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Generic Name: Thyroid Tablets, USP

Brand Name: Westhroid

Westhroid Drug and Medication User Reviews

Also had a bad allergic reaction to this drug. Had used Nature-Throid for 2 years with no issues, drug store said they were switching to this. Within 5 days had rash starting on face, spread to stomach and legs with horrible itching. Took 2 weeks to go away after stopping drug.

It was easy to use but it caused allergy reaction and made me super tired. I was getting headaches a lot, broke out a rash my side of my face, severe itching. And stomach problem that was getting worst each day I took it.

This is not Armour it is made by RLC LABS and its Brand name is Nature-Throid tm and Westhroid tm

I have no thyroid since birth. I've noticed that everyone who's been on Westhroid a month (or less) has so so satsifaction & effectiveness but those who have been on it longer (stable) have had great reviews. It is week 4 for me so I'm going to stick it out after seeing this. I feel better about it now.

Have had heart bypass surgery. Doctors not catching an increase of my TSH, relying on blood tests too much. Believe lack of thyroid diagnosis caused my atherosclerosis over time. Had a Dr. try and switch me to synthetic, had chest pains and an unwanted nuclear scan within 3 days. Back on natural thyroid hormones.

has been great to combat cold intolerance, my face gets hot and a bit flush at times. no problem sleeping or any other side effects.

fast heartbeat, irriable,nerverousness,shortness of breath, can't sleep and always tired

itching skin