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Generic Name: Phendimetrazine Tartrate

Brand Name: Phendimetrazine Tartrate

Phendimetrazine Tartrate Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medicine isn't working I have been on it for two days now and I'm still so hungry the other medicine I was on before this one always worked I was never hingery ....at the rate I will never lose the last little bit of pounds I need to lose ...

This was supposed to be an appetite suppressant, but I was still as hungry as I always was. It may have helped me from eating such large portions but that might also be part to me forcing myself from those portions at times. I usually eat 1-2 times a day because I work nights, but they are large portions. I've lost 10 lbs. in a month and I rarely took this medication. I still have 17 days worth of it. I can't quite say if it works or not. But strong will has for sure.

I have read all the reviews and was excited to finally have something that everyone said would help to lose weight. I have been on this 3 x a day no side effect at all. But I have not lost one pound taking them. I will stay on for a month to see if I lose anything. I work out and play tennis and still nothing is helping. So I am a little disappointed with this drug.

I started taking Phendimetrazine 35mg 2 x's a day along with Fentyl 10 mg at night on April 1, 2015. I weighed in on April 27th, 2015 and had lost a total of 14.5 lbs. I'm still on the 1000 calorie diet and taking the medications as prescribed. I go back to the doctor next week (1 week early due to holiday) to weigh in...I'm excited to see how much I lost this time. No side effects for me and I'm able to sleep fine since beginning medications. Lots of energy too. It takes a lot of will power to not eat or feed the sweet tooth in the first few weeks. Now I'm 6 weeks in and applesauce or sugar-free jello is enough to satisfy my sweet tooth which is very seldom.

I have tried everything to lose weight. Spent a couple thousand on exercise equipment, watch what I eat but still couldn't lose weight. I was prescribed these pills plus thyroid pill to boost my metabolism in June 2014. I weighed in today and officially down 52 pounds. I have more energy to exercise. My appetite us under control so I do not eat as much. I would recommend these to any one that can take them safely. I am 34yrs old starting weight 300 now down to 248. Amazing.

As part of a weight loss plan along with B-12 shots and watching what I eat. I've always been active but after menopause put on pounds. This has been great - lost most of the weight, have energy, and mood is better. Does sometimes wake me up at night - I take slow release capsule. Other than that, no problems. I see my Doc every week for the shots, so monitored well.

I have been taking this drug for a little over 6 weeks and have lost 16 pounds! I absolutely love this as the phentermine wasn't working for me anymore and was at the end of my rope. I was dieting to the point of starving myself and still not losing weight but this pill has been a miracle for me. My doctor and I are very happy with the results I'm having. I still have about 50 more pounds to lose but I can do it with this pill!

I have kept my weight at a good level while using this drug..plus it gives me energy and and upbeat mood..good for an anti depresant use.

No problems, loosing weight with reduced calorie diet and exercize.

I haven't been taking this med for very long. Just a week or so, but I have noticed increased energy. Which happens to make me more cheerful too. One side effect that I haven't read on other reveiws is green poop. And it has to be the med cus i haven't overly eatten anything green. I dunno...anyone else have that issue? other than that I like it.

Been taking this med for 3 months lost 32lb. I do worry about what will happen when I quit taking this med will I keep the weight off or will I put it back on. I really hope not I like being able to play with my kids and I like how I don't feel sick all the time..

I started 3 months ago needing to lose 50 lbs. My blood pressure was 150/100 with medication. Now, 3 months later, using this medication and restricting my diet to high protein, low carbs – low calories – I am within 5 lbs of my target. It has been easy actually. And my blood pressure – using only half the medication previously used – is 120/80 range. I have had a couple of side-effects...One is constipation. You need to drink plenty of water. The other is erectile dysfunction. Never really dealt with that before – but I am assuming it is the effects of the pills (at least I hope it is). I guess I will find out in a couple of weeks when I go into maintenance mode..Other than that – my experience has been overall very positive...

This med is great it has helped me lose 1.5 to 2 pounds a week without feeling any side-affects. I am now focused on living the rest of my life healthy.

i have been on this med for 1mon i have lost ten lbs i read a review about cramps in the legs i have that problem also usually the the lower leg but not enough to stop me from taking this med. overall it works great!!!

my starting weight was 200lbs and now way 175, I started taking the med in October but had to stop a wk or 2 into it, due having to have my gall bladder removed (which had NOTHING to do with this med, it had been bother some for years). I then started this med again in January and was still around 200lbs. I stayed on the med, did not exercise and lost 30lbs. around May i stopped this med in May (because it is a short term med- 6 months at a time). I did not have any major side effects just found it hard to sleep if i took it after 4pm. i usually only took 2 in AM and 2 at lunch time and watched my diet, reduced my fat in-take a lot. I was able to keep my weight around 175-179 and decided that i wanted to go back on it, and have been on it since 7/6/10 and have not lost very much. I think i am going to switch to Phentermine and see if it works for me. I would like to get to 150 where i feel comfortable being able to maintaine my own weght with out taking a pill.

I started taking this drug in October. I take three pills a day at 35 mg. each. I love it. It helps curve my appetite. I had first started taking my pills only on my work days; I work 12 hour shifts. i found that I would eat more on my days off. I was still losing my target weight every month, but it scared me thinking I would only go back to eating after I got off this pill. I have lost 32lbs. and have 50 more to go.

I've been taking this for about 6 weeks now and I've lost 25 pounds. I've cut out all sodas and drink only water and hit the gym at least 3 days a week. I'm so excited to see such great results in such little time.

i have taken these pills before and love them. I went to a clinic and got these pills under supervision. I had some side effects in the begining like anxiety and the jitters but after a week they wore off. They did always make me hyper though, I have a low tolerance for stimulants. Needless to say, I saw a review where someone was scared to ween off the pills and I wanted to say that because the clinic got to prioy for me, I had to ween myself off. I went from 6 35mg pills a day to three than two then none.. I was SO scared about gaining it back, I continued to watch somewhat of what I ate.. I was a bad girl... but I also worked out like a mad women. Originally I lost 60 pounds in 4 months.. I have always been over weight and did not want to gain anything back becuase I planned on going back tot he clinic. I went back today and only gained 4 pounds but lost 2.5 percent body fat... So i lost inches! I am now back no the pills and more excited than ever! I love being able to know I am going to lose weight and feel awesome about it! These pills worked wonders for me!

This drug helped me to lose 50 lbs. When I first took the drug I felt "light-headed" but that symptom ended soon afterwards. It is a stimulant and as a result it greatly decreased my appetitie, and increased my energy. When I stopped taking the drug it had a rebound effect--I got tired and hungry. In addition, when taken for several months it no longer has the same effect.