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Generic Name: methadone

Brand Name: Dolophine oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've been on 7.5 mg a day for 2 months and it's not helping much. Dr went straight to methadone from 15 mg a day of hydrocodone, the only other opiate I have ever taken! This medication scares me to death, I don't know if it's worth the repeated pain management appts to keep taking it.

My son was born addicted to methadone. He was in hospital for 2 weeks and then they tapered him down. He is a fine extremely smart 6 year old now. I just wanted to share my experience with any mom whose worried to death about their baby. It was not that big of a deal. It had no lasting effects and he didn't really even seem to be to bothered.

Methadone has helped treat my chronic pain even though it isn't my first choice for treatment. I have tried about everything, from fentanyl, to oxycontin, to morphine. The oxycontin worked well until it was reformulated at which time I needed oxycodone along with the oxycontin for breakthrough pain. Morphine worked well but a tolerance was quick in the works & you had to dose frequently. I was hoping that a new drug z-hydro would be available but allot of people that don't have or never experienced chronic pain objected to it & now the doctors will not prescribe it. The methadone does work well & stays with you long enough that it is about the best choice at this time however doctors have a tendency to prescribe the lowest dose(they too haven't experienced chronic pain from cancer). Maybe someday people will realize that it is better to make a person comfortable with this condition instead of worrying about side-effects & addiction. I mean really...when a person is dying, who cares about side-effects ect.,ect.

After spinal fusion I've been trough the pill mill,hydro codon ,Vicodin ,OxyContin then methadone, man what a stigma with this drug but I see with my own eyes ,while at the pharmacy not a clinic people all drugged up asking what you getting want to sell these people are barely standing.

After being on OxyContin my new Dr.put me on 180mg. Of Methadone. That was 16yrs. ago and the best thing that could have happened to me. I was a zombie on OxyContin but found the old me when taking Methadone. It is very important to take as prescribed by your doctor. It is true that filling my script can be difficult at times and it's best to find a pharmacy you like and stick with them to eliminate the problems of not enough on hand or excessive questioning. My insurance co.decided that I should only take half my dose recommended by my doctor so I have had to just pay for it myself. Luckily it's not outrageously priced. Methadone has made it possible to live a normal life.

I was told by a very good doctor that the vicodin had maxed out and my body was wanting more and more leavimg me with chronic withdrawal symptoms. The doctor said the dolophi e is used mainly im cases to help herroin users. That is not me. The doctor told me that the medication would stay in my system and provide lomg term release using the vicoprophen for break through pain. The best way I can describe the way I felt almost immediately after taking tne dose of dolophine it was like someone lifted 150 poumd weight off my chest and ooened the drain allowing all of the pain to draim out of my body. For the for time im I don't even know the last time , I was complete free of pain. My eyes still tear up thinking about it.

I have had chronic pancreatitis for close to 8 yrs and have been on methadone for as long. For long term pain relief it has worked well, having to change doses as needed.

I have been in chronic pain fro 15 years. Did all the lower pain drugs then moved up to Oxycontin and pain patch. It wasn't until my doctor switched me to Methadone that I actually found some relief. Now he is on the "no more Methadone" band wagon because of all the bad press. He is tapering me down gradually. Now I am at a point that I never feel like my pain is controlled like I did before. My pain is constant yet he is talking about lowering it again when I see him next time. I feel so stuck and upset! I have don't know what to do and I don't want to go back to the life I had before which was NO life at all!! These doctors are going too far and we have to go to pain management doctors yet they no longer want to actually treat pain.

I was taking morphine for pain and was pleased when i was able to switch to methadone. i feel it works better without the severe constipation effects.

I've used Methadone for 13 yrs for sever pain after 3 back surjuries. I was up to 80 mg a day, now only 30 mg a day. It's half life is long and works great. The only problem has been constipation which is solved by using Polyethylene Glycol 3350 in my coffee in the morning.

I have had three failed back surgery the last involved fusion titanium rods and screws also knees chronic back pain I have tried everything to manage my pain just stopped living then my doctor put me on methadone it has changed my life for the better I never feel high it has helped my pain to the fact I can function like normal person not a soul knows I take anything for pain its that good I would recommend it to anyone with chronic pain the good out ways the bad for me.

wish it too away all my pain

Despite 5 surgeries and countless "injection treatments," I continue to experience severe neck pain. For the first 10 years, I resisted the use of any opiods until I was totally exhausted and no longer tough enough to "grin and bear it." Of course, my pain treatment did not begin with Methadone and it wasn't until Oxycontin was no longer effective that Methadone was even suggested. Although I continue to seek and pray for non-drug alternatives to managing my pain, aside from the frustrating weight-gain, Methadone seems to have fewer side effects than other opioid. For example, at the prescribed dose I've never found it to be significantly mind-altering, which is a tremendous blessing for those of us who still need/want to have our wits about us. In fact, if it is mind-altering, it's most commonly the result of over-usage. I have also found that on those "mysterious" days when I have little or no pain, I can freely skip it without adverse reactions. I have recently enjoyed long-term, measurable decreases in my pain level from Radio-Frequency Nerve Ablations. During the 12-16 months it takes for the nerves to regenerate, I find I can reduce my methadone use by about 30% and I never have any difficulty with abruptly reducing my dosage. Additionally, I have never required an increased dosage, something I cannot claim with any other opioid. Since Methadone was originally developed for the treatment of pain, it's unfortunate it's become stigmatized by it's use in treating heroin addicts. That stigma is often projected onto pain patients, which just adds insult to our injuries. However, the superior effectiveness of Methadone, combined with it's more tolerable side-effects makes it a valuable component in the management of long-term pain. For the sake of everyone with chronic pain who can benefit from Methadone, I'll continue to pray it's reputation as a safe & effective pain management medication is eventually restored.

I was prescribed the drug 2 years after a major spine surgery involving a disc removal. It changed my life, I was relatively pain free for the first time in 2+ years. The pain clinic was later closed. My new pain doc doesn't beleive in prescribing methadone(damn the stigma). I'm now using vicodin at a ridiculous dose and am high all the time(which I hate). My new meds don't lessen the pain but make it a bit easier to live with. I miss methadone for all the right reasons. For me hands down the best/longest lasting pain med on the market and I have tried them all.

I have had severe pain after neuro surgery 14 years ago. I was given Oromorph ( morphine liquid )which increased over the years to over 300mg a day! I had to get off it as it runs your life and you become dependant rapidly. It is a horrible drug to get off. I went to Methadone and take a relatively small liquid dose once a day. It is just remarkeable! No feeling of being drugged, it stops the pain and I feel so much better. I thank God for this as by now I am sure I would have ended my life. My thoughts are that the people that have problems with it tend to abuse it. If this is the point then you should see a pain specialist and re-evaluate you.

methadone is not working for me anymore it made me lose my body funcotions and has keeped me in bed for the last 14 days.i cant stop throwing up i am also having eating problems.

I went from vicodin to fentynal patch At first euphoric relief. after 8 months needed to go from .25 to .50 Doctor suggested that alternate between fentanyl patch and methadone as to not build tolorance and neding to up dosages. All I can say is both will turn you into a addict. Run out of either and you will want to die. I have been searching site for the how to get off. Noewhere to be found. I know getting off will mean pain. Both will ruin your teeth and I have found that it will kill your sex drive by lowering testosterone levels.These drugs would be wonderful if you could stop them. Unlike cigerettes instead of feeling anxious you will feel like the worst flu of your life. its like being tortured.If anyone has gone through getting off let me know

I just wanted to state that I am tired of people bashing methadone. I have had arthritis (AS) since the age of 17. When I was introduced to methadone 4 years ago by an orthopedic surgeon it is the first time in my life I had true relief from the continuous pain being inflicted on me. If people are dying it is because they are not following their doctors directions or they are abusing the drug. I am so tire of seeing the DEA take liberties by suppressing the use of the 40 mg tablets due to peoples stupid, half-witted, actions. Please don't get me wrong I don't like seeing people die from overdosing, but they are doing it to themselves. Every person knows AND I MEAN KNOWS that they should not take something that wasn't prescribed to them, yet people continue on this trend. I don't know the solution to the problem, but preventing people who treat the drug with the utmost respect that it deserves from taking it to receive relief from severe and deafing pain is not the solution either. It is unfortunate that people haven't learned how extremely dangerous it is to try and take a drug like methadone to get high when you can't get high on the drug to begin with. It only relieves pain for people that have pain. All it will do for someone that doesn't have pain is kill them or put them in a coma. To any one who plans on trying this drug to get high on please don't. Smoke some grass if you want to get high. Don't kill yourself and cause people like myself and others that suffer from diseases and accidents from getting the relief we need. Thank You Jim