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Generic Name: anakinra

Brand Name: Kineret subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was put on kineret because I have had severe side effects from other biological and dmard. This medicine gave me such bad reaction that my whole body was in pain and I had gigantic welts everywhere that severely itches and burned!

After diagnosis of adult onset Still's disease, I tried Placquenil, Methotrexate and Enbrel and had no relief. Another specialist insisted I tried Kineret, as he defined Still's disease as an IL-1 condition. Upon starting Kineret, I had relief from fevers and joint pain within 24 hours. I have taken it for several years and resumed normal life. If I am late with a dose or miss a day, I am rapidly in extreme pain and have a high fever.

After numerous failed treatments, I was put on Kineret since it is one of the safer drugs without cardiovascular disease risks. With a strong family history of cardiovascular disease I am unable to take several of the DMARD's that up the risk of heart disease. Kineret has not been as good for me as Enbrel, but Enbrel has heart disease risks, but it does help me to keep going. I still struggle a lot with fatigue, but the pain is more manageable then with the other drugs I've tried. Problem I have with Kineret and all of the immunosuppressant drugs is the ability to keep taking them on a continuous basis because I have very small children who tend to bring a lot of colds home from school. As with all the RA drugs, if you are around someone who is ill you really need to stop the medications to prevent becoming deadly sick. Kineret is effective at relieving the inflammation & pain when I'm able to take it on a continuous basis along with methotrexate & hydroxychloroquine.

Was diagnosed with adult onset stills disease using kineret have had very little side effects with kineret symptoms I do have are mild easy to inject

I was diagnosed with Stills disease a year ago. I was prescribed Remicade every 4 weeks with no results. I was then taken off Remicade and started Kineret. It is a miracle drug for me. I have a little stiffness in my fingers and lower back which is much better than being in pain from head to toe 24/7.

I have Adult Onset Still's Disease and have been on Kineret for 3 weeks.After 2 injections it was like a miraculous healing. All my symptoms of the disease went away,joint pain, sore throat, rash, and fever.However, I had to stop the injections because it caused severe itching, brain fog, and injection site rash. I was told by the makers that no one had ever reported brain fog.I am back to having pain and only wish I could still use it.

I take Kineret every other day for Schnitzler's Syndrome. It has changed my life.....no hives, fevers, or joint pain!

Since I am allergic to Enbrel , I have had to take Kineret. I believe Kineret does not work as well as Enbrel - PLUS you have to inject EVERY day. I will soon have surgery. The doc. tells me to stop Kineret 3 days before surgery and stay off until the wound has healed completely.

I was part of an efficacy study 9 yrs ago. This drug has taken me from approaching disability to being virtually asymptomatic. After 5 yr. of daily injections (100mg)I was able to go to M-W-F for 6 mo. then T-TH for 6 mo. Then 3 yrs. ago I stopped taking it altogether. I am still asymptomatic except for very slight joint pain in middle two fingers or right hand.

I have used this medicine a little over a year and it has changed my life completely. I suffer from FCAS which is very painful and debilitating. My insurance company reports that it will probably not pay for this drug after December. I do not know what I will do. I can not live without it.

I was DX about 6 years ago with adult onset Stills disease ( a form of RA). Was on Enbrel for the first few years. Enbrel keep me functional and able to preform at my job but there was still significant pain & I was very limited in my abilities. I've been on Keneret for almost the last 3 years & could not be happier. I have very little limitations an more. I've gone mountaineering, backpacking, and many other demanding activities. The daily injections can be a pain but it is well worth the freedom it gives me.

I've had Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis since I was 15, i've been on Enbrel and I was sore all the time so my doctor put me on Kineret and the results are amazing. I've been using it for about 6 years and I never have flare ups or sore joints. The only problem that I have is it does not help my fatigue, I have very little energy. But My joints are almost back to normal. Doing an injection everyday is an inconvenience but nothing else has controlled my pain as well, I don't even have to take any other medication with it.

I had a very severe reaction to this medicine. My whole body hurt. Afterwards I developed 3 blood clots in my lungs. I reported this to the makers of Kineret, but they told me I was the only person to experience this problem. My Doctor took me off from it immediately and the physical pain went away, but I still have trouble with my blood now.