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Generic Name: Doxy 100 (doxycycline)

Doxy 100 Reviews

For Lyme Disease "Medicine was effective to a degree it ameliorated muscle pain, joint inflammation, and mild-to-severe headaches. Inflammation/rash in upper body area (predominantly on the back) occurred within a week of beginning three-week regimen—persisted until end of ingestion, though it faded in both discoloration and swelling, as well as itching, over time. Some blurred vision and intestinal discomfort occurred, but was not debilitating to any significant degree. While fatigue was lessened somewhat, it did not preclude a general feeling of somnambulism or sleepiness, which my physician says may persist for a few weeks or even months. Overall, I’d rate this as an effective medication against the Lyme Disease I developed."

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "I've been taking 100 mg of Doxycycline twice a day for 8 days now, and I feel worse than when I started. Now, in addition to the upper respiratory infection, I have terrible vertigo (side effect of Doxycycline)."

For Bacterial Infection "This is my last day of the 10-day course for a sinus infection, and I am taking it to a lab to get it analyzed. Something must be illegal with this drug that it is prescribed so easily without specific instructions. I have been sick all week. Sinusitis and the effects of this drug have kept me in bed most of the week. I got ill on a weekend and had to go to one of those 'clinics.' Next time, I will go to the E.R. I lost an entire week of my life. i.e., shoulder/neck pain, sore throat, 'something in my eye,' dryness, light-headedness, lethargy, loss of appetite, dry nose, restless sleep, yet sleep all day, nausea, feeling bloated, some diarrhea, and feeling mentally disconnected. I was not a happy camper. And now, on the 10th day, I still have an infection, yellow mucus."

For Bacterial Infection "Have been taking this med now for the past 8 days for an acute sinusitis infection and paid strict attention to the pharmacist's instructions. YOU MUST DRINK A FULL GLASS OF WATER after you've taken it. Don't disregard these rules, or you will have severe side effects. Otherwise, I'm hoping this time doxy will clear it up as I was on amoxy, and that didn't. This infection keeps repeating because of two bouts of pneumonia, and I'm sure residual infection wasn't properly cleared up then. This time I'm hoping with 10 days of the Doxy it will be so far so good, BUT PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOOD AND DRINK ON THIS MED."

For Acne "I was a 48 y/o female with nodular acne. My pimples were painful, humiliating, embarrassing, and just plain ugly. I had used every over-the-counter treatment there was. Once I was diagnosed with nodular acne (severe acne), my dermatologist prescribed Doxy 150 mg. By using coupons, it is affordable. I am 52 now, and I continue to use Doxy 50 a day at this time. My thought is a clear face is priceless. No more pockets of pus or inflammation on my face."

For Acne "My doctor prescribed Doxy for me and put me on 100 mg twice a day for 4 months. So far, it's 2 months, and already there is a very big improvement in that I am confident with my face, and everyone is commenting on how flawless my skin is."

For Acne "This medicine is great. I have been using it for 2 months, and my face is pretty much cleared. I don't have to worry about having extremely oily skin anymore either. I have experienced nausea and vomited once, but that can be avoided if you take it immediately after a meal."

For Prostatitis "Treated for prostatitis, I was prescribed a 56-capsule, 28-day course. They quickly dealt with the main symptom, very painful urination. Having not noted the warning about exposure to sunlight, I went out in the sun and suffered, firstly, severe itching of the scalp; followed by reddening of the scalp and nose. I stayed out of the sun for the next 27 days."

For Lyme Disease "Having contracted Lyme's disease, I was given a 2 week regimen of Doxycycline, only a day before I travelled to Cyprus on vacation. Being told by my physician that I should be careful with sunning, I stayed inside during the day, coming out in the evening. However, the heat alone ?? made me within two days break out with large, but not painful blisters on hands, fingers and toes. Sandals was then used as I could not get into my shoes. Calling my doctor, I was told to stop the treatment immediately, which I did. I took me three weeks to get rid of the blisters, but obviously I cannot rate the effectiveness of the medicine as I cut the use of the pills within the first week."

For Bacterial Infection "I am allergic to penicillin and related drugs so my options mostly relate to tetracycline and its relations. For me that has been doxycyline. I have used it for respiratory & sinus/gum infections. This time I developed severe pain in the sinuses, significant discharge of nasty mucus with coughing, body aches, and bilateral ear pain resulting in dizziness. This occurred 3 days after I returned from a 14 day trip through the Southwestern states. Dr did a full exam. Temps were in 99.9 to 101.7 at first. It took about 4-5 days @ a dose 100x2 per day but it is working. I still have aches and ears still blocked somewhat with some dizziness but hoping that will clear. Tomorrow is day 7. Dr will check in@ day 10. So far so good."

For Lyme Disease, Neurologic "I was on Doxy for over 5 years because ever time I stopped it which you have to periodically, I felt so sick, confusion got worse, memory loss was HORRIBLE & all Lyme symptoms returned immediately. After 5 years my doctor said she could no longer give this to me due to the length I have been on it. It did help me while I was on it.I saw someone ask about a resurgence of Lyme symptoms that her daughter had, YES-ABSOLUTELY---the very first time I was placed on this the same issues happened to me & also if I was off it for more than 3 months to give my body a break it all started up again. I am still experienceing Lyme symptoms & always will, I was told I am at the best I will ever get. I am just grateful that I am no longer in a wheelchair..."

For Acne "Doxy is amazing. If you stick to it for a while you will see results like you've never dreamed of. My skin looks GREAT and people compliment it all of the time. I hope it stays like this when I finish the last pill in 3 days. I took 100mg 2x a day for 3 months. Only drawback is the horrible nausea and vomiting I experienced when I didn't take it after or with a meal."

For Bronchitis "Prescribed for persistent cough (8 weeks). Had little to no effect on cough, but a week after finishing course noticed development of very sore and sensitive finger nails, disappearance of cuticles, and slightly swollen round nails, very uncomfortable nail beds."

For Malaria "I liked using the medicine as a prophylactic. I used it for a very long period of time. Four years or more with very few lapses at all. I just had to remember to take a daily pill and that was it. I took it for three trips in two years in a foreign country and three months before and after the trips. I took a six month, 11 month, and 9 month trip with only a six month and four month separation. I also took it during the lapses between trips since you should take it 90 days before the trip. I had no side effects during that period except that I did not get a cold very often. By the way, it was all at a high altitude since this was in Afghanistan."

For Acne "Well i was 15 when i started getting acne n it kept on getting worse! After 4 Years to that my dermatologist suggested me Doxybact 100 that i cud take hardly for a week bc i got a severe form of allergic reaction so i had to stop takin it. But now after 4 years to even that i started takin it again n it did wonders! It just cleared my skin well!! I m v happy with the results bc no cream gel facewash had ever helped me this way! The only reason i hav rated this 7 is that it works only if i am takin it continuously! If i stop takin it my acne come back even within 20 days! Thats the worst part but otherwise its amazin!!"

For Chlamydia Infection "Took twice a day for 7 days, infection cleared up."

For Rosacea "This medication works so well that people actually commented on how clear my face was and how good my skin looked. However, I have concerns about long-term use of an antibiotic."

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "No allergic reactions to doxy , cleared up my URTI , I took med as directed every 12hrs . I drank lots of water with it."

For Bacterial Infection "Dr gave me doxy hyclate and within 1 hours I was really ill, with diarrhea, severe headache, shaking and palpitations. I was ready to call 911. Horrible drug - do not take"

More about Doxy 100 (doxycycline)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antimalarials
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Doxy 100 patient information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Doxy 100 prescribing information
  • Doxycycline Hyclate (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Actinomycosis
  • Amebiasis
  • Ocular Rosacea
  • Gonococcal Infection, Uncomplicated