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Generic Name: Fluticasone / vilanterol for COPD (fluticasone-vilanterol)

Fluticasone / vilanterol for COPD Reviews

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "66 years old. Severe COPD (48% lungs). Went on Breo and Ventolin on 12-31-19. After a couple of weeks, I started to have bad neck pains, lots of muscle pains. I use a CPAP and started to have sleeping problems. Actually started using a cane because I fell a couple of times. I’m a Type 2 diabetic and my A1C went up from 6.5 to 8.7 in 7 weeks, but the worst was the depression. I constantly had really bad dark thoughts to the point of actually planning how to do it so it wouldn’t be as bad for my family. Went to my Pulmonary Doctor, who sent me to my regular Doctor, who wanted to Baker Act me. So I stopped my Breo cold turkey and was hoping that would kill me faster. To my amazement, within 5 days I’m back to my normal self before Breo. No suicidal thoughts, no mood problems, sleeping like a baby again, no cane. Still having breathing issues but Ventolin seems to help without side effects. These doctors never even thought Breo might be the problem. Breo is a very dangerous drug!"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "Used Symbicort for a few years and was very pleased with it, but then I tried the Breo Ellipta. I thought Symbicort was very good, but the Breo was outstanding. I felt like I did 20 years ago before all of this started. I could mow the yard and function without any moments of shortness of breath - it is a really great treatment. The Tudorza Pressair (aclidinium bromide) just doesn't work. I felt lightheaded a lot and had a difficult time concentrating - felt very tired with it, and it just isn't working. The Breo is so very expensive - wish there was a way to get it without deciding if you are going to buy food or your Breo medication."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "My dad was put on Breo for his COPD, however, he had asthma as well. The Breo made him worse, and the doctor told him it needed to get into his system for it to work properly. Well, after being on it for three weeks, he died!"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have been taking Breo for approx 3 weeks, previously using Atrovent. I have severe COPD. Aged 67. The first day or two it felt excellent, was able to breathe easier, but then the side effects started. Tolerated the headaches, bone aches, red eyes, slightly blurred vision sometimes, confusion to start with, severe sinus (was regularly blowing blood from nose), feeling lethargic and depressed, getting cold sweats at night, thirsty, ringing ears, runny nose, but when my face started to swell up, that scared me, so I stopped use, all adverse reactions now stopped after 36 hours. It is great for helping with the breathing, unfortunately, side effects are too much. Funny thing, breathing has continued to be good after stopping taking."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have been on prednisone 21 years non-stop for a still unknown lung condition. I have tried so many different meds, specialists, treatments, etc. No matter what, I still coughed, wheezed, couldn't breathe. The best combo so far was 20-30 mg prednisone daily and Advair 500/50. I have not been able to get off prednisone for 21 years. If I tried, I ended up in the hospital within 48 hrs. My insurance quit covering Advair, so my doctor prescribed Breo. I am now on day 7 of NO PREDNISONE! Seven days! I am ecstatic! 21 years of prednisone has wreaked havoc on my body, but I haven't taken it in 7 days! And I even took my dog for a walk yesterday! I don't know how it's working when nothing else has, but it is!"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have tried most all maintenance inhalers due to the fact I was using my rescue inhaler way too much throughout the day. After many failed attempts at all the others, I was given a sample of Breo, not expecting much of a difference, boy was I wrong. I could tell on the 2nd day it was working! I breathe so much better and can go without my rescue Ventolin. HUGE difference!"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have used Breo for 1 month now and must say.... WOW.. I can give up my nebulizer, which was every 4 hours.. yes, nightly also... once a day... almost normal again. PS.. Breo is new... I had to tell my MD about it.. she gave me a 12-month free trial prescription card...... hope this helps!"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I was excited to try the Breo Ellipta. I have severe emphysema and am 73 years old. At first, I found that I could breathe longer during the day without using my rescue Proair so much during the day. After 6 days, I found that when exerting myself for a longer period of time (grocery shopping), I would run out of air. My chest felt tight, and my Proair didn't seem to rescue me as before. It was a little frightening."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I tried Incruse, still coughed and need rescue inhaler. Tried Stiolto, coughed more and need rescue inhaler. Ended up in the ER and hospital overnight. 6 nebulizer treatments. Tried Breo, perfect. I haven't used a rescue inhaler the past year. 1 puff a day, rinse mouth, minimum side effects."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have struggled with asthma my whole life. I used my inhaler on average 10 times a day. I started Breo, it started working right away. By day 3, I noticed that I hadn't used my inhaler all day. Using Breo has given me tremendous relief! I love it, and it has seriously given me a better quality of life."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "At the end of my first month. Thank God for this med! Breo has been great! Haven't used my nebulizer, and the rescue inhaler has only been used 2 or 3 times. I am so grateful for the 12-month free prescription as well... no insurance to cover it, and I was very, very ill. My wheezing is gone, and I'm not coughing! It's a miracle :)"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I've only been using it for two weeks. Other than a scratchy throat (which I recently learned to gargle with water after use), I feel incredibly better. I'm 60 and was diagnosed with emphysema about 1 year ago. I'm a desk jockey but a 'weekend warrior' in the back forty. I haven't felt this good in quite some time. Fingers crossed..."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "Cough became better the 1st week, by the 2nd week, it worsened. Muscles ached the 1st week and continued to throughout use, as well as in the AM. My joints were very stiff! By the 3rd week, I had a continuous sore throat and couldn't wear my rings, and my shoes were cutting into my feet and were red! My eyes began to burn, and my nose swelled, turning bright red, like a triangle. The redness faded after 24 hours! My family complained that I was miserable, and I felt angry daily by the 3rd week, my eczema flared up, and I developed intense scalp itching. When I experienced stomach cramps on and off over 3 weeks and was constantly hungry, I knew this wasn't a coincidence! I have asthma, COPD, and bronchitis."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I was put on Breo and was amazed at how well I felt, but it didn't last long. My symptoms were getting worse, and it wasn't until I had my wisdom teeth pulled that I realized that Breo was making me worse. After having my wisdom teeth pulled out, I was scared to use my inhaler. I was told no straws because sucking in cold would pull stitches out, so the day after I didn't use Breo, the next day I couldn't believe how well I could breathe, and each day was even better. I was using my rescue inhaler once every 4 to 5 hours, and I felt good, so even though at first Breo seemed good, over time it didn't agree with me. I'm seeing my respiratologist next week to see what's next for me, as the rescue inhaler is not enough."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "Since I started using Breo, I still need a maintenance dose of 20 mg of prednisone, but I rarely use my rescue inhaler, and my nebulizing has gone from once every 4 hours to once every 8 hours. At Stage 4 COPD, this medication has given me tremendous relief."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "OMG. Rescue inhaler wasn't enough any more. I was hesitant to be put on all kinds if meds. Well, I had no choice. The wheezing and coughing were unbearable. Not only to me but all those around me. Day or night. By the third day of using this no more use of inhaler. I have it always with me. So far GREAT! Hopefully I won't get negative side effects."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I've been using Breo Ellipta for a couple of years - I have COPD. It works well to help me breathe. However, I experience dizziness sometimes when I take it. So I tend to not take it as I'm supposed to take it. I drive for a living and I can't drive if I'm dizzy. I won't risk it. This makes my employer pissed off, but hey at least I can breathe. I get hoarseness also. But it works. Its stops the wheezing. So I can sleep."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "So far, so good. I am very impressed with the results. I am breathing better than I have for quite some time and I use my rescue inhaler infrequently. My wife commented that she hadn't heard me cough at all today and my wheezing has stopped. I have experienced no side effects to speak of. The first time I took it my heart rate was elevated for a while but that's the only time it happened. I have been on it for a month."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I used Breo one time only. It felt like I had drunk five cups of coffee. This medicine thoroughly effected my nervous system. I can't live like I'm drugged up for two seconds. I would rather take a short acting inhaler than feel drugged all the time. Breo is not for me."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "It has not worked for me. Blurred vision, lethargy, sore throat, vocal changes( hoarseness), tremor, difficulty in concentration are amongst the S/E experienced. Further, a persistent chest infection, which may be related to using Stelara for Crohn's Disease may have had some influence on the outcome. I'll get by with Atrovent!"

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have been on Breo for 4 years and my breathing improved from the very beginning. I use it only once a day instead of 4 x a day for Symbicort. (I tried 2 or 3 others over the years). The only negative is muscle cramps at night. I take OTC Potassium to counter balance the cramps. The leg cramps were worse with the Symbicort and Albutorol. Breo is tolerable and the best I have found so far."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "My primary doctor had her assistant go downstairs to the pharmacy to get this inhaler because I was breath distress. It did not help at all and it cost me $348 which I had to pay out of pocket because it is a Tier 3 medication. After using it 3 times, my face and hands began to swell. I cannot use it and it is upsetting that I had to pay so much money for it. Albuterol works and my RX plan covers it with a small co-pay. I also much say that it is difficult to use. There are far better medications and inhalers than Breo Ellipta."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "With weather changes I get a cough, mild asthma. Was using my rescue inhaler, sometimes more than once a day, especially when it rains. Dr put me on Breo and I haven't coughed since, going on 3 months. Only fault is the price, insurance does cover some of the cost."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have been on BREO for a short time and already can feel the difference with it. I am not as short winded as I was and don't have to use my inhaler as much as before maybe 2 time a day.. I am glad my Doctor put me on it."

Breo Ellipta (fluticasone / vilanterol) "I have COPD/emphysema and never smoked, so I was surprised at my diagnosis. Now 65 years old. I tried several inhalers, none of which worked or had side effects. My doctor finally prescribed Breo. It worked really well for my breathing. Then after about a month, and thinking I was losing my mind from the intense depression and anger, I stopped taking it. After a day, I was beginning to feel like my old, happy self. I tried the Breo one more time and those emotions hit me again immediately. I also had dizziness, hoarseness, fatigue and insomnia. I will NEVER use that again."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: bronchodilator combinations
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  • Fluticasone and Vilanterol Inhalation Powder prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • COPD, Maintenance
  • Asthma
  • Asthma, Maintenance
  • COPD