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Generic Name: trazodone

Brand Name: Desyrel oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

When I fall asleep, it helps me stay asleep and have deeper sleep. I still have plenty of sleepless nights even though I take it regularly. I have to take it with food because it upsets my stomach.

This med is not fast acting. Take it at night only because once it kicks in, you will be out cold all night. Hated the groggy feeling in the morning, like a hangover. It was prescribed for nerve pain, not depression, and it didn't interact too well with Mobic I was taking for osteoarthritis. Within a few days, both ankles and feet swelled up and were more painful than my original pain I was taking the med for! Doctor had me go off it right away. Feeling a lot better without it.

Trazodone was prescribed to help with nerve pain, making it difficult for me to sleep at night. Well, it knocks you out, but sneaks up on you, takes about an hour and a half. I slept soundly, but woke up and stayed groggy several hours. Less than a week after I started taking it, my ankles and feet swelled up. This hurt more than the original pain I was prescribed for! Went off it, and it took a few days for the swelling to go down. I'm more clear headed too. Stay clear of this one. And I'm one to not usually have any reactions. Oh, gave me carb cravings.

This drug is POISON to your system. After only taking one dose, I have had 3 days of nausea, headache, extreme dizziness, and weakness in my legs. Never take this drug, it could kill you. I took a 50 mg dose and am a healthy 65 year old, waiting and praying for it to leave my system. The doctors that prescribe this poison ought to be forced to take it themselves

This medication has done wonders for me. Not only does it help with my depression, it helps me get to sleep.I have been on 300mg for 8yrs and have had no problems.

very good,wake up abit groggy at frist

Has been a consistent aid with little side effects.

I've been taking this for 11 years after a bout of a week or more insomnia. I began with 50 ml and it worked great. It began loosing its affect after 4-5 years. So my Dr. Bumped me to 100 ml. It quit working as we'll several months ago so I decided to ween myself off of it. Big mistake! After many days of tryingHalcyon, Ambien, etc. I increased my dosage of Desryl to 150 and Eureka! I have had two good nights sleep in a row.

i have tried every drug out there for sleep and for insomnia (ambien, lunesta, benadryl) and the only thing that totally knocks me out is trazadone (desyrel). I have been taking it for many years and the effectiveness is still great now as it was 10 years ago. I wake up with no side effects like ambien or valium BUT it only lasts for 4-5 hours when I have to wake up and take the other half of a 300 mg pill but I don't care - what works works and I will never change what is not broken

Why is stuff like this prescribed for people with FMS..FIBROMYALGIA who already have muscle pain, this drug causes MUSCLE PAIN. You just doubled my pain level. I am not depressed, FMS makes your muscles so painful you can't find a spot that does not hurt to sleep on. You add in OA/OP and there is no spot that is not painful to sleep on. Selenium 100 mg at night seems to work far better, no side effects. Better than Melatonin.

I've had severe trouble falling and staying asleep do to GAD, and Severe Pain. I don't do well with 99.9% of anti-depressants. This drug however, has been a life saver for me I get a good nights sleep and am rested in the a.m. I take 400mgs at night and have had zero side effects for over 3 years.

Trazodone is the devil in disguise! This drug was LIFE CHANGING, and I do not mean for the better. I was prescribed 50 mg at night because I had insomnia. (no depression, just insomnia). I took the first pill that night, and the next day I was dizzy. All day. (dizzy is actually an understatement- there were times I could not drive it was that bad). I started to have anxiety. And it only got worse and worse. SEVERE anxiety, 24/7, dry mouth which caused no appetite, I lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks, constant crazy thoughts, I WAS NOT THE SAME PERSON! (I took it for 8 days total) It has been FIVE WEEKS since I stopped and the dizziness is JUST NOW starting to subside a little, and it's going very slowly. The anxiety started to improve last week, so that would be 4 weeks of severe anxiety this drug caused me. The drug is out of your bloodstream by 48 hours, however, I am living proof that it stays in your brain for quite some time. I do not know how people take this drug and function normally. It has forever changed me, I will always be cautious from now on what prescriptions I put into my body. I DO NOT recommend this drug to anyone!!

I have not started yet because I want to read about it first.

I was prescribed this drug as a sleep aid following detox from alchohol use. After one week of use, I began having dizzy spells, low blood pressure, nausea, and general disorientation. I've stopped using this drug and use an herbal tea instead. :)

I have only taken 1/2 of the pill, and it help me sleep for awhile, I just wanted to know more about this Medication.

This is the only med that has been effective for me to get a full night's rest for six years straight! I started at 100mg and am down to 50 mg. I attribute this success to the anxiety relief it provides, as well as the fairly fast effects. Please note, for max effectiveness, an established routine works best as far as what time to go to sleep, and you have to have a light snack with this-but other than that, easy to use. Just don't skip doses and always carry with you if you might not be at home-I can't sleep well without it. I'm sure this varies amongst others that might be on other meds that cause drowsiness.

Menopause has brought on sleeplessness, alittle anxiety and hot flashes. My 50mg pill has helped all of these. I haven't been taking it long, though. I hope the benefits last. With a good night sleep, I have a lot more energy and happiness throughout the day - yippee!! The reviews are incredibly mixed - Trazedone results seem to be very individual. I also love that it's only $4 a month at Walmart since I don't have prescription coverage!

The only thing I don't like is that if I take my pills to sleep they work very well however, If Im woken up no matter how long i slept whether it was 20 minutes ot a few hours, once I get up I cannot go back to sleep

not effective yet

long term use has proven now ineffective . Now need to stop but with difficulty r/t anxiey and nevvousness when weaning .I started this med when with a major depression , now past . It is effecting my hypotension . any sugestions "