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Generic Name: Avastin (bevacizumab)

Avastin Reviews

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "July 31, 2006 diagnosis: stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. I began with a clinical trial of Avastin in January '07. I continue to have the infusion every three weeks; my cancer is in remission. Normal life expectancy for this stage cancer is 2 to 5 years. God has blessed me so far with 2 1/4 yrs of wonderful life and no reason to think it won't continue much longer than 5. I'm halfway there and God has been so good to make the doctors and medication available to me. I recommend it to anyone. Side effects are minimal for me."

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "After my mom's glioblastoma didn't respond to Temodar/radiation, she was put on Avastin, once every two weeks. After four treatments, the tumor has shrunk by 65%! My mom is very tired though, that is the main side effect she is experiencing. She takes several naps every day but is otherwise completely fine. We are currently seven months from her diagnosis."

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "Diagnosed with brain cancer four years ago at age 32. Surgery, Temodar, and radiation worked for the first couple of years. Then I got two more tumors, stopped Temodar, and started Avastin. In just two months, I've seen dramatic improvements with minimal side effects (constipation, nose bleeds, and mouth sores), all of which have responded to simple remedies. My last brain scan showed a large improvement over the prior one, and I've reduced my Dexamethasone dose substantially! I highly recommend!"

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "I started Avastin in November of 2009 after my spinal cord tumor started growing again. I was diagnosed with brain cancer in February 2009. The tumor is in my spinal cord, not in my brain. It affects my right leg, making it weak. I had surgery and went through radiation and chemo in April. The tumor was shrinking all summer and then started to grow again. In November 2009, I started Avastin as an addition to the existing chemo called Temodar. As soon as I started Avastin, the tumor started to shrink, but my symptoms got way worse. So, I have a shrinking tumor, but side effects that are worse."

For Ovarian Cancer "Stage 3 ovarian cancer, 24 rounds of Avastin. I had three infusions during chemo and the rest after while on Lynparza. No problems really. Blood pressure a little high but took meds to control. Protein in urine but Dr. thinks they will bounce back after Avastin is stopped, and my last treatment was yesterday!! Yay me"

For Ovarian Cancer "My mother is 56 years old. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer for the last one year. She went through surgery followed by 6 chemotherapy cycles and had no signs of tumors or malignancy after the first 5 months of chemotherapy. On May 15, there were no signs of cancer coming back, but it appeared dramatically in the last week of July. Our doctors suggested we take Avastin. After reading and being counseled about the fatal side effects this medicine can probably have on a patient, we were scared to give it to her. But we finally decided to use the drug, and she absorbed the medicine nicely, without any signs of considerable side effects except being very tired all the time. I shall be sharing the results once we get another CT done."

For Macular Degeneration "My 15-year-old son has been receiving injections of Avastin, directly in his eye, for nearly 5 years now. It does not cure the macular degeneration, but it restores his vision temporarily for anywhere from 3 months to maybe 15 months. It has managed to save his vision in the affected eye, at least temporarily, and hopefully a cure will soon be found. He suffers no side effects, and has even gone straight to school afterwards (his choice)."

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "My husband has been on Avastin going on the second dose. Before the first dose, he had little to no use of the left side of his body. Practically dragging himself with my support across the room to use the bathroom. After the first dose of Avastin, we saw he felt a dramatic change. Within two and a half days, he was able to walk by himself. Second treatment day after, we will see how my honey does!"

For Cervical Cancer "My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV cervical cancer a year ago. Doctors gave her 12 to 18 months of life. She went through 6 rounds of chemo, and tumors are not visible in scans. The doctor said she is one of the few people with this kind of response. Now she is on Avastin (third application) and doing great. Scans still clean and manageable side effects (mouth sores, dry skin, and fatigue). The doctor said he has seen cases of 30 rounds of Avastin and still responding. I hope this is the case for my mother too. Good to all of you, and keep your hope!"

For Colorectal Cancer "My mother Ms..Violet Mary was treated with Avastin in combo with Oxaliplatin. She had undergone 6 cycles of Avastin at a Cancer Institute at Chennai. She returned to normalcy and able to survive for another 11 more years. Thanks to God"

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "My husband did not respond to chemo and radiation for the brain tumor. He was put on Avastin every 2 weeks. At first he had no side effects and the brain tumor was shrinking but I did not see any improvements in his functioning. Around his seventh dose, he threw up once. The 8th dose, he threw up blood and could not even take a sip of water without vomiting. He was hospitalized and passed away the next day. The doctor could not say if it was due to the treatment. My husband was already very ill. This was a chance we had to take."

For Ovarian Cancer "After 12 rounds of Avastin, which were effective in bringing down my protein marker CA 125 to 10 to 14. However, I experienced numerous side effects (thankfully not all at the same time), which I was able to handle. Following the 12 rounds, I was no longer able to tolerate Avastin, as I had very high numbers showing protein in my urine. My oncologist was concerned about kidney damage, and I stopped taking this drug."

For Ovarian Cancer "I've just finished round 4 of Avastin / Doxil. I have developed painful swelling of my fingers with blisters. Is there any treatment for this? I also have mouth sores. I take L-glutamine, gabapentin, and Cymbalta. I'm in agony and feel as if I'm being tortured."

For Colorectal Cancer "Our family's experience was terrible; I do not know if you will print this. After only two doses, my husband suffered two of the extremely, extremely rare side effects. This is a quote from the drug company genentech. My husband had a successful surgery. Tolerated IV chemo and chemo pills extremely well. No weight loss, No hair loss. After avastin he suffered horribly, and died at the age of 55. I am still so devastated. I would not want another family go through what we went through."

For Renal Cell Carcinoma "I took both Avastin and Tarceva in my 2nd clinical trial. I believe the Tarceva was the cause of Crohn's like side effects.The Avastin seemed not as bad with side effects. Presently using Votrient and approaching a five year longevity mark when my statistical would have been 8-10 months."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Have been on Avastin since December 2008 and have had very positive effects. I am off chemotherapy for the first time in 2 1/2 years and have been in remission since the 1st of February. I feel like a new woman and I have not had any side effects."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "35 year old female. Tumor in chest wall with cancerous nodes on lung wall. Treatment schedule was so easy. Once every 3 weeks. I felt great. NO side effects. NEVER sick. NO hair loss. Worked fulltime throughout. Taken with Xeloda. Unfortunately my cancer is more aggressive than the treatment. It only slowed the progression. Not a cure for me but definitely give it a try. Loved it! Would have given it a 10 if it worked."

For Renal Cell Carcinoma "My dad was on avastin for close to a year. It actually kept him alive. I'm sharing his experience because there are so many bad reviews on here and I wanted to share ours. The side effects weren't too bad. He seemed to have some issues with clotting but nothing major. He also had higher blood pressure, but this was nothing compared to the votrient he was on. He had to come off Votrient because the high BP it caused would always put him in the hospital. Avastin was great considering, and it kept my dad alive. It also kept the tumors away. He also had the renal cell carcinoma go to his brain. And the avastin helped keep the left over brain tumor small. My dad has Clear cell renal cell carcinoma. This is important to know because it is one of the hardest cancers to fight. He also had it in his liver, lungs, stomach, heart (atrium), and brain. This avastin kept it at bay and Cleveland clinic actually believed that my dad was cancer free from it."

For Ovarian Cancer "After being diagnosed with ovarian/peritoneal cancer, I had chemo, major surgery, then more chemo. I am now on Avastin and Olaparib. So far, fingers crossed, my cancer markers are low, so hopefully responding well to drugs. Only concern is, I ache most of the time and all over. Just wondering if this is normal."

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "Getting double the dosage and NO side effects AT ALL. Very effective on cancer. Having a very good quality of life. I get it once every other week. Hope it keeps me alive until they find a cure."

For Colorectal Cancer "Avastin has stopped the progression of my colon cancer, cutting off the fresh blood supply and nutrition that feeds the main tumor."

For Ovarian Cancer "I had sores in my mouth, hands turning dark inside and cracking in the skin. I am tired, and I have nose bleeding, but not enough for medical treatment."

For Ovarian Cancer "Awful drug for me. Severe headaches caused by spike in blood pressure. Ended up with a mini-stroke from Avastin. Works for some, but monitor your BP carefully"

For Glioblastoma Multiforme "Dad has been having this for about 7 months. The tumor had not grown. He has been throwing up some. His vision is not good. We are not sure if it is from this drug."

For Malignant Glioma "Avastin has stopped my glioblastoma/astrocytoma in its tracks."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: VEGF/VEGFR inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Avastin drug information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Avastin prescribing information
  • Bevacizumab (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Mvasi, Zirabev, Alymsys, Vegzelma

Related treatment guides

  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Glioblastoma Multiforme
  • Fallopian Tube Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer