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Generic Name: Lamictal XR (lamotrigine)

Lamictal XR Reviews

For Seizure Prevention "This medicine has genuinely been so much better for me than Keppra or Aptiom. It feels like I went from one of the worst medicines I've ever been on for side effects to once of the best in terms of overall wellbeing. It's been a long titration but at every step I mostly felt significantly better and have had zero seizures for 60+ days. At 50mg and 100mg I felt slightly more edgy/flippant where at 75mg I felt quite cheerful. I'm now on 150 going to 200mg of the Lamotrigine Extended Release. Not only have I not had any seizures but I also feel like I genuinely feel happier and don't carry anger or stress with me as long. Of course you have the risk of rash but to be honest it was made out to be way scarier than what I think the reality is for most. I feel like this should be the first medicine on the list for most everyday people. The zombie and rage effects of some of the other common seizure meds are just awful by comparison to how beneficial Lamotrigine's "side effects" are."

For Seizure Prevention "I didn't have many problems with Lamictal XR . Just sleep problems for about 3 or 4 days and then I adjusted. Constipation also plagued me. I had a breakthrough partial seizure and doc changed from 100mg to 150mg. Now I am having a lot of problems. My sleep is really disturbed, really bad dreams and panic attacks waking me up while sleeping. Wish he could put me at 125mg. Will have to check with him and see if that will keep seizures at bay. I have been a week and one half without a seizure."

For Seizure Prevention "I love this medicine. Made it that I didn't have to take my original Lamictal 150mg morning and night, now I just take the XR 300mg every day at lunch. "

For Epilepsy "I’ve been taking it for 20+ yrs. I give it an A+ for me"

More about Lamictal XR (lamotrigine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (6)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: triazine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lamictal XR drug information

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Lamictal XR prescribing information
  • Lamotrigine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands


Other formulations

  • Lamictal
  • Lamictal ODT
  • Lamictal CD

Related treatment guides

  • Epilepsy
  • Seizure Prevention