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Generic Name: Fluticasone nasal for Allergic Rhinitis (fluticasone-nasal)

Fluticasone nasal for Allergic Rhinitis Reviews

Flonase (fluticasone) "My allergies/post nasal drip were at their worst, so I decided to try Flonase out of desperation. The first day or two I noticed immediate relief for my post nasal drip symptoms - but then the following days I began feeling extremely fatigued & anxious. I've suffered from anxiety & depression in the past and have it under control, so I am always aware when my mental health is feeling off - and the only logical explanation for this change was the introduction of Flonase in my system. I stopped using it immediately, and feel as though I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms - headache, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety - I would've thought I was going crazy, but was so relieved to see that others had similar experiences with Flonase. I'm feeling a bit better each day, but from past experiences with anxiety, I know it will take a bit of time to feel back to normal. In conclusion, I'd much rather deal with post nasal drip than have my mental health sent into a tailspin!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "Back pain, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, dissociation, brain fog, oral thrush, headaches, floaters in vision, sore throat, dizziness, loss of balance, crust in nostrils, odd temperature sensations in limbs. Avoid at all costs."

Flonase (fluticasone) "TERRIBLE! Do not use this!! Or be very cautious, listen to your body! If you get ANY anxiety, STOP IMMEDIATELY! I used it for 9 days. I was having panic attacks every day. I didn’t know what was going on, it turned my life UPSIDE DOWN. Finally, I figured out it was the Flonase, so I stopped using it. The panic attacks stopped, but the anxious feelings stayed. I had insomnia, no appetite, lost 15 lbs, couldn’t work. Literally flipped everything upside down. I’ve been in and out of the hospital, they’re checking everything to see if I’m okay, but mainly it affected my hormones, especially cortisol. Finally, now it’s been almost 6 weeks and I’m finally getting better. Do not take this!!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "Thank God I looked at these reviews! I thought I was going nuts thinking it was just me that all of this was happening to, and swore it was the Flonase that was causing me issues! My allergist actually had me doing 2 sprays in each nostril TWICE a day!!! I noticed that I started gaining weight, after working hard to lose 40 lbs., I'm back up 25 lbs!!! I started using it again after giving it a break due to nose bleeds and burning in my nostrils each time I used it. Plus it just wasn't working, and I was still congested no matter what I did! Also I suffer from anxiety issues, and couldn't understand why it seemed to be so much worse. All of these questions were answered by all of you who shared your experiences, and I want to thank you all so much. The bottle will be going in the trash as soon as I'm finished typing this review! No more Flonase, or the generic fluticasone, for me!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "This Flonase stuff has been horrible for me. It gave me horrendous headaches, interrupted my sleep patterns and has given me body aches and pains. I know it was the Flonase because 24 hours after stopping it all this has gone away. My allergies are awful but not as bad as the Flonase! This should not be an over-the-counter drug. The advertising is totally misleading and I can’t believe my physician recommended it. If you are going to try it, please proceed with caution."

Flonase (fluticasone) "Don’t take Flonase if you have anxiety or are sensitive to steroids. I took it for a few weeks and ended up in the ER 4 times! Racing heart, terrible anxiety, nausea, vomiting, severe mood swings and agitation. None of the doctors believed me when I said it was Flonase until they discovered I had Cushing’s Syndrome!! Now I’m having to wait weeks for the steroid to get out of my system! Just awful!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "I am horrified after seeing these negative reviews and mad at myself for trusting many doctors for many years. They kept me on Flonase for 15 years. I was on it constantly, as well as Allegra. I can’t count the number of times I asked, “Are you sure a steroid nasal spray is okay to use every day and won’t have side effects?” The resounding answer was always no, perfectly safe. I kept taking it all those years because I thought rhinitis was the source of my headaches. Flash forward, I got very sudden vision problems. I had always had 20/20 vision. The optometrist said it was age (I don’t think 45 is that old). Then came years of increasingly debilitating headaches that no medication (not even narcotics) would touch. I never correlated this to Flonase. Three weeks ago, a 10/10 headache woke me up, I vomited, and almost went to the ER (again) because of dizziness. I made an appointment to get an MRI, then found this site! I am FURIOUS. A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT IS NEEDED!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION IF YOU'RE PRONE TO ANXIETY! I've been taking this for a few months now, and I only experienced a slight decrease in allergies while becoming incredibly anxious and getting random mood swings throughout the day. Frankly, I wouldn't recommend Flonase to anyone if you have even the slightest tendency towards anxiety. It was also making me tired. I'm so glad I finally recognized what was causing this so that now I can potentially have things go back to normal."

Flonase (fluticasone) "WARNING: FLONASE IS DANGEROUS. I only took this for 3-4 times. After the second day, my heart was 110 all day. Rushed to the ER. After the doctor checked my blood work, my heart is perfect. Never could find out the problem, so keep in mind my heart rate went down after they gave me nitrogen. Kept me overnight to monitor me on a heart monitor, again, it’s fine. Keep in mind I have post-nasal drip, so Flonase is one of my medications. Ok, haven’t had it at all in the hospital, heart rate fine. So now I’m being discharged. The nurse comes in and brings me the Flonase because I never had it in there. So I take it. Now I’m discharged, going to the car, my heart races. It wasn’t until I got home that I checked my heart rate, which was 108. The only medication I had was Flonase. Now I’m weak, tired, shoulders hurt, joints hurt, throat tightens, cough, can’t breathe, my neck hurts, get tired just walking out of the car into the house. I stopped taking the Flonase, and it’s only been 24 hours, still having symptoms."

Flonase (fluticasone) "Caused me to have migraines at the base of my head/skull where it meets my neck. I took it for years and I had migraines for years, especially while in bed trying to sleep. Saw my primary doctor for the migraines and they never figured out what was causing it, ran blood tests, etc. I suffered a long time. Then I didn't take it for the period of November 2019, then began taking it again in February 2020, which is when my migraines came back. It triggers severe pain."

Flonase (fluticasone) "This medication is dangerous. Please do not take it. I would be very surprised if it doesn't end up getting taken off shelves in the near future. The side effects are horrendous. I would've rather had horrible allergies all day, every day than go through what this stuff has done to me."

Flonase (fluticasone) "I used Flonase for a short period of time. I had very good results with relief of allergy symptoms, however, just a few months later, I developed very rapid onset cataracts in both eyes. I was just 61. They came on so rapidly and reduced my vision to the point I could not read labels at the grocery and actually became unable to drive due to vision impairment. I had surgery and lens implants, my cataracts were the type that could return. That was February 2017, and thankfully, I continue to have good vision and I am very healthy. I have always wondered if Flonase caused my cataracts, it is listed as a side effect, which unfortunately I did not even realize that was a possible side effect until it was too late. I took no other medications and was in excellent health. I was devastated but had a wonderful ophthalmologist, M.D. The surgery ended up costing me $10,000 because I had very high deductible insurance. I threw away all of my Flonase and decided to never use it again."

Flonase (fluticasone) "I gave this medication a 5/10 simply that it does a good job at reducing allergy rhinitis symptoms. However, I must say that I had to discontinue the medication after one week because of significant side effects. From the first day of use, I experienced severe anxiety and insomnia. The next day after stopping the medication, I was extremely lethargic with body aches. Pretty powerful drug for over-the-counter use in my opinion."

Flonase (fluticasone) "STAY AWAY FROM THIS. I started taking it 2 years ago. The doctor recommended this for allergies and sinus problems. I can't believe it took me this long to realize all the problems I've been having were because of this stuff. I started with heart palpitations, pressure in my neck, high blood pressure, and really bad vertigo. I ended up in the ER twice, and I started to notice every time I took it, I was feeling anxiety and I had panic attacks. I never suffered from any of these problems. They recommended it again after my last vertigo attack, and I was feeling worse every time I took it. I started reading the reviews on another page. I am so glad I found other people with similar symptoms. Horrible. DO NOT TAKE THIS. It's in the trash now."

Flonase (fluticasone) "I moved to Seattle in spring, so I started getting allergies. The doctor recommended Flonase for it. It helped get rid of it, but after a while, I started getting this shortness of breath and tightness in the chest area. It felt like I was going to pass out a couple of times. I’m going to stay away from it as that is far scarier than being stuffy."

Flonase (fluticasone) "Took Flonase for 7 days. Didn't equate the pressure behind my right eye with this until I got a stabbing pain in my eye and went to the optometrist immediately. He said it's the nasal spray causing pressure behind the eye, not in the eye, and it is causing the dry eye. I read all the precautions again and 'eye pain' is a symptom."

Flonase (fluticasone) "This has been the most terrifying experience of my life. I couldn’t sleep, had weird heart palpitations, high blood pressure, extreme anxiety and muscle twitches. It took me a while to figure out it was Flonase. After stopping this medication I’m able to start feeling relief from those symptoms. I’d take a stuffy nose any day than use this horrible crap ever again! This stuff should be illegal!!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "Like another reviewer, I developed daily, severe headaches that started at the base of the skull and neck and then traveled up the whole head. I had a deep pain in the nasal cavity and a horrible, dry cough. I don't think the cough is from the allergies, I think it's from the spray. The headaches are definitely from the spray as every time I try to use it, I develop them. I threw it in the garbage. My primary care doctor loves to tell me that it "all stays in the nose" and doesn't enter the rest of your body systemically which is total bull. How else could it cause glaucoma then and such a huge range of other symptoms that so may people have reported? Mine went in the trash can!"

Flonase (fluticasone) "I have awful allergies and have since I was a kid. At 30 years old, I finally couldn't take it anymore and gave in and started taking medicine. I take a prescription strength Claritin and use Flonase, Fluticasone Propionate. I really like it because it takes effect immediately. I actually like the smell of it. It cracks me up because it is for allergies, yet smells like flowers. I noticed it works best if you blow your nose first and use it first thing in the morning. I did experience a mild nosebleed about a week into using it, but haven't had one since and I have been using it for 4 months now."

Flonase (fluticasone) "(False advertising) They sell it in the hay fever section at the chemist for around $30 a bottle in New Zealand (NZ). I thought I'd try something new. It has been a nightmare, taken as directed, ended up with a stuffy nose for a whole week, itchy eyes, then when it got bad, I also had a sore throat, coughing, pretty much feels like a flu, all congested up in the chest, feeling tired and hoping to wake up and it gone, it's not normal. Wasted my money and time being sick and all at the end of the week."

Flonase (fluticasone) "Started taking Flonase and Claritin every day for sinus congestion and fluid in my ears. After using it for 2-3 weeks, my sinus were clear and the fluid in my ears changed to confusion, brain fog, a little dizziness. As a result, full blown anxiety. Never experienced any anxiety in my life. Reading similar posts on here. My question is how long after quitting Flonase and Claritin will I feel better? Day 8 right now and making very little progress. Any comments?"

Flonase (fluticasone) "Do NOT buy this!!!!! Like other nose sprays, this does NOTHING to help your allergies. Unlike pills that actually work and cure all your allergy symptoms. Flonase does NOTHING but burn your nose and leave you with a very harsh aftertaste. Their ads are very misleading, and Flonase needs to be taken off the market for good. "

Flonase (fluticasone) "I had a stuffy nose for 2 weeks, tried Afrin & over-the-counter meds, and nothing worked. I used to take Rx Flonase about 10 years ago every allergy season, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try. It took about 3 days, and now my nose is almost completely cleared up. Before taking this, I had sinus pain/pressure, a horrible smell when I blew my nose, constant runny nose, watery eyes. Most times I couldn't even blow anything out, it was so clogged. Flonase works."

Flonase (fluticasone) "Don't take this drug. I had horrible anxiety , paranoia like thoughts, heart palpitations, insomnia, my body was shaking and nightmares as well as being tired. Also, I had nausea, dry mouth and sore throat. It did help with stuffy nose. I took flonase on and off for several months. It look me a while to figure out why I was feeling so horrible and why I could not sleep. It might take weeks to feel completely better. When I stopped taking it the first time it took about 3 weeks then I took it again and then I realized Flonase was causing my symptoms. The anxiety is not listed as a side effect but in my case it was Flonase that caused it."

Flonase (fluticasone) "Flonase SUCKS. The first two days I used it, I thought it was the greatest thing ever invented because my horrible allergies finally seemed to clear up. I forgot to take it one day and woke up in the middle of the night with a stopped up nose, so I took Flonase again as soon as I woke up. It was VERY ineffective that time. I got horrible headaches, insanely itchy eyes, a sore throat, and my mouth and lips were constantly dry. It has been a week since I've vowed to never use Flonase again, and I STILL have the WORST smell in my nose and mouth from that stupid allergy "reliever". If you're wondering if you should hop in your car, make the trip out, and purchase Flonase, I will let you know right now that, that is the biggest mistake."

More about fluticasone nasal

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  • Reviews (339)
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: nasal steroids

Patient resources

  • Fluticasone nasal drug information
  • Fluticasone Nasal Spray
  • Fluticasone Nasal Spray (Exhaler)

Other brands

Flonase, Flonase Allergy Relief, Xhance, Flonase Sensimist, Veramyst

Professional resources

  • Fluticasone (EENT) monograph
  • Fluticasone Nasal Spray (FDA)

Other brands

Flonase, Xhance, Veramyst, Ticanase

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps
  • Chronic Rhinosinusitis Without Nasal Polyps
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Rhinitis
  • Allergies