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Generic Name: Amitriptyline for Pain (amitriptyline)

Amitriptyline for Pain Reviews

"Scared to death of taking it, but broke tabs in half to 5 mg in order to increase the dose slowly. I have developed a bit of chronic tooth pain, so I'm taking it for pain. Took it at 7 pm and felt mildly sedated by 11 pm. Actually didn't sleep well, but I think I was on high alert for the side effects, which didn't happen. A bit groggy in the morning, but nothing special that I can't deal with. I think the way to go is to build up if you are scared of meds like me. I wrote this to encourage others to try the medicine because I am as scared as anyone to take drugs like this."

"I have been on Amitriptyline for only 5 days for chronic low back and leg pain that has plagued me for years, to the point of sleep and work-related disruptions. I've popped a zillion painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Now taking only 10 mg of this medicine at night, no other medicines, and I feel better than I have in years, am virtually pain-free, and feel very energetic. I'd say it's a miracle. I wish it had been prescribed years ago."

"I suffered with extreme leg pain for two years only when I was lying down. I was on Panadol (No good) then Tramadol (No good). I had so many sleepless nights or nights where I had to sleep sitting up. I was fine walking around but the moment I laid down, the pain started. My doctor put me on Amitriptyline 10mg and after a week of being on it, I have had no pain at all and sleep all night. I have been on it for just over a year. Happy person."

"I've been on this medicine for a week now, and it's changed my life. I have been suffering with chronic nerve pain, severe depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and borderline personality disorder for a very long time. Now I am sleeping well, feeling cheery, no suicidal thoughts, anger, less pain, no anxiety, or obsessions. It's a miracle, to alleviate pretty much all of my issues and I'm only on 10-20 mg at night. No side effects."

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I have been on Elavil for 7 months now. I take 20mg every night for severe pain in my shoulders, arms, and neck and also for depression. It's the best thing I have taken and I have tried loads of medicine but none have worked. I also couldn't sleep, but now I don't have pain. I am a lot calmer, and I have never slept as well. I haven't put weight on either. It's the best tablet that I have been on."

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I have been experiencing tremendous constant pain in my right arm and shoulder caused by multiple sclerosis nerve pain. I've never experienced such pain before. Not being able to sleep for 5 days, a doctor recommended that I take Elavil. I've only taken it for 2 days, but I did sleep almost 6 hours last night with little pain. I'm confident that this is going to save my sanity and help with the nerve pain. So far, very happy."

"I have been on 50mg a night for 18 years. I suffered nerve damage to my forehead after a head injury and would suffer from chronic headaches which were so bad that I had to go to a dark room and try to sleep, as no amount of painkillers would help. Eventually, nerve damage was diagnosed and I was put on amitriptyline. It is a life changer for me. No more headaches, and I can enjoy life again."

Elavil (amitriptyline) "This medicine is AMAZING for pain. I have trigeminal neuralgia and I take it at night. It gives you a calm feeling and makes you not care about the pain. I just had my dose doubled, and it takes a few days to get used to the medicine and/or new levels, and the higher dose knocked me out for literally two days, just like when it was first prescribed. But I can't rave about it enough."

Elavil (amitriptyline) "This was prescribed to me years ago in the late 1980s for pain, insomnia, and stress. It was a blessing for me - being able to sleep, no more pain, and stress diminished. I slowly stopped taking it after being on it for three years with no problems after that. I was going through a lot of stress in my life - deaths, empty nest, break ups, job changes, etc."

"I started taking amitriptyline 10mg on 1st Jan 2019. Initially, I slept 12 hours a night, had weird dreams, and was groggy and a little dizzy. This passed, though, after a couple of months. I have now been on it for 4 months and still sleeping well. It helps with pain and has helped with menopause and watery eyes too. Initially, I put on about 8 lbs, but now I am losing it again as I feel so much better and have lots of energy. My only regret is I didn’t start taking it 10 years ago. My advice: persevere as you get used to it and it will help."

"After 16 years of back pain, I've had every medication and treatment possible - even holistic - and NOTHING has worked. I am three weeks into taking 20mg of this and already feel blessed! Pain is almost gone, head feels happier, and I feel positive I can get back to keeping fit at last! Amen to Amitriptyline!"

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I use Elavil for fibromyalgia, and it has worked wonders for my sleep issues. My overall quality of life has dramatically increased simply because I am able to get the sleep I so needed, and it's helping with depression/anxiety. It works better than Ambien. My dose now is only 50 mg, so glad I tried this medicine. I am very scared of antidepressants due to a horrible reaction from Cymbalta, but Elavil is an older medication, and its chemical makeup is different than most of the newer SSRIs. I went from sleeping on average of 4 to 5 hours a night, now I can sleep 10 without ever waking up—literally something I haven't been able to do in 5 years. This medicine is the best medicine for me, and I've tried everything out there as I have had Fibro for 8 years."

"I have suffered with excruciating pain in my toes for 3 years almost. Suicidal pain was so bad. Codeine had no effect. A new doctor put me on 10mg of amitriptyline. Wow, what a result! No pain and I am sleeping and feeling much better."

"So you live in horrible pain and I was since 1988. Since 1988! 29 years of agony. Endless worthless 'specialists'. I cannot tell you this unless the 'broken neck' (as I call it, that's how it felt). I need you to understand how it was. I would have chosen cancer over this endless pain. I read about amitriptyline for pain. I said let's try amitriptyline. Quietly and without fanfare, this drug came to me. My pain is completely gone. If you have endless pain, ask your doctor to give you this drug."

"I have had severe pain in my stomach for the last 5-6 years. Sometimes the pain was so bad I could not even move in my own bed. I started this medication after I was told that I have a nerve disorder. I am so pleased to say I have not felt any pain in over 7 days! Not only am I not in pain but I am sleeping so much better! I can also wake up easier and I feel less stressed. This medicine is amazing and it has saved me from more years of pain!"

Endep (amitriptyline) "10mg used to provide a pain-free night's sleep. I have a pinched sciatic nerve. After cortisone injection under general anesthetic, I experienced cramps that disturbed my sleep. This medicine is now giving me a good night's sleep, and I wake refreshed in the morning."

"I suffered with chronic pain for about seven years. Went to many specialists who told me either nothing was wrong or I had fibromyalgia. I tried all medications out there for pain, muscle relaxers, antidepressants, and medication for epilepsy. As well as meds for fibro. Nothing helped. Finally, I found a new neurologist who put me on a combination of Amitriptyline and Prozac. I am on both the smallest doses. It has been a miracle for my pain. I wish I would have known about this 7 years ago. My biggest problem with it is weight gain like 13 pounds. My diet has not changed and I took up running. But no weight comes off. I guess I would rather have less pain and be a little overweight than skinny and in tons of pain."

Endep (amitriptyline) "I am taking Endep 100mg at night for nerve pain in my lower left leg and the outer side of my right leg. The nerve pain was intolerable, and I was seriously suicidal. I have been on Endep, Baclofen, and Epilim for 7 years and can now enjoy my life so much more. The downside is loss of libido and dry mouth, but without Endep, I could not enjoy my life at all."

Endep (amitriptyline) "My doctor prescribed this as my pain from arthritis was constantly waking me up every night. From day 1, it has enabled me to get a full night's sleep. I will keep taking it, as nothing else has worked. It does not, in any way, interfere with daily work—a godsend."

"I was prescribed this medication for insomnia and depression. I suffer from lupus, Hashimoto's disease, fibromyalgia, CFS, and C-PTSD. I've been on it for about four weeks. I've noticed a significant drop in pain on many days than not. I sleep a solid eight to nine hours a night. I've noticed that I'm calmer, but I'm on a very low dose of 10mg, but will request an increase. I also hope to drop my narcotic pain medication intake to zero if this continues to work as well as it has. Getting sleep is a major issue and one that cannot be undermined when considering the elements that contribute to chronic illness of any kind. This is amazing. Dry mouth and nighttime vertigo during the first few weeks of use."

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I started taking this medicine 4 months ago for my nerve pain in low dose of 10 mg twice a day and maybe a bit for depression. It does not help at all for the pain but it does help to fall asleep faster and for my mood."

"I can't believe that after 3 years of severe widespread neuropathic pain of unknown origin, I am sleeping 8-10 hours and have had total pain reduction from about an 8 at worst to now a 1.5. I've only been on 10 mg at night for 3 days. I hope it's not coincidence or placebo effect. A bit drowsy and had a dizzy spell today. But completely worth it. I'm falling asleep faster now. My mood seems to be more calm as well. I hope to get off of oxycodone now."

Endep (amitriptyline) "I am 37 years old. I started getting headaches at 13, from what I can remember. I went on day to day, year after year. When I was 26, I was put in hospital with all the drugs. Well, I was getting headaches monthly, bad ones. I couldn’t even handle light. As the years went on, I got them once every 6 months, putting me in the hospital. Then they started coming on every couple of months, then once a month, all the way down to 3 a week. By this stage, my face was numb. I couldn’t talk or walk. I could not have any light, losing memory. About 3 months ago, I went to a brilliant doctor and I couldn’t see, so I needed help going there and walking to him. He said to me, 'have you heard of ENDEP?' I have taken my Endep every night since for over 3 months now. And only had two very, very small headaches. I’ve been given a second chance at life. I’m very grateful. I thank my doctor so very much."

"I had exhaustion, roving pains, burning eyes, and tummy troubles for 5 months and it was starting to interfere with my daily life. We did blood work and ultrasounds but nothing showed. The doctor decided to try amitriptyline. The first few days I experienced dry mouth and random prickly sensations. That went away and I was left with slight constipation, and a near constant craving sensation, but... I am 3 weeks into it now and even though I'm not exactly back to 'normal', I do have a happier outlook, more of my playful self, and I'm kinda 'detached' from my pain. I dream more, but sleep more soundly. I do feel it 'hit' me about half an hour after I take it but it's not enough of an effect to knock me out or anything though. Overall, I am very happy with the results so far. I take 10mg between 8 and 9 pm (any later and it's a bit too hard to wake up in the morning). I'm very happy we tried this and I'm hopeful that it will continue to improve my daily life."

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I took Elavil 100 mg for migraines and sleep back in the 90s. Wow, it solved my problems. I quit taking it, and now I'm on 200 mg for sleep and neuropathy from diabetes, sleep, and stress. I take other medicines. I'm not healed, just no more pain. Sometimes I fall asleep, and other times I just breeze through the day. Elavil helps with many medical problems. I don't like the new medicines. The old medicines work best for me."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: tricyclic antidepressants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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Elavil, Vanatrip

Professional resources

  • Amitriptyline monograph
  • Amitriptyline (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Chronic Myofascial Pain
  • Burning Mouth Syndrome