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Generic Name: Gildess Fe 1/20 (ethinyl-estradiol-norethindrone)

Gildess Fe 1/20 Reviews

For Birth Control "This is probably the pill I'll never take. The first six months were great. I lost weight, had 100% regular periods with no in between bleeding. Now I've had a good 4 months of non-stop anxiety, paranoia, and depression that wasn't there before. I have also developed bleeding the week before my period is supposed to show up. Definitely switching pills ASAP."

For Birth Control "Im glad I didn't look up reviews 5 years ago when I started taking this. I've never had a negative side effect, and definitely never had a baby, so I'd say this little pill is my best friend. Understand that the majority of people that leave reviews are the ones with negative experiences. I totally get that, but I'm leaving a review to say that I've never had a problem..other than occasional spotting..until now. Cvs no longer carries Gildess and is switching me take Blisovi fe. I'm leaving this review as a goodbye to the best birth control I could've asked for. I really really hope this new brand is the same."

For Birth Control "I have been on Lo loestrin Fe for the past 4 years. My gyno prescribed Gildess when I switched health insurance. I was against switching since my skin was clear and I was content with Lo's mild side effects. I am so glad that I did not read user reviews before switching as I probably would have never tried it....Since switching to Gildess BC, I no longer have break through bleeding, my sex drive is improved, no break outs have occurred (which was a big concern) but the best part is that I've lost the bloated abdomen! I tried everything for the past 4 years to lose my belly roll. Because BC does cause yeast I stay on a good probiotic but even that never made my belly flat. ** Give it at least 3 mos. for your body to adjust."

For Birth Control "This is the third birth control I have tried, and I have no complaints whatsoever! I've been on it for a little over a year now. It has the lowest dosage of artificial hormones, doesn't make me gain weight or have crazy mood swings. The only things I have noticed while taking it are occasionally a low sex drive, which is honestly not a problem unless you want to feel sexy 24/7, which, let's face it, is just not for everyone. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is starting out on birth control for the first time or is looking for an alternative. It's gentle, it's not conflicting with my lifestyle, and I have my period regularly without any spotting. Everyone's body is different, so definitely ask your OBGYN. Hope this helps!"

For Birth Control "The whole month I took this pill I was a completely different person. Moody, angry everything just bugged me. I was on Generess before but my insurance didn't cover it anymore. I'm going back to Generess even if I have to pay full price."

For Birth Control "I've been on the pill for more than two months and all I can do is complain about it. I started taking it to regulate my periods but all it's done is make me have no periods at all- which doesn't help much either. It made me break out so much, and I'm always moody and angry.. as if I'm PMSing all the time. Not to mention I get all the lousy pre-period symptoms such as back aches and cramps, but no bleeding. "

For Birth Control "I have been taking Glidess for a few years to control heavy periods and have been very happy with it. No more periods, no headaches or cramping. My pharmacy switched to Blisovi when Glidess was recalled. I am seeing terrible reviews/ side effects that people are having. I used another generic in place of Glidess in the past when my pharmacy ran out of it and I had terrible acne and felt sick while taking it so I'm afraid to take another generic version. I hope the issues with Glidess are resolved and it comes back on the market. Not sure what is the closest match to it as it seems Blisovi is not it."

For Birth Control "I wanted to post this review because there was SO MUCH NEGATIVITY! This is the first birth control I have ever used and love it. I was terrified it would affect my moods, weight gain, etc. It has done no such thing. My period is lighter and very predictable. Only once or twice in the whole year have I had slight spotting in between placebo pills. I recommend this to anyone who wants the protection, but is afraid of side effects. The only thing to remember is to take this at the EXACT SAME TIME! Since it is low dosage, you have about a 30 minute window to take it. I love it!"

For Birth Control "Gained weight, felt depressed, worst experience of my adult life with birth control. 28yr healthy vegan -5'8 143lbs Two weeks on Gildess -160 Horrible nightmare. It's been two months and I've lost 5 lbs."

For Birth Control "I have been on a low hormone pill for almost 10 years, this one has been the worst. I've been taking Gildess for about 4 months now and have noticed the worst of the side effects within the last two months. I'm incredibly moody, kind of depressed (weird highs and lows), almost no sex drive whatsoever and have gained about 10 pounds. I really don't feel like myself anymore and unfortunately it took me a while to figure out that it was the birth control that has been causing this. I will be switching ASAP."

For Birth Control "I am currently 24, I started birth control when I first started my period at 12 because of how bad my pms would get and because of acne. I've tried all kinds of birth control from Yaz to Ortho Tri-Cyclen and even the Skyla IUD which caused me to lose my hair!... once I found Gildess it was like a miricle. My pms was mild to none, acne was gone besides a few manageable breakouts, and I just felt amazing and had so much energy and I got into the best shape of my life. Even going through an emotianal breakup, my physical wellbeing was amazing. Unfortunately, it has been recalled and now I have tried several new birth controls with no avail. I really hope it comes back on the market.. my life is honestly falling apart without it."

For Birth Control "Thank you everyone for absolutely terrifying me. I wanted to give birth control a try to be safe and now I probably never will. I was prescribed this. I have great skin, am at my goal weight after months of losing weight, I'm always a happy person, have a high sex drive, and have very regular periods. Now I don't want to take this and ruin my life. Why is birth control so bad for you?"

For Birth Control "I would rate this a 10 but I am only 2 1/2 months into using it. The pills are FREE with my insurance. I am 41 and my periods had started getting really bad and I had been feeling hormonal and was 10 pounds overweight. My doctor was going to prescribe me a mini pill that would cost $60 a month. I mentioned the cost was a burden and she gave me Gildess. I feel great. I have lost weight and my sex drive is high. My periods are very light. No more cramps, heavy bleeding and bad dizzy hormone spells. No bad side effects yet."

For Birth Control "The pills stopped my period, caused mood swings, vaginal dryness and killed my sex drive. My husband thought I was not attracted to him anymore. I stopped using it after the 2 months and our sex was fine again. So was my period. "

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill for about 6 months, after getting past the first few months I am very pleased. I no longer have any sort of spotting, the cramps still come every now and then, but my period is always right on time. I see no drastic negative changes."

For Birth Control "Since most people write reviews when thing are bad, I had to right down and say how happy I was with Gildess for the last 2 years. No side effects to mention, no bad experiences just how I like a BC. Sad to say it was recalled and now I can no longer take it. I am not taking the Blisovi that was given to me due to NO positive reviews at all and it just being approved in 2015. I hope that one day this could possibly be back for me to take."

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill for 2 months now, I plan on doing one more month to see if it gets better. BUT, I have never in my life been more depressed, and I was a very very happy person before starting this pill. I feel sad all the time, I pick fights, and it has put a huge strain on my relationship with my fiancé and I suddenly hate my job (which I always loved) I highly don't recommend this pill to anyone so far!"

For Birth Control "Worst pill ever. So I was just like you looking, searching, reading reviews for my next birth control and my doctor put me on this in August 2015. The first 3 months were fine (assuming my body was adapting) my skin cleared up n stuff. But then in December I started getting spotting and a period almost every other week. And oooooo I was mean! That's the reason I'm writing this! I've become some moody, mean, irritated that is starting to affect my relationship with my boyfriend and not to mention sex... I want nothing todo with it HORRIBLE vaginal dryness. I am still on this pill and hate it! Searching for a new one but writing this review because it's changed my life :("

For Birth Control "I am 25 years old and have been using a birth control since I was 14 years old. Therefore I have gone through numerous birth control switches.NEVER in my life have I actually noticed symptoms of a medication than before using this. At first I thought I could have been pregnant. Taking 3 different tests (all which being negative) I realized it had to be from this birth control. I have been on this for one month and today after almost fainting cause I felt so sick. I refuse to take one more pill. Throughout this one month I have visibly bloated in my stomach, my breasts enlarged. I have felt nauseous every single day. My anxiety and depression has been at an all time high,not to mention I am agitated about pretty much anything. DONT RECOMMEND"

For Birth Control "This is the only birth control that doesn't make me crazy. It does take at least 3 months for your body to get used to it and you have to take it at the exact time to prevent spotting and/or breakthrough bleeding. I don't gain any weight while on it and it clears up my acne. Once my body became used to it, my periods were not painful, lighter and shorter. Everyone is different but the key with this one is you must take it on time!!"

For Acne "First time taking birth control and as soon as I started taking this pill I immediately broke out. Under my chin I had constant pimple after pimple show up. It's been a month in and I still have breakouts!"

For Acne "I am 39 and I used to have crazy acne that kept getting worse and used to get period for 15 days a month! Yes, 5-6 days of regular flow with a few days of spotting before and few days after. Also terrible stomach cramps, bloating and pain in breast before having the periods. After starting on this pill, my acne went away and my periods are spot on every 28 days and last for 3 days. And no more PMS! I would recommend it. Try it before getting discouraged by negative reviews. This pill has been good for me."

For Birth Control "Had breakthrough bleeding first three or four months and acne. Went to the dermatologist about the acne and she said the birth control is a good brand and it would help with acne over the next few months. She was right. Acne cleared up and my periods are regular, lighter, and shorter which is fantastic. I have no complaints with the pill now that those small things have been resolved. I like this pill a lot."

For Birth Control "This is my first birth control ever. I am 18 years old, 116lbs and am on my third week. It made my vagina really dry. Gave me emotional mood swings. I am also upset at my boyfriend and feeling angry. I have no sexual drive. I am definitely going to try another pill."

For Birth Control "I've been on this for a little over 2 years. I was very emotionally unstable before, and asked to be switched to one that doesn't alter moods so they chose this one. My period comes the same time every month and no more cramps! I had terrible cramps the whole first day I started, no matter what I did. Now they're nonexistent! And I finally feel like myself again. I recently gained weight but not due to the birth control. It's a great choice for me!!"

More about Gildess Fe 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives

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Other brands

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Other formulations

  • Gildess 1/20
  • Gildess FE 1.5/30
  • Gildess 1.5/30

Related treatment guides

  • Birth Control