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Generic Name: filgrastim

Brand Name: Neupogen injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

After taking the shots during chemo I now have a very large stomach that I can’t get rid of. I know 3 others who have the terrible after affect. Even docs have said it’s a side affect. Terrible. I wasn’t made aware when prescribed. Your age is way off. We were in our 50’s

I received this medication in preparation to donate blood stem cells for my sister who has AML. The injections caused some nasty headaches, mild nausea, and some leg pain. The pain wasn't touched by Tylenol so we had to switch over to oxycodone. Overall though, the pain was so worth it as I was able to successfully donate 6.97 stem cells in just two five-hour sessions.

Terrible Pains on my right lower rib, pains on my right hand shoulder, blood in the urine and headaches. had on three injection Friday Saturday and Sunday

I have been taking Neupogen injections for my entire life due to my Neutropenia. The medicine is effective but it comes with it side effects. It has given me chronic back pain and joint pain which gets worse as I age. I would assume the benefits seem to out way the pain.

I've been taking filgrastim which is Neupogen for 3 days now and I will be receiving 2 more shots tomorrow and Monday the day of my donation. Yes, I fortunately I'm not suffering from cancer and any disease. But I was found dead to be a match with someone that currently is fighting lukemia. And everyone deserves a chance at life and I was lucky enough to be chosen. Back to the medication side effects, I'm feeling like a throbbing pain from my neck to my tailbone. Definitely unpleasant but I'm really trying to tough it out and not take any pain medication. I'm sure my pain is nothing compared to someone suffice from this illness.

breast cancer,chemo and surgery completed. unable to use legs as before neupogen shots. no relief from pain meds such as tylenol, hydrocodone, ibuprofen. pain never ends no matter what i take.excercise noneffective

Treated 6 months for hodgkin, mid term had problem with white cell count, corrected by 2 shots, each time 5 days before chemo. Had once backpain for 6 hours tolerable without medication, at the time of chemo white cell levels were always OK after neupo.

I received neupogen injections at least three times a week for 6+months. As a result I have limited leg mobility. Since I have been in remission from cancer I have been disabled due mainly from these neupogen injections. I will say though if I had not received them I could not of gotten my chemo treatments on time as scheduled so I'm sure the trade off was worth it. I just get really frustrated with the limited use of my legs and the horribloe pain I still get from these in jections.

The stares tell the story

the next two days I feel ill from taking this drug

It works quickly and effectively to boost the neutrophils. It sometimes makes me vomit and gives me ulcers in my mouth. There are flu like symptoms about 8-10 hours after the injections that last 8-10 hours. Occasional "bone marrow pain" i.e. throbbing. I suspect it is related to increased depression also however I cannot find that mentioned in the literature.

I have sjogren's syndrone and have been experiencing low white counts over the course of many years. I have been given neuprogen in the past to help fight infection. I am now on a regimen of 300 units every two weeks. My counts have increased. My side affects are weakness, especially in the legs and low grade pain in my bones. I also seem to be retaining fluid. I am thankful that this medication is availabe to help keep my counts up.

On Aug 15,2012, I was unable to have chemo treatment due to low neutrophils in white blood cells. I was given the first shot of neupogen, followed by 2nd and 3rd on following 2 days. After the first shot, I had severe pain in lower back, as well as, pain in other joints. I felt terrible in general, with swelling in some joints and low grade fever. I took hydrocodon-acetaminophen 5-500 to relieve pain. The pain subsided in 3 days. I found side effects of neupogen worse than neulasta. I had chemo again the following two weeks when neutrophils were low again. My Oncologist decided to give 4 neupogen shots spread over 4 days rather than 3 days. It worked beautifully. I just finished the 4th shot yesterday and feel fine. I feel tired and a little weak, but no pain medication was necessary during the 4 days. If not for neupogen, I would not be able to have chemo as my immune system was too low. I am grateful for neupogen and neulasta (which I have had in the past). They do the job of restoring neutrophils in white blood cells which allows me to have chemo to kill cancer cells. The question is do I want to suffer a little to achieve my goal of having chemo to extend my life? Yes! I do.

On HCV treatment therapy-Low WBC's Neutrophils expected range 1500-7800_ Mine 610 "one 300mcg Neupogen injection went to 11,674 "Wow". But, med decreases to about 50% in 2 days. Occasional tolerable body aches,feels a bit weird. Slight short nausea, may try leg INJ. I read Neutrophils are like the Cops attacking and killing the bad guys on site. With Neutrogen,the cops are on steroids. To much Neutrogen they turn into the "Keystone cops on steroids with sloppy over kills. The Blood work is important. Over all we are lucky to have a drug that does something so important as to save us from infection with minimal side effects. So take it, deal with it, kill those bad guys, keep up with the blood work, Good Luck

Up all night in screaming pain Tylenol not touching it May stop chemo if I have to continue this med

I have taken 480mcg (the higher dose, there's a 300mcg dose too) for three sessions now - they brought my neutrophils, white blood cell count and hematocrit all up - really well! I had one evening of pulsing pain starting from lower back - real misery, but got permission to take ibuprofen and even just 400mg of that knocked the pain out. Have also had extreme pain on defecation once. Aside from these two, and only one lasted a few hours, all subsequent treatments have not really increased joint pain much. They *have* increased nausea/acid/gas, but meds help that. Just keep on the ondonsatron and you'll be ok.

I am the patient's neice. We only started the inj this past thursday, so the above questions really do not apply at this time.

Suffer from severe chronic neutropenina. Have been taking this drug since 1998. I has changed my life. It does cause bone pain but I've lived with this so long that I really no longer notice it.

I started my chronic Hep C treatment with Rivabirin 1000mg a day and PegInterferon 180mcg a week, after 2 weeks I already develop very low white blood cell counts bellow 20%, started once a week Neupogen by Roche lab 0.5ml/ 30mu single dose syringe subcutaneous, my white blood cell count went up IMMEDIATELY in 24hrs as opposed as other generic versions of this drug which took 4-5 days to bring count up, sadly most insurance companies will not give you brand name, shame on system, when they have such different effectiveness rates, real shame cut cost in such a great drug.Cost is about $200 a dose/week with no insurance. Worth it. No side effects at all, been on this for about 2 months, and probably will be for another 5 months. Excellent drug! Note bring to room temperature b4 injection and no sting will be felt, doesn't loose pharmacological properties for to this.

The only part of this Drug that I found to be unsatisfactory is the joint pain.