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Generic Name: Abacavir Sulfate, Lamivudine, and Zidovudine

Brand Name: Trizivir

Trizivir Drug and Medication User Reviews

this medication has worked well for me, but my doctor is changing me to Atripla. I am scared to change because I've been taking this a long time. I am hoping the benefits are better. This medication can cause heart disease my doctor told me, so I am changing. My first dose on Atripla was last night and felt a little weird this morning but I feel better this afternoon..

I have been HIV positive for close to 13 years now. I began this medication about 10 years ago. I have been undetectable the whole time and my t-cells have always been between 1000-1600. Incredible!! I would recommend this medication to anyone. In the last couple of appointments I've had, my doctor has recommended that I stop the medication. Reasons include medical standards have changed etc. I quite frankly am terrified to do so. Either way, this medication has been wonderful and obviously doing its intended job.

I have been on this drug for eight years (ten years if you subtract the Ziagen). While I have had the occassional "blip" in viral load (usually 50 copies or so on occassion), this drug combined with Viramune has kept me very healthy. I just stop taking this drug one weak ago at which time my viral load had been undetectable again for the past six months. My t-cells have ranged between 790 and 450 while on this drug. They were recently rebounding from their lowest level when my doc realized that these were the same meds I'd been on since day one. Combine that with some new research that indicates that Trizivir increases heart-attack risk ... and my doc decided to switch me off. Still, a powerful drug with little or no side effects that I ever noticed. I would certainly recommend it!!! Here's to the next ten healthy years.

Using Trizivir for five years now, after early intervention of my HIV infection, I have remained quite healthy. My T-Cells range between 400 and 850, and my viral load remains undetectable.