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Generic Name: Afatinib Tablets, for Oral Use

Brand Name: Gilotrif

Gilotrif Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was diagnosed of Stage 4 NSCLC started 40mg after 7 days bad sore mouth

This is perfect medication for me 40 mg EGFR exon 19 mutation, the diaarhea got this in control, use Bratt's diet. My problem is the sore mouth, I cannot eat and swallow, I have to stop for 3 days. Taking Magic mouthwash and Nystatin to help the issue.

I've only been taking gilotrif for about 3 months. Had to take a week long break from the 40 mg because the diarrhea was so severe. While on that break, we heard about a new IBS drug called Viberzi. Started back with 20 mg and worked back up to the 40 mg while taking Viberzi 2xs a day. This IBS drug totally turned things around for me! I have an appetite again and rarely have any issues with diarrhea.

Side effects were mild initially and most have subsided except for one.....diarrhea. It is getting better considering I have been on the medication for 6 months. My dose is 30mg.

Because of side effects, mainly diarrhea and weight loss, my dosage was reduced from 40 mg. to 30 mg. I gave it a 5 star for satisfaction because it's working!

Diarrhea continues to be problematic the day after taking the medication. Teary eyes and redness around the eyes are most annoying also. I am taking the medication every other day. However these are minor compared to the benefit I am experiencing with this drug.