so expensive!!! Many years later, I discover that Taurine was the solution for me. Way cheaper and a lot more effective (5 minutes instead of 30 minutes). Also, Taurine is not a drug, it's a natural sulfonic acid.

My insurance company grams this stuff out like crack, I assume because it's so expensive. I've had frequent migraines for about 20 years now and Zomig has been the only thing that works. The only time it didn't work was when my headache was actually meningitis. Otherwise I can count on the migraine being gone within 2 hours. Depending on how far into the migraine I am when I take it, it can sometimes get worse before it gets better. I get at least 10 migraines per month. I take the 5 mg tablets. Started on 2.5 but they weren't near as effective for me. It makes me more tired these days than it used to. Makes my nose cold, makes my joints stiff and sore, and (the worst one for me) makes hot water feel like an acid bath. But I gladly deal with those side effects iver the migraine.

I have had debilitating migraines since my early 20s and tried everything including Imitrex without benefit. Finally was prescribed Zomig which will knock them out in about 30 minutes. What i like about this drug is that is can be taken at any time during the migraine where as the most of the other medications must be taken at the first sign of a migraine. As I have gotten older my migraines have lessened but I still have them occasionally. This medication changed my life so much and I cannot say enough great things about it. When it first came out it was pricey but was a lot cheaper than going to the ER! Please, never take it off the market!!!!

I suffered from classic migraine since I was 12. I tried all of the medications offered through the years with only some relief. In 1997 my doctor prescribed Zomig for me, and I found the magic bullet. It is the only thing that will kill a migraine in the process of happening and, for me, no lingering after affects. I still get a little of the "disorientation" you get the day after, but at least I can function with no pain. Everybody needs to use what works for them. But Zomig has always worked for me, better than anything else.

I've taken Zomig for 20 years now - I have, on average, 21 migraine days a month. I've tried so many meds, including alternative meds, but to no avail. Zomig is the ONLY med that works really well for me with no side effects. My Doctor is only prepared to give me 12 tablets per month because, in the UK, Zomig is not licenced to be used daily. It is thought that overuse of this med causes medication overuse headaches, but I've proved it doesn't by coming off Zomig for 1 month (it was hell to go without), - my headaches did not become less, which would have happened if it had been MOH. In the US, Doctors have prescribed daily use for those patients who do not respond to anything else and have found no side effects in healthy adults. PLEASE AstraZeneca carry out trials and get this licenced for daily use!! My anxiety levels frequently hit high because I'm afraid of running out of Zomig and having nothing else to fall back on and when my migraines start, they wont stop - 8 days is my current record and then I had to visit a clinic and have an injection!