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Generic Name: Acyclovir Ointment

Brand Name: Zovirax Ointment

Zovirax Ointment Drug and Medication User Reviews

This tiny product for 600 to 200 dollars is a complete rip off The box you get is filled with filler paper and the mini micro tube you get can't cover any serious area if external virus. I'm on oral valcyclovir but needed external help. I put a tiny blob on and then used half a micro tube. As soon as I peed,money down the drain. So here's grandmas naturopathic recipe that is about 10 dollars to make and also antiviral. Take a jar of vaporub crush to a mush a clove of garlic in it, add oregano flakes, of half a teaspoon and any other crushed herbal antivirals you want in it and stir till blended. You design your own and skip this tiny tiny hundreds of dollar piss away joke

Very efficient

It is very efficient

I am 75 developed a cold sore on my lip. I spent $65.00 and used it exactly as directed. After 6 days it looked the same as before I used it. It also left a worse looking white spot on my lip to draw attention to my face: I stopped using it and applied Aloe based gel. $9.00, after 4 days of this my sore disappeared. I want my money back. USELESS

Been using it for years. Seems to do the trick in stopping or reducing symptoms. Becomes less effective with time so need a new tube if old one been open for a while.

Treats the cold sore fast. Much better than otc cold sore ointments.

I was prescribed this medication for what my physician thought might be Shingles or a form of Herpes. It did ease the itching and burning for a couple hours. But the symptoms only returned in a short while and the rash and it's sensitivity was not effected at all. I found this ointment useless. I finally used Calamine which completely cleared the entire problem.

A very expensive perscription that doesn't work. And when I started using the tube, I had to squeeze it at least an inch before any medication came out. I'm not sure if the tube wasn't completely filled or that they put it in a larger tube to make you think you are getting more.

The first time I used this, it worked great! smaller blisters and went away quickly. But each time I used it afterward, it's been completely ineffective. Gave some to my sister to try with exact same results.

how on earth has this ointment accrued so many stars, must be the pharmaceutical company rigging the votes. Obviously it doesn't work

Helped the shingles outbreak, but the side effects were horrible! Severe abdominal pain, back pain, muscle & bone pain. Headache too. Suicidal pain levels, it was awful. Had to switch to another antiviral after 3 days. A week of this stuff would've killed me!

Seems to only work if taken in conjunction with oral Zovirax. My daughter has HSV-1 in her finger, and the ointment does nothing to suppress the infection or speed healing. The only thing it's useful for is providing a barrier between the virus and my fingers when I change her bandages.

i used to get an outbreak once or twice a year, my Dr. wrote me a script for this med with 12 refills years ago, usually it works b 4 the sore blisters, but this is my 2nd outbreak in 2 months,last blister i got to as soon as i felt it b 4 it was even visible with no effectiveness! this morning i woke up with one tiny red bump i started applying the zostrix immediately been applying every 2-3 hours all day! by tonight i have not 1 but 3! 3 giant sores that are starting to ooze! it's only been 12 hors and my lip is an ugly mess! just like last time very ineffective! i already know i'm going to have 3 ugly oozing messes with horrible timing! life changing event planned.

This is the second time I have tried this and it has does nothing for the cold sore. I applied at the first tingle every three hours and the cold sore is the size of a nickel, and lasted over 2 weeks, with very bad scaring.

Use on lips as needed to prevent outbreaks. Not a magic bullet, no matter how early I use it (at first sign of itching or tingling). I've tried everything, everything that is out there for cold sores. This works better than the best OTC stuff, but I wish it were more speedy with healing.

So I've been getting cold sores for years. This is the first time I decided to use something doctor prescribed. I decided to do this because within a 2 week period I had 3 that had came up. Nothing too outrageous and also not very noticeable. But then a 4th one came up and I said enough is enough. I got a script for it and instantly started taking it. As soon as the fourth one was almost clear I got attacked again. This time at FULL FORCE. I now have one that is covering at least half of my top lip.it even feels as if its trying to move to the inside of my lip. Not to mention a separate one in the corner. Let me mention this. I'M TAKING THE CREAM AND THE PILLS. This has been a record breaking occurrence and I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Now just maybe the drug is bring all of it out right now cause its a first time and its flushing it out. But according to other reviews and what I've read its not supposed to do that. Its easy to use but at this moment it is not effective and either something is tremendously wrong with me or this drug to have caused an outbreak this large. IBut as far as IM concerned this is not doing what I hoped it would. I'm not trying to purposefully down play it, IM just giving my experience. I originally requested valtrex but they gave me zovirax because it was cheaper.

Fast and effective, this drug has shortened the healing time and lessened the pain. It absorbs quickly into the skin and appears to stay in place and won't easily rub off. It even has an acceptable taste! It is a little expensive, even with insurance, but worth it. On the down side, I have noticed a white, scaly patch over the area of treatment appearing within a week of healing and stubbornly lasting for 10 to 14 days. It is easily remedied, however, with any popular lip balm applied frequently.

How may I contact the manufacturing company about the hard to use metal tube? Difficult to dispense when you have swollen joints,fingers and hands.Please advise.

I have used this product both on cold sores and fever blisters. When applied a the first sign like tingling, burning, it starts stopping the condition immediately.

I get fever blisters from stress sunburn because of menstruation sometimes and mostly when I eat nuts and greek sesame seed honey candy. Some beleive that if your l-arginine level gets higher than L-lysine level that will make you break out. I beleive this asI broke after I ate walnuts or almonds, pistacios, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. After I break out I would look on this Herpes Nutrition website and the item would show high l-arginine. I get fever blisters all over my lips not usually at the same time. The ones I have used the ointment on are the right and left bow of my lips. Not only does the ointment help with the healing time. I also notice that future breakouts at the bow of my lips is a lot milder than the ones that didn't come out as often and have not treated as often and repeatedly as these. Daily suppression with Valtrex works great for me if you can afford it.