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Generic Name: Oseltamivir Phosphate

Brand Name: Tamiflu

Tamiflu Drug and Medication User Reviews

I tested positive for the flu and negative for covid so I was prescribed Tamiflu- I’ve had flu symptoms for 2 days so they said it was early enough to go ahead and take the medication. Today is day 1 or taking the pill and my symptoms has doubled! I am stuffed up, cold chills with a low grade fever and more body pain.

My daughter came to visit from LA for 3 days. When she got home the following day she was so sick and went to 2 urgent cares and UCLA Medical Center and was diagnosed with the flu Type A. Three days after that I had the same symptoms and went to urgent care. The Dr saw how sick I was and they did a rapid flu test and it was negative. She ordered Tamiflu which I’ve never taken before. By the 3rd dose the following day I was doing so much better. The day before my chest was burning with every cough and I had a high fever. By evening on day 2, I have a low grade fever and no burning at all. Almost all the symptoms are gone. I can’t believe it!!! It’s a miracle drug. I can’t take a lot of meds due to side effects but had none with this.

Was given Tamiflu for flu like symptoms even though I didn’t swab positive for the flu. I’ll never take this again. I tried for four days but each day the side effects got worse: 24/7 nausea, tightness in the throat/esophagus, panic attacks, mild hallucinations and general paranoia. Hoping it goes away soon. I’ve never had a response to a medication like this before.

Every time I get the Flu, my mouth tastes like Tamiflu.Not once have I gotten the Flu and right after taking the medicine, I throw up.

HAPPY - it worked for me! I doubted that I had flu, but had a headache that reminded me of an ear infection headache (result of previous swine flu in 2009). Didn't make the connection to the flu. Thought my runny nose and upper back pain was from sweeping the garage the day before. Had no ear infection with this one. Didn't think I had the flu. On way home, I recalled the story of the 40yr old teacher that died because she didn't fill it. I spent the $109 and it made a huge difference after 1 pill. I had the headache, although a lessor version, for about 5 days. But, I felt better with each pill. It stopped the replicating of the virus. I learned later that it doesn't work for all flu. I did get a rash and itching over my back from Tamiflu, despite being on an antihistamine. Dr. later told me that I should still take it, if needed again. People should read up about the drugs available like this one. Also have read that NOT to take any version of ibuprofen or aspirin, as it may prevent Tamiflu from working, or make flu worse.

Was diagnosed with flu 2 days after having symptoms and was prescribed Tamiflu by the urgent care dr. I took the evening dose and went to sleep and woke up feeling significantly better. i didn't have any issues until the 4th day when I started getting migraines (which I never had before) and felt nauseous throughout the day. It's been a full day since i completed the 5 days treatment and I'm still experiencing the headaches and nausea off and on. I like the fact that it knocked out the flu symptoms overnight (literally) but I don't know if these side effects are worth it.

My 9 year old daughter came down with flu on Tuesday afternoon, fever spiked to 104.4 on Motrin by Wednesday at 1pm. Had a positive flu test and tamiflu by 2pm. By 7pm, the redness was already starting to drain from her face, and she woke up the next morning with no fever. Can’t say enough about how much of a relief it was.

I am 15 weeks pregnant and came down with the flu. Rapid swab test came back negative by the doctor said sheâ??s certain itâ??s the flu as I was displaying every symptom and felt like I was dying. I was very hesitant when she prescribed Tamiflu as I am very wary of taking any type of drug while pregnant. She assured me the benefit would outweigh the risk, and I definitely did not want to have to go to the hospital or harm the baby with fever. I took the first dose and went to sleep for a few hours. Within that time, my fever was gone and I felt like I could actually stand up. The next day I felt so much better, I went from thinking I was dying to feeling mildly ill. Iâ??m on day three and still no side effects. I make sure to eat before I take it.

I had been running a low grade temperature and a cough. I was prescribed Tamaflu. After the 2nd does my fever has broke. I still have a cough but am feeling better. I just wasn't feeling better without it. The ibuprofen wasn't working. I have had no adverse side effects so far.

I was better within about 3 days of taking this. No side effects at all. It worked like a charm. I would recommend it to ANYONE. Thankful for this drug being available! The flu is awful!!

I took this as soon as I started feeling sick and running a fever. I was still miserable for 2 days, but by day 3, fever had subsided and started feeling MUCH better. It's day 5 now and I can't even tell I was even sick. Great medicine, but I am also fortunate I caught my flu early on.

Upon the recommendation of our pediatrician, I gave this to my 4-year old daughter who tested positive for the flu. She wasn't drinking nor eating much, and I was concerned about dehydration. I was able to get her to eat and drink a small amount at about 1:30pm. We started the first dose of Tamiflu a few hours later at 4:30pm. Within 2 hours of taking the first dose (around 6:15) she vomited everything she had for lunch and the medicine, too. I had her drink just a few more sips of water thereafter, and she vomited it right back up. We immediately stopped giving her the medication as per the recommendation online if there are any adverse reactions. However, she only could drink a very small amount of water through the night. She woke up feeling better in the morning in any case, so it's a good thing we didn't have to give this to her for another 5 days. This medication is extremely expensive ($211, although only $50 copay with our insurance), and I would request a refund if I could. (Are the pediatricians trained to say we should all take this? It's horrible and could CAUSE death from the flu!) If you are at all concerned about dehydration, I do NOT recommend this medication since it makes things WORSE not better.

Started Tamiflu about 14 hours after onset of severe flu symptoms. Had a rough subsequent 12 hours but started to improve. The following day, most of my symptoms were gone, but I could feel just a hint of sickness. I am sorry to read so many horrible experiences of other people, but it worked well for me. Only side effects I can think of would be a mild dizziness on day 4 and some body itchiness on day 3.

Horrible medication it made me vomit each time I took. Makes your stomach upset. This drug is no good

I stayed taking Tamiflu for flu and it helped me in first few dose, but the side affects were awful.I have been lightheaded and dizzy almost falling down whenever I tried walking and getting up. I have had a headache for 4 days now, nauseous, insomnia has set in and when I take my gabapentin at bed time, i am awake all night. I think next time I will look into other options before taking this drug. I have chosen to stop taking it with 2days left. I will take my chances.

I have used tamiflu 2 separate times, a few years apart. The first time was maybe prophylactically and this last time I definitely had the flu and I was miserable. The muscle pain was intense!! When I walked tears would stream down my cheeks even though I wasnâ??t actually crying. I had never experienced that before. Anyways - the flu. Ouch. I was blessed and got my prescription within a few hours of becoming ill. And within a few hours of taking Tamiflu I was probably 50% more comfortable. Everything calmed down. I spent 2 full days in bed. And the 3rd day I was half in half out. Today is my 4th day and I canâ??t tell I had the flu! Whoo! I did not have any side effects either time I took Tamiflu. I generally react well to medications. I do wonder if Tamiflu some mild insomnia with Obnoxiously repetitive dreams each time I drifted off. The dreams werenâ??t bad, but I remember waking up annoyed over and over. It was very strange. But Iâ??ll take weird dreams over the flu any day!!!!! Also my husband and 3 little kiddos also took Tamiflu and all of us were completely fine. No side effects (besides my dreams - maybe). I would recommend Tamiflu to anyone and if the flu hits again - we will all be taking it again.

Diagnosed with influenza on 2nd day of symptoms, began Tamiflu, and after two days felt like myself again. This medication is wonderful!

I have not had the flu in 25 years. This is my first time taking Tamiflu and it has saved my life. Within 24 hours I am feeling much better.

After just one hour on this junk, it felt like someone was closing off my breathing at the neck. Felt like my esophagus had been narrowed to a small opening, making it difficult to breathe. Also experienced very dry mouth. DO NOT TAKE THIS. SUFFER WITH THE FLU. YOU WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER WITHOUT IT!

Dr prescribed me tamiflu and took my first pill. After couple of hrs I felt so dizzy. I just thought that its because of my flu. Next day i felt a bit better and took my second pill. After a couple of hrs I felt so dizzy, my hands shaking, and my face was so pale. I was really tempted to dial 911 as i feel like i am going to have a stroke. I was crying and praying to the Lord not to take me yet. I will not continue to finish these drugs and will just finish my antibiotics