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Generic Name: Synjardy XR (empagliflozin-metformin)

Synjardy XR Reviews

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Been on Synjardy XR for 1 week & 2 Days The first week I was told to take 1 tab a day for 7 days & yesterday was the 1st time I increased to taking 2 pills per day. My AC1 is a little over 8 & the Dr is trying to get it down to @ least 6. Samples given along with a prescription card. Dr said it would lower the cost. My ins. doesn't cover Synjardy XR & it costs $500 a month. A few days later I remembered about the card my Dr gave me. I called the pharmacy with card info & it went through. Costing me now $20 a month & the card is good for 1 year. On the first week really no side effects, I maintained the same weight all week. When I had to take 2 pills day, that's a different story. I better stay close to the bathroom until my body adjusts. Aside from being thirsty & having to urinate a lot, I have felt a few lows to the point where I get dizzy. Magnesium helps dizziness. I advise anyone who can't afford the Prescription to go to the website & see if you can get 1 of those prescription cards from their site."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Third day taking this Synjardy XR I was feeling short of breath, dizzy, pain in belly. Doctor said to skip the evening dose. The next morning I couldn't stop vomiting. Blood sugar was in the 110s, rose to 180s. My feet, hands, and lips turned purple. In the ER, the triage nurse, upon hearing the medication I'd recently started, yelled out to get me on the list for an ICU room. (During Covid-19 pandemic) I was hospitalized for 5 days. ER doctor stated I was the 3rd patient that week who went in to Euglycemic Ketoacidosis who was on SYNJARDY XR! He says prior to this medication, DKA was usually seen in patients with blood sugars in the 600s, not 100s. My body chemistry was "not compatible with life." I've had three doctors state it was 100% the medication that caused me to almost lose my life. Now I'm in physical therapy. Unable to work. Wish I had gotten a 2nd opinion before starting this medication! It turned my life upside down. Prior to this, HbA1c was 6.9"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I was on metformin 1000mg 2 times a day and that was able to manage my A1c to between 5.8 to 6.2. I then had a cardiac event, 90% LAD blockage and a subsequent stent. Then was placed on Synjardy. I have lost 8 Lbs in 8 weeks without any real effort and BG control is really good. Haven't had new a1c Yet. No real side effects. The first work day I felt I had a low BG, I didn't have my meter however I had some oatmeal with brown sugar and felt fine in about 20 minutes I have my meter with me at work now and BG will get to low 80's, high 70's before lunch...Nothing wrong with that."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "After being on Metformin ER for a number of years, and my numbers creeping up, my doctor suggested Synjardy XR. I agreed to try it, but was very apprehensive, esp., after reading about the serious side effects. Fatal gangrene of the genitals and perineum anyone? OMG could anything be worse! My doctor assured me those side effects were quite rare. After only 2 weeks, I ended up with a serious UTI. No way, no how and no thanks! Tossed them straight in the bin!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I was taking a dose of 2000mg of Metformin a day for several years. About 6 months ago my A1C went from 6.7 to 9. I was having severe fatigue and constant stomach pain and diarrhea. After extensive blood and stool tests were negative, my doctor added Synjardy XR 12.5 /1000 once a day. Four days later I was rushed to the hospital with severe dehydration and keto acidosis from diarrhea and vomiting. I have never been so sick in my life! After two days and nights of fluid in the hospital I came home and threw those samples away. I did loose 20 lbs though."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "So far it has been amazing in helping reduce blood sugar levels. For me, no side effects (maybe a little more tired throughout the days, perhaps a b12 vitamin could help. Been on this new med from just metformin for 2 months now and down 15+ lbs too. Hope I get to where I'm off meds all together and maintain things..."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "My doctor gave me a coupon for a 14 day free trial of Synjardy. Previously I had been on 1500 mg of metformin and he wanted to get my A1C down to 6 or 7 from 8. Well, the first day I took it, I felt horrible. So tired I slept on the couch. Felt weak, nauseous, had major abdominal pain. Took it for 3 more days, each day with the same horrible side effects. I thought I was getting sick with the flu or something, but then read the Synjardy product information Every side effect I had was listed. Stopped taking the drug and felt absolutely fine again. I wish I could take it, but it made me feel absolutely horrible."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started taking Synjardy XR a couple of months after being diagnosed with type 2. Nine months later, my kidney function had declined substantially. Perhaps it is a coincidence, but the decline in eGFR and increasing macroalbuminuria started exactly when I started taking Synjardy XR. Pharma promotes that the drug may help slow kidney disease, but then they advise that anybody with kidney disease should stop taking it once your kidney function is compromised to a certain level. It makes no sense. No, thank you. I’m going to stop taking it and see what happens. I am still taking insulin and Mounjaro. Just make sure your doctor can explain to you how this medication could negatively impact kidney function."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Miracle drug. Lowered by blood sugar levels by 60%+ to about 120 while also losing about 12 pounds. Immediate impact with no side effects. Incredible."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Used let than a week and stopped taking. Headache, body aches, nauseated, muscle weakness, abdomen hurting, hard to breath....all around felt like total garbage!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I dont believe this drug is worth the price. I have seen no benefit over using glimipteride and metformin regardless of price."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antidiabetic combinations
  • En español

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  • Synjardy XR drug information
  • Synjardy XR (Advanced Reading)

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  • Synjardy XR prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2