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Generic Name: Ramipril Tablets

Brand Name: Altace

Altace Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had high blood pressure - 160/90. after taking this a week my pressure dropped to 60/40. called 911, almost fainted, they stuck an iv in my arm and rushed me to the hospital. needless to say I'm not taking this medication anymore.

I have taken this drug for over 10 years, I have had no side effects with Altace, however the Generic drug has caused side effects that were clearly from the Generic. The insurance company did not want to approve the Name Brand for some time but I continued to fight for the Name Brand which finally was approved but I have to pay a steep deductible for it.

no known problems. seems to have helped lower b/p along with Bisoprolol. uriinating often though. Could these cause this??

This medication has been HORRIBLE for me. A few years ago I was on it and developed major anxiety, sinus infections and cough. Severe on all levels. So went off the drug and those things went away... took a while for the anxiety to stop however. About 5 months ago, my protein leak spiked so I tried this med again at 5 mg. After a couple of months cough, water weight gain (10 lbs), anxiety and major neck and shoulder pain. Went off of it. Dropped weight and pain and anxiety fairly fast... probably as I wasn't on it as long as first time. So a month after being off the Altace, protein spikes again. So thought I'd try low dose. 1.25. No effect on the protein leak but stopped losing weight immediately and neck and shoulder stiffness. Doubled the dose to 2.5 a week ago and within a couple days severe neck and shoulder pain and water retention.. started gaining even though I jog everyday and am on a calorie restricted diet. Today I have made the decision I can't take this med. At 2.5mg the protein is reduced but I am miserable. I am also major allergic to Atacand.. Angiodema caused vocal chords to swell and it took 5 weeks to heal after coming off that drug. So I have no proteinuria drugs I can take. Scary but this is not living life with all these side effects either.

it is suppose to raise y heart rate and i have cirrhosis

I've been taking this medication for a year and a half and feel it is working in me though I still have to lower my cholesterol level more to a healthier number.

It was a easy transition from a calcium channel blocker to Altace/

I have a history of congestive heart failure. After my second bypass surgery, I experienced severe neusea for 10 weeks, was very weak and lost 27 pounds. My cardiologist first directed I see a gastrointerologist, then suggested a psychiatrist (which upset me greatly). I stopped taking the Altace he had prescribed following my surgery and began feeling better within a couple of days and was fine after a week. In subsequent conversations with other heart surgery patients, I found neusua was a common complaint of patients prescribed Altace. I also changed cardiologists.


I am sleepy, hungry and depressed all the time...weight gain sluggish.

Ok so I am rating this for my hubby, who has taken Altace for several years, however, in the last year or so, he has had multiple sinus infections, unproductive coughing spasms which almost result in vomiting. Has anyone else had this adverse reaction to this drug after being on it for a few years?

Have had good experience with Altace, but now company is wanting to put me on raprilmal or something like that. What are the comparisons for these two drugs. Should this other one be substituted and does it work as well as Altace.

Diagnosed with CHF and heart enlargement 5 months ago due to a viral infection of my heart causing damage. At that time EF was 25%. I began taking 2.5 mg generic Altace (ramipril)once a day at that time along with carvedilol/Coreg 2X a day, 3.125 mg each dose. After four months the ECHO showed an EF of 45%. I'm extremely happy with this progress. No noticeable side effects with the Altace. At first, some dizziness when standing up after sitting which is normal. I have no complaints about this medication.