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Generic Name: Diphenoxylate and Atropine

Brand Name: Lomotil

Lomotil Drug and Medication User Reviews

It works. Minimal side-effects - mostly drowsy/sleepy.

Chronic D after coloectomy for 9 years- Lomotil worked for two months at 2 pills 4x day, when also combined with 12-16 OTC loperamide daily. It stopped making any difference but I continued hoping there was some effect. At five months I went to doctor with possible UTI - tummy pain to back ache and trace vaginal blood (at age 58) No UTI. Referred to Urologist. Digging deep I find that itâ??s a damn side effect! GI Doctor wanted me to take 3-4 pills at a time to see if that works better! Um... GI doctor who is unaware!

Stops the diarrhea but it knocks me out for a few hours after taking it. I mean a real deep sleep.

This medication saved my vacation when I contracted "Montezuma's Revenge" in Mexico.

I have gastroparesis and also IBS. I am usually either constipated or have diarrhea. My doctors have said regardless I still have to take my linzess. So I do, and the diarrhea days this is very stressful. I was prescribed lomotil to use two pills every six hours as needed for diarrhea. I usually just try to use one pill if possible because it seems strong enough that it doesn't normally take two, and this usually works. Occasionally, I will still get diarrhea after, but if I do, I don't feel rushed and it feels like I can take much more time to get to the toilet. If I do, I take the second pill as well. I have had no problems with this medication.

I have tried 1 tablet when needed, but have found that 2 at once works the first try.

Was sick for days, tried all the other over the counter drugs and they all failed to help me. Then saw the Doc, he gave me this medication, it worked immediately and I also began drinking pedialyte. Doc gave me a shot of Phenegan 25mg for discomfort and immediately felt comfort and relief. 10 hours later feeling great.

I have had trouble with urgent bowel movements since I had my gall bladder removed. When I get this feeling I take this medicine and I'm fine within 15 minutes.

I started taking Lomotil 7 years ago after having my colon removed due to severe ulcerative colitis. It worked for a few weeks, but now, even with an increased dosage (I take 4 pills 3 times a day) it has virtually no effect. I would love to find something that works!

I have taken this drug for 5 years. It is a life saver! I can actually go shopping, out to dinner and not be house bound. I have had NO side effects. I take 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills around noon. then I am through for the day. Bless my doctor for prescribing this pill.

Bad up set stomach which was stoped in an hour using Lomotil

Works perfectly. No side effects within my 5yrs of use.

I use it for diarrhea and for going 4-5 times a day on a regular basis. I can't believe how many doses other people take. I only use it when I'm busy at work - police officer, or going out to dinner and all I have to take is 2 pills beforehand for a total of 5mg. I feel lucky I don't have to do 4 doses.

It has worked quickly and effectively to stop my diarrhea usually with only one or two doses.

I have had IBS, diarrhea dominant, most of my life. I used to be home bound, going out to eat-never could do that because I never knew how my stomach would react to food at any given time. This medication has been a life saver. It has allowed me to have some normalcy in my life as far as getting out of my home, doing things like grocery shopping, eating out, or just being able to spend a day in town with my adult daughters. It stops my diarrhea, stops my stomach cramps. I do get dry mouth, and sometimes it makes me sleepy, but I will trade off those few side effects for the ability to live my life not chained to a toilet.

I've had an allergic reaction, I do believe. Blisters on my toungue/ gums and my gums/teeth hurt so bad. This med is the only thing new I've taken. Anyone else experience this?

This works rapidly to stop my diarhea caused by chemo for colon cancer. It also helps me feel better in a more general way. and stops other chemo side effects, like nausea, headache, dizziness and light headedness. Its been a miracle for me.