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Generic Name: Acetaminophen, Caffeine and Dihydrocodeine Bitartrate

Brand Name: Trezix Capsules

Trezix Drug and Medication User Reviews

It has removed the edge off my pain level but doesnt remove the pain. It makes me have crazy dreams when I take it that dont make sense.

I was put on this for compressed nerves in my neck. My very first dose made me feel horrible! I felt sedated but at the same time very anxious, my crotch felt like I was sitting on an ice pack, didnâ??t help my pain at all. Killer headache once it wore off as well.

lower back pain, have had many treatments, within 3 doses of trezix has helped, a lot, even helped the numbness in my foot

Trezix has provided minimal relief from pain resulting from foot surgery. Once nerve block wore off, trezix is not really helping. Told to increase from 1 tab to 2 tabs/6 to 8 hrs. No difference. Still feeling burning, throbbing pain. Sleep interrupted due to pain. No adverse side effects. No relief. Taking Trezix for 5 days. Never again.

I have been taking this medication for several times a day, for over a week now and have not experienced any of the side effects everyone else is complaining about. I started taking this after 12 knee surgeries, and having nerve pain. I didn't want to take the addictive narcotics I was on anymore, so they switched me to this. I find it to relieve pain, but for a VERY short time. Within a half hour of the pain lessening, it's back, so I don't really find this effective. I'm glad that I don't have the side effects others are experiencing...however, I already have a high heart rate and muscle spasms from other conditions and am taking medication to stop them, so perhaps that is why i am not experiencing the side effects. Either way, it is not helping with the pain I was hoping that it would.

giving it a try in place of hydrocodone, on day 2 makes me very sleepy, not doing much for pain. have a impingement in my neck causing back and shoulder pain on a daily basis.

I took this med for a migraine. It is very effective for my headaches.

It was fully effective for severe ankle/feet pain(oestoarthritis) for 2 full days on just 1 lowest dose capsule. I did recognize all 3 components, which had been what worked in the past,BUT at the 5mg Hydro/325 mg Acetometophine level, only. This had 16.1 mg Hydro. That does not cause me to sleep, but be more alert. No sleep at all for 1-1/2 days. Felt like brain was buzzing, heart rate high, likely blood pressure high. Did not feel like throwing up until the next day. Steady headache for 2 days following, dizziness the next day. On alert to have someone take me to ER if needed. Finally did sleep for 12 hours about 8pm-8am the second day. Still sluggish 3 days later. On the list never to take again for me.

I took the medicine for the first time when I got home from the rheumatologist and pharmacy Tuesday evening (2 days ago). The pain was gone and had no issues with stomach even with my IBS; taken on an empty stomach. My only complaint, I have only had around 6 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. The first evening I took the medication around 7:45 and fell asleep around 4:00 a.m. then turned around and woke up at 5:30 a.m. The second day, I took the medication around 3:00 p.m. and fell asleep around 10:30 p.m. but woke up at 4:00 a.m. and could not fall back asleep. I am hoping that I will be able to finally sleep.

Worked like magic

Within 30 taking this med I had stomach cramps which were very severe. These lasted about an hour. Nothing indicated that I needed to take with food. Will never take again.

Trevix was somewhat effective for treatment of nerve pain in my neck radiating into my head; however, the meager and brief pain relief was not worth the horrible side effects. It caused rapid, irregular heartbeat, shakiness, and stomach discomfort, even spasms. I took the lowest dose at 8:00 am; but it still caused insomnia that night.

I took this medication for a severe headache...only to feel like I was not apart of this world. After a short time period, nausea was bad.....then getting sick even worse. OMG,,,I just wanted to get rid of this headache.

I had nasal polyps removed and the surgeon put me on this. Although I am not allergic to any medicences, the caffiene kept me awake for 3 hours, no rest and therefore irritable. Irritibility is one of the warnings, also don't take with swelling which is exactly what is causing the pain. Taking if with food, but at lunch, had banana, choc chip cookies, two diet cokes because they tasted good and then this pill with lots of caffiene, I got very dizzy, but of course, could not rest as I was wired. Finally crashed. My wife came in from shopping, asked about the ceiling fan, and if I were feeling better, I would have probably ripped it out of the ceiling.

So far it gives me some relief I just started taking it and I am not seeing that big of a change.

Works well for pain but seems to be causing nausea after taking

I take this for migraines and back and neck pain. It makes the pain tolerable but doesnt take it away completely. Doesn't give you the drunk affect or make you sleepy.