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Generic Name: loratadine-pseudoephedrine

Brand Name: Claritin-D 12 Hour oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Claritin D has helped my seasonal allergy symptoms tremendously! I take one pill when I get up early in the morning and am set for the day. It has not effected my sleep in a negative manner. I am thrilled to finally be able to breathe out of both nostrils and not have a constant dry cough, sinus pressure headache or watery eyes.

I tried claritin d12 because my doctor said I was showing signs of seasonal allergies. My doctor said to take one in the morning and one at night.It was fine during the day but I did not sleep more than 3 or 4 hours in the night. Insomnia is not worth taking this drug. I didn't feel tired during the whole night, but by 5:30 am a headache came on strong because of the lack of sleep. My heart felt like it was beating faster than normal as well. Will not take this drug again personally.

This drug absolutely addresses all of my allergy symptoms, but has a decided downside for me as well. The "D" component is really a type of "Speed". It speeds up your entire system, including your heart rate. It also sometimes caused me to feel "on edge". Also, even through I only take the 12-Hour variety, it does disrupt my sleeping, so I only take it every now and again.

I was very happy with the results of Claritin D, and it really did help out my allergies. HOWEVER, starting last July, 2014, I started having severe swelling in my feet and legs every couple of weeks.I had been going to the doctor for this problem and she could not find any cause for the the severe swelling. I went back 6 weeks ago because the swelling was getting a lot worse and going into my hands and arms as well. I could'nt wear regular shoes or even put pants on, had to wear dresses and house shoe's during the episodes. Also felt like the areas that were swollen were bruised when they were not, It caused me a GREAT deal of pain and suffering, especially when it started to occur more often. Come to find out, I was having a severe allergic reaction to the Claritin D. I have not taken it since I went to the doctor 6 weeks ago because she switched my medication, I have not had ANY swelling since then. This is a very rare, but serious side effect that is not on the label.. I am not saying dont take the medication, But I couldnt find anyone else who had this issue, so I wanted to let others know just in case they also had unexplained swelling and was taking this same medication.

I had a virus with congestion. the medicine (Claritin D12) definitely helped with my nasal congestion but it also kept me awake fro 48 hours. Whats the use of relief from nasal congestion if my body cant sleep. I suggest stay away from this drug. I am only giving a 2 because it relieved my congestion and 1 for my most miserable 48 hours.

The drug managed my allergy symptoms, but it did make me feel depressed without reason. I also noticed some heart irregularities initially.

I have been using this drug off and on for 2 years. I feel SO much better when I take this medicine!! I have energy and focus & I can breath. It decreases my appetite & helps my clarity. Admittedly I need to drink more water when I take it as it can dry me out, but I should drink lots of water anyway. Love it!!!

This is the best medication I have taken for my allergies, and is the only solution I've found for my burning eyes during seasonal allergies. The WEIRD side effect: I lose all sense of appetite. And I'm a huge foodie... I'm always eating. On this drug, I don't eat all... kind of scary.

The possible side effects are not listed on the box, and were very present during my treatment. It took a few days for my allergies to be relieved, and I don't think the outcome outweighs the side effects. I am going to try another allergy medicine next time.

I am an adult over fifty years old. I took Claritin-D for just a day, and experienced horrible symptoms all day and maybe next day, I had a very dry mouth, felt like vomiting, loss of appetite,tightness in chest,shoulders & neck,restlessness, thought I was having a panic attack , insomnia, headaches, felt tired. I WILL NEVER AGAIN TAKE THIS DRUG. I would not recommend this for adolescents either.

I have extreme dry mouth and am not at all satisfied with the fact that I just took one annoying symptom and replaced it with another. It says that dry mouth is a "rare" symptom, but everywhere I look that has reviews for this medication, several people say they experienced dry mouth. I guess I will do a little more research next time I take a medication I'm unfamiliar with.

I have been taking Claritin D for the past 12 years. Went through the allergy shots, the testing and nothing has worked for me except Claritin D. I generally switch between the store brand and the name brand. Different people will have different reactions and I agree the Claritin D should be prescription only. In new york you are required to buy a limited quantity with proof of identity, why not just get script from you health care professional for a longer supply.

I live where "seasonal" allergies are a year-round issue, so I take Claritan-D 12-hour nearly every day for itching eyes and sneezing/itchy/stuffy nose. Have been doing so for years. Used to take the 24-hr version, but finally figured out I sleep better without the "D" (decongestant=pseudoephedrine) in my system. This has proven to be the most effective OTC allergy medicine for me with no side effects. Unfortunately, Claritan without the "D" provides minimal relief for me, so if I really need an antihistamine in the evenings I will resort to Benadryl (which does make me sleepy).

sleepless, nightmares, jitters

my doctor told me to use claritan for flu like symptoms.mistakenly bought claritan d which closed my throat i could not swallow my own saliva.a hellish experience this product should be taken off shelves and or needs a prescription.I have learned some of ingredients are not approved by fda.Do not take this!

One pill daily worked to alleviate severe year round allergy symptoms, BUT, I broke out in red, hot hives within an hour of ingesting. Doctors couldn't figure out what was triggering the hives and I didn't realize it was the Claritin-D till one year later and still suffering with hives. When my bottle ran out, I stopped taking Claritan D and within days of the build up of the drug leaving my system the hives disappeared! I was hive free for a month. Then I decided to try it again this Spring. Sure enough, took one dose and one hour later there were the hives again. This patient is done with Claritan D! I will have to find another OTC drug to take all year to help my constant allergies to dust, pollen, mold, trees and various other triggers.

I have been using Claritin-D for years. It is the only medication that alleviates sinus pressure.

I have Chronic Idiopathic Angioedema and Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria for the past 11 years and the Claratin D 24 is the only medication, otc or prescribed, that keeps all the symptoms of this condition away. Since taking this medication regularly (every day before I go to bed), I have not had one flare up. My condition was serious, I was admitted into the hospital 5 times in one year, with 30+ trips to the ER in that same year. This medication has literally saved my life.

I feel as If I am becoming addicted to this medication, and when I do not take it I feel like my head is going to explode, I do not believe that I have a sinus infection, it is just that my body does not want to work if I don't take the claritin.