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Generic Name: Roxicodone (oxycodone)

Roxicodone Reviews

For Chronic Pain "FYI - as other sleuths such as myself have discovered: the CAMBER brand oxycodone (I get prescribed 15mg) are JUNK! For the last two months, this is ALL my mom and pop shop have had in stock allegedly, and I’m telling you, they are BOGUS or FAKES. My doc has even written on my scripts DO NOT fill with CAMBER BRAND, and the pharmacy still has, so I was stuck with them. Plus, sarcasm - it’s so easy to just transfer a CONTROLLED MED script to a NEW pharmacy - LOL - they’ll give you the junkie glare or straight up lie and say they don’t carry it. LOL. This whole nightmare has become such a blatant and laughable joke really. We (legit pain patients) are onto ALL of you playing this game with our lives. The jig is up."

For Chronic Pain "I have to laugh when I read some of these comments. Why do I itch? Because you are taking too much! Listen, I take 7 pills a day of oxycodone 80 mg and 15 pills a day of Roxicodone 30 mg because a doctor years ago decided it would be the best thing for me, and it was the worst thing he ever did to me. I take over 210 80s a month and 450 30s, that's 660 pills a month - yes, one month! I would tell anyone, do not take these meds. I am so addicted to these now, and now with Obama and the DEA against them, doctors are being told to take people off them. Well, that's great, now I deal with the withdrawal and it's terrible. Please, please, please, if you really need the meds, take them with caution, they become so addictive, it doesn't matter who you are."

For Chronic Pain "Very effective. I have 3 bulging discs in my neck, 2 herniated discs in my lower back, and torn ligaments in both knees, had surgery on right, the left is next but still very painful, from a major car accident, left me disabled. I take 60 mg OxyContin 2x daily and 30 mg oxycodone 4x daily. And it has been a life saver, thanks to my compassionate Dr. who understands my chronic pain, I can actually live my life. And take care of all my adopted animals that need me."

For Chronic Pain "Taking this medication as prescribed gives back quality of life within days of first use. The less you take, the more effective it is in pain reduction. For anybody using any opiate for recreational use, they have no idea what complications lie ahead in time. Not only losing everyday enjoyment, but also revolving around becoming physically dependent (dope sick) on the medication day in and day out. Trust me, you don't need the extra stress. Nobody who takes this medication prescribed by a doctor wants to suffer not only from chronic pain, but also from the physical and mental stress that comes with opiate use. I do not work in the medical field, this is all from personal experience. Hope this information helps out in any way!"

For Chronic Pain "This medication has been so beneficial, it has improved my quality of life ten-fold. I'm grateful to have been given access to this medication. I take 1-2 15mg tablets every 4 hours depending on the severity of my pain. I have relapsing multiple sclerosis and suffer severe widespread pain everyday. Mostly nerve pain in my legs that is debilitating. I do not get a "buzzed" feeling from the but it certainly takes the edge off my pain. Highly recommended but only if you aren't prone to addiction or have an addictive tendency."

For Chronic Pain "I was on Percocet 10/325, the highest dose. It was killing my stomach, but since my doctor changed it to just Roxicodone without acetaminophen, I feel much better. It definitely helps with the pain. I take a lot less pills now because I'm on the right dose. I haven't had any bad reactions either so far. Been on this for almost a year now."

For Chronic Pain "After an injury with a chainsaw, I was put on morphine. It made me feel 'thick' and groggy. It also didn't cut the pain. I asked my doctor to put me on oxycodone and OxyContin. I found this to be better at reducing pain without the brain fog."

For Chronic Pain "Been on and off of it for intractable pain and trigeminal neuralgia for 10 years. I was taking 30 mg every 4 hours or 6×a day. That worked for me for a long time until my doctor of 14 years retired, and it's been downhill from there. Now I'm only prescribed 30 mg 3 times a day and thinking about what options I have because when you're on these drugs for so long, you don't have adequate relief or adequate medication. It just leaves you in a state of withdrawal and increased sensitivity to pain."

For Chronic Pain "I've had 10 surgeries on both of my legs. I just started going to a doctor this month, and they gave me roxys. They work more than any other medicine out there. I'm so happy I can now take my son for a walk and do things that I couldn't do before. I want to thank my doc for taking my pain away."

For Chronic Pain "I have been given many choices for my breakthrough pain medication while being on methadone, but I have always stuck with oxycodone. I chose oxycodone without Tylenol because Tylenol causes major GI upset since I suffer from Gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying). I find it to be very effective in the combination I'm on. The only downside of oxycodone I find with myself is that if it's taken by itself, it can cause insomnia, which I find to be very annoying."

For Chronic Pain "Bed bound for 5+ years for injuries and spinal microfractures complicated by significant OA and bone spurs. Now with Roxicodone, I am up and walking, doing, being! I was under medicated during the war on opioid abuse, an anesthesiologist made adjustments, and within months I regained strength. 30 mg 3x a day has given me a measure of my freedom back."

For Chronic Pain "I have had chronic back and neck pain since 2002. I have had back surgery twice and neck surgery once. I have tried a lot of different options, and the OxyContin, Oxycodone combination has been the best for me. Since the onset of all this, 'Opioid crisis' has happened, it has been harder and harder to get my meds. The old saying, 'don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch,' says it all. That's what the government has done, let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. People that need these meds need them, and with the way it is now, doctors don't want to give them out. If I could, I would get off them in an instant, but my life is miserable without them from the pain I have, so here I am, stuck getting what I can to get at least some relief."

For Chronic Pain "I initially suffered compression fractures of L1, L2, & L3 with fractures of the vertebrae & 20% disc space loss between L1 & L2 & L2 & L3. Only 8 months later I had the unfortunate experience at a sporting goods store, a 240lb shelf fell directly on my head knocking me out cold for 30 seconds. That also led to a fractured C5, nerve damage, & a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I was lucky enough to get in to see one of the best pain management doctors, who was working out of a hospital in Denver at the time, and he put me on Roxicodone 30mg x 6/day and I've never had a more effective medication! It truly made the pain vanish & I could go about my day as normal. I moved to IL & they drastically lowered my meds & switched me to Dilaudid & it isn't nearly as effective!"

For Chronic Pain "Have had back problems for 25 years, my doctor has me on 30 mg 2X a day. My doctor is so scared of the DEA that it took a lot to get this. I really need 3 a day but he won't hear of it. I wish he would give me this and maybe something else for the breakthrough pain but he will not do it. Just glad I get this much."

For Chronic Pain "I've dealt with chronic pain for the last 11 years, since I was 23. And as anyone with chronic pain knows, it's never going to completely go away. We just want a break, some type of relief from the constant agony. In the wide variety of opioid pain meds, Roxicodone has brought me the most consistent pain relief paired with my muscle relaxer (Baclofen). I swear I've tried just about everything, trying to find that 'happy medium.' I personally try to find the least amount of medication I need to be on to function. These seem to do that for me, aside from fentanyl patches and then a med for breakthrough. Everyone is a bit different though, and our tolerance for medications and how our body metabolizes it varies as well. But for me, it works!!"

For Pain "Long-term chronic pain sufferers greatly benefit from immediate pain relief. The 30mg dose provides relief for about 6 hours, however, it is very difficult to get filled at the pharmacy, typically resulting in a 3-day wait time to check the doctors and your records."

For Chronic Pain "After working with the top doc in the field of pain management (Philadelphia) for years, I ended up on Roxicodone. We literally tried everything available/appropriate before resorting to narcotics. Some things worked for a while and then stopped; some meds caused awful side effects. Roxicodone works well for me; it doesn't provide 100% relief, but is better than other things I've tried."

For Chronic Pain "I'm 20 years old and have been dealing with testicular neuralgia, which causes severe pain in the scrotum, for more than a year. Vicodin didn't sustain my pain nearly as much as Roxicodone does. My pain doctor prescribed me 15 mg of oxycodone (Roxicodone) six times a day. This medication has literally given me my life back. It simply takes my pain away for hours, and I can function 100% better. I take this along with MS Contin and a muscle relaxer. 10/10 rating!"

For Chronic Pain "This has given me a quality of life that I did not have! I am able to enjoy time with my child again, do some hobbies I once had to quit, and it helps me not to just barely get through the day but to enjoy parts of the day again."

For Chronic Pain "Prescribed 30 mg 3 times daily. I used to be on Opana 40 mg. Opana was definitely a better solution because 1 pill a day is better than 3. The new formula causes stomach problems for me, but now I am on Roxicodone, and it does great for my spinal disc pain. I just wish I didn't have to take 3 a day."

For Chronic Pain "After being on methadone for tonsil cancer and going through radiation the methadone only made me sick in the stomach with no pain relief, Roxicodone has not gave me any bad side effects and I'm even on Xanax but I do not abuse them and take them as little as possible, however the Roxicodone liquid seems to take your pain and bad thoughts away so you may not even need your nerve pill, it also tastes like a good cherry flavor but boy is the radiation painful to the throat. I'm trying to wait the pain out but it's pretty severe. But the Roxicodone takes a good deal of it away and is much better than methadone in my opinion."

For Chronic Pain "Have chronic back pain, bulging disc in L1 and S5, along with lumbar thinning due to osteoarthritis, which I have in my hands, knees, and ankles, also fibromyalgia. I am prescribed 6 daily 10/325 Vicodin. When I have a 'flare-up,' they do not work. Doctor called this in for me, 10 mg. I just took the 1st pill about an hour ago, and I am pain-free. Unfortunately, he will not put me on this medication regularly, this is just to get me through until I can get another MRI to make sure nothing has changed in my spine."

For Chronic Pain "I broke my back and had an artificial disc to put in and then device failed and I was put on roxycodone 30 mg and oxycodone works better for me than hydrocodone and even better than the Dilaudid the Dilaudid and hydrocodone doesn't last not an hour for some reason on me if I got Dilaudid through an IV it would hit me hard and take away the pain for about 30 minutes and then it would will go away fast the oxycodone for whatever reason works better for me"

For Chronic Pain "I've been suffering from intense chronic pain for many years due to a C5 bulging disc, which causes pain throughout my entire right arm, and L3/L4, L5/S1 disc herniation with stenosis, resulting in constant sharp and burning sciatica pain. After trying numerous treatments and medications, Roxicodone has significantly alleviated my pain and greatly improved my quality of life. I've been taking Roxicodone for 4 years now, and it remains consistently effective. I take a 5 mg pill four times a day, every 4-6 hours. I don't experience any 'euphoric' effects from this medication. It effectively relieves my pain and allows me to continue my work with minimal discomfort."

For Pain "I have severe osteoarthritis and advanced joint degenerative disease. I have been on many different kinds of medicines in the past including Methadone, and I think the Roxicodone 30mg. is by far the best. This medicine, you can actually function on and be totally out of pain!"

More about Roxicodone (oxycodone)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Roxicodone drug information
  • Roxicodone (Oxycodone Capsules and Tablets)
  • Roxicodone (Oxycodone Concentrate)
  • Roxicodone (Oxycodone Solution)

Other brands

OxyContin, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, OxyIR, ... +7 more

Professional resources

  • Roxicodone prescribing information
  • Roxicodone Solution (FDA)
  • Oxycodone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

OxyContin, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, RoxyBond

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain