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Generic Name: isometh-dichloral-acetaminophn

Brand Name: Midrin oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have had migraines since age 4. They became debilitating in 1993. After a lot of trial and error, my neurologist prescribed Midrin as a migraine abortive. I have at least 20 migraine days per month, sometimes more than one migraine per day. With Midrin, I have lived like a normal person for the past 26 years. I�m currently on my third neurologist in an effort to find relief since the FDA yanked Midrin and the generic from the market. My life is hell. The first neurologist tried to reinvent the wheel. Triptans basically turn me into a zombie and explode in my brain. I�m taking a quarter of the recommended dose, then talked him into compounding Midrin sans the vasoconstrictor to offset the effects of the triptans. He changed me from Topamax to Trokendi. Now, instead of having O headaches, I have headaches every single day plus migraines. He also upped the Amitriptyline from 10 mg to 25 mg. His nurse practitioner tried to play the essential oils and supplements game w/ me, when my appointment got switched to her. Hey, I�m paying neurology dollars, here! I finally had all the fun I could stand. They refused to do a brain MRI, even though there hasn�t been any imaging since 1993. My primary sent me to a sleep doctor (neurologist) for a second opinion on testing done at the first clinic. He referred me to a second neurologist. The clinic moved me to a new neurologist to their practice, who turns out not to take my insurance. Now he�s referring me to a neurologist out of state, because migraine specialists, and who also accept my insurance, aren't as plentiful as you may think. So, thanks FDA for making my life a living hell and draining my bank account.

I have had migraines since age 4. They became debilitating in 1993. After a lot of trial and error, my neurologist prescribed Midrin as a migraine abortive. I have at least 20 migraine days per month, sometimes more than one migraine per day. With Midrin, I have lived like a normal person for the past 26 years. Iâ??m currently on my third neurologist in an effort to find relief since the FDA yanked Midrin and the generic from the market. My life is hell. The first neurologist tried to reinvent the wheel. Triptans basically turn me into a zombie and explode in my brain. Iâ??m taking a quarter of the recommended dose, then talked him into compounding Midrin sans the vasoconstrictor to offset the effects of the triptans. He changed me from Topamax to Trokendi. Now, instead of having O headaches, I have headaches every single day plus migraines. He also upped the Amitriptyline from 10 mg to 25 mg. His nurse practitioner tried to play the essential oils and supplements game w/ me, when my appointment got switched to her. Hey, Iâ??m paying neurology dollars, here! I finally had all the fun I could stand. They refused to do a brain MRI, even though there hasnâ??t been any imaging since 1993. My primary sent me to a sleep doctor (neurologist) for a second opinion on testing done at the first clinic. He referred me to a second neurologist. The clinic moved me to a new neurologist to their practice, who turns out not to take my insurance. Now heâ??s referring me to a neurologist out of state, because migraine specialists, and who also accept my insurance, aren't as plentiful as you may think. So, thanks FDA for making my life a living hell and draining my bank account.

Have taken since my 20s so for approx. 50 years and it is the only thing that works without incapacitating me. Even narcotics don't work on vascular migraine like this does.

Well as must of everyone who even knows what Midrin is knows it's impossible to get bc the FDA shut it down. I have 2 caps left and am so anxious about taking them. The only thing that's worked EVER and I've tried it all. If you lucky and know of a pharmacy willing to compound PLEASE send me an email with their contact info... it means so much more than I can express.

As of this review (Spring 2017) only one company makes it (Macoven Pharma.) It is the best migraine treatment for me whatever variation of name it is dispensed as: "Midrin" "Commonly known as Midrin" "Epidrin" "isometheptene-dichloralphenazone-acetaminophen" "Isometh/Dich/Apap 65-100-325." At onset of migraine I take 2 capsules Midrin plus 25mg of Phenergan and 20-30 minutes later the migraine just starts to disappear. Make me sleepy - that's the only downside and one I can manage. Usually first dose is enough, occasionally I take one more Midrin capsule an hour later. I went through two years trying out various Rx's, shots, treatments with my doctor, but once we tried Midrin I got my life back. The difficulty getting it lately has me jumping through hoops but it's worth it.

You can obtain "Midrin" from a compounding pharmacy. After some research the three medications that make up,this drug are all available, however, not combined. I called a compounding pharmacy. With a written Rx from my MD with the drug names, dosages and compounding order, I had them in 5 days. Feeling thankful

Takes two hours at least to be effective. If I take it at night, I cannot sleep. Doctor took me off Fiorinal because she said I was getting too old to take it. It worked far better and faster than this medicine. It's crap.

I have been taking Midrin for 30 years. It is the only SAFE, never had side effects, etc. You can still get this drug, ask around for specialized, small phramacys. If you suffer from classic migraine w/aura, it shuts it down Quick! I wouldn't survive without Midrine.

suffered migraines for several years before I found Midrin. Was the best thing ever for me. I would take on the onset and it would take care of it. GONE GONE GONE... My daughter was also a sufferer and started taking Midrin as well...

I have experienced ocular migraines from the age of 16. They are severe, debilitating. My hands go numb, I lose my ability to see, hear and speak, as well as form fluid thought. Very similar to a stroke, but NOT. This medication is the ONLY thing that works, it immediately starts taking it away. Tried and true, I will not use anything else.

Only thing that works for me.

This medication combined with the Botox injections every 3 months has been a very effective treatment for Migraine Headaches. I have also taken Toradol with it. The three work very well together. It would help if the Insurance would cover the Midrin.

I have been told this medication is no longer produced. Is it available again??

If taken at the onset of a migraine, it has been effective in curbing the worst pain.

I took this for migraine headaches when I was in my late 20's to 30's. It was the best relief I have ever gotten from my headaches. I then went to a acupuncturist and they told me to avoid wheat(whole wheat), absolutely no NutraSweet or other 'pretend' sugars... (which means I cut out all diet soda) I haven't had a headache in 8 months.... and usually now have a migraine once a year...

Best migraine medication. The aura quickly disappears. The pain reliever helps calm your body so you can either sleep or rest.

This has been the best medicine I have used for migraine so far. I hope they don't discontinue it again.

Don't like the extra dissiness from it.