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Generic Name: Hydrochlorothiazide and Triamterene

Brand Name: Dyazide

Dyazide Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have bilateral Meniere's disease. My neurotologist prescribed generic Dyazide (Triamterine HCTZ). I've taken it for 15 years, 37.5 mg once a day. I believe that it does decrease the severity of hydrops, although it certainly isn't a cure. Problem is, at age 68, my blood pressure has been dropping pretty low and I've been very lightheaded, so my primary doc told me to stop taking it. I've been off of it for about a month, and I'm having an increase in Meniere's symptoms--dizziness, brain fog, etc. I've decided to take it 2-3 times a week instead of daily. It's frustrating!

I have taken this drug for several years with no problems but recently it has started giving me severe leg cramps like charley horses. It is excruciating, I checked it out by not taking it for several days, no cramps. Today I took one and the cramps are terrible. 3:00 am and I cant lie down with out cramping.

intermittent nausea

My hair had natural curl/wave before I began taking this drug. The hair changed to straight after taking this drug, when stopped the natural curl/wave returned.

I thought I was going to die one night I couldn't make it to my phone to dial 911 and fainted on the stairs before dry heaving for about half hour. Dizzy, weakest I have ever felt and I am 30 years old about an hour after making it to sleep on the bathroom floor I felt a little better and stopped taking it. after a day of rest I was feeling better. Scary experience.

Are there any cases of skin cancer from using this drug for a prolonged period of time?

I have no side effects and it keeps my bp under control.

Along with a beta blocker, this medication keeps my blood pressure in check.

Occasional light headed when arising in the morning.

about 2wks ago started feeling muscle aching in upper arms from mild 2 severe! thought it was from cutting wood.the aching went from upper arms down 2 finger tips with arms feeling weak & heavy. never going away! 1-10...NEVER below 5! tolerable 2 tears!! researched drug...contacting family doc in AM 2 have potassium level checked 2 rule that problem out! i have NO other health problems! im VERY healthy! walk 2-3xdaily go 2 curves & gym. DONT drink smoke on NO other drugs. been on DYAZIDE Feb 10th 2yrs.

About ten days ago, I was prescribed dyazide (generic form) for Meniere's Disease and fluid in ear. I am feeling increased dizziness, some pressure in ear and unsteady at times. I also take 20 mg of Celexa and wonder if there is a bad reaction. My past experience is that doctor's think we exaggerate the side effects, so I just might discontinue the dyazide for a week at see what happens.

I was perscribed this drug for Menieres disease. The first few days were tough, (dizziness, frequent urination), but then I felt better. Beginning the 2nd week, I stopped sleeping. Dr. said it wasn't the drug and said I should go to GP. After 3 weeks of ot sleeping and feeling really hyper, I stopped taking it. Within hours, I felt better and have been sleeping like a baby since. However, I did experience extreme dizziness for the first 3 days off of the drug. He is now going to put me on another diuretic and I really dread it as the side effects (in writing) appear even worse than this one. I will, however, try it for 1 week, but won't put myself through the 3 weeks of problems again. I am so very tired of drs. who don't seem to have a clue as to the side effects of the drugs they perscribe and want to deny that you may actually have the correct answer to what is causing the new symptom. I trust what my body is telling me and will continue to follow my instincts in order to take care of myself.

Dyazide did lower my blood pressure but not without side effects. I had developed an itchy scalp shortly thereafter, but thinking it was topically related, switched hair products, tried diffent creams, oils, etc. Nothing helped but it continued to worsen. Finally I decided it must be something I was taking. Since Dyazide/HCTZ is the only drug I take, thought I would quit taking it for a few days and see what happens. So far, the itching has subsided, gets better with each day I am not taking the Dyazide. By the way I take the generic form since my insurance refuses to pay for the name brand.

Blood pressure moderately high

I think I'm allergic to it - within hours of taking it, I developed tachycardia, BP skyrocketed, and I feared a stroke. Threw out the bottle and told the doctor. (The goal had been to eliminate the need for a potassium supplement, as I'd been taking Indapamide - went back on the old stuff, and all is well)

I am taking Dyazide to relieve symptoms of Meniere's disease. Dyazinde, in combination with a low salt/no caffeine diet have been very effective in treating symptoms.

i accidentally took this medication, i took two, and want to know what are the side effects

I have experienced dizzyness, malaise, fatigue and an overall weakness.