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Generic Name: Pioglitazone Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Actos

Actos Drug and Medication User Reviews

I gained almost double my body weight before a pharmacist pointed out possible side-effects with Actos. Feet and legs were grotesque in swelling, all the time. My doc kept telling me to lose weight. If only he believed how hard I was trying and getting worse. Told my doc what pharmacist suggested in Med change. Lost 14 lbs of fluid in 2 days. Actos is gone and I have lost 45 lbs. A miracle. Realize some people just do fine on this Med. A nurse-practioner said I was a prime candidate for congestive heart failure. Kudos to the wise pharmacist. Life is different now. Took this drug for about 18 years. Kept my glucose levels down, but at what expense to me. Know people who take it fine. I still refer to him as my “Angel” Pharmacist. He helped me during an evaluation right over the phone! Bless him.

Absolutely no control over sugars since taking this. With no warning, suddenly my sugars would drop like an elevator plummetting. Couldn't trust myself behind the wheel. Once I blacked out driving, so I stopped taking actos that day. Dr. wanted me to keep taking it, but I refused.

I am exhausted. I am usually very active, but now I keep falling asleep. Walking is difficult because I can barely lift my legs. The doctor took me off of Amaryl and placed me on Actos because I had PECOS. I am also Hypothyroid. At this point I am gaining weight, yet not eating, I have an issue with constant leaking and never making it to the restroom in time. This is ridiculous. I am supposed to be on it for another month and then get more lab work. Hope I make it.

Been on for 3 months...numbers came down but weight went up...gained weight and had lots of swelling of legs and ankles. Lots of muscle and joint pain and just plain feeling bad. Unable to do much walking due to swelling in feet and ankles. Stopped taking it today...start Januvia tomorrow. I hated this drug and would tell everyone to stay away from it.


after taking actos for about 6 weeks I developed severe muscle pain in my right arm moving up to my shoulder and down to my hand I stopped taking it

Was previously taking Lantus and Jardiance, switched to Actos. Blood sugar averaged 95 previously, now is 145 on 15 mg/ day. Not very effective after 3 weeks so going to a double dose

extra mucus-runny nose-very tired-swelling of feet and legs-headaches-terrible bile attack-gas and diarhea-off balance-shortness of breath-pain inright side of stomach(right under ribs) in general not feeling well!!!!!

When taking 15mg Actos my A-1c was 6.9 in June 2015. My doctor took me off Actos. Six months later my A-1c was 8.6. The doctor gave me a new script for 15mg Actos. I consider the chances of getting cancer miniscule and the chances of uncontrolled diabetes killing me at 100%. It is a good medicine that works for me.

On Actos for 5 years 30mg am 15pm. Terrible leg cramping and pain last 2 years but Dr would not take me off ! I lost 80lbs and ended up in the hospital after having a blood sugar of 24 ! Now being tested for bladder and Liver CANCER ! This IMO is a bad drug !

First, I was fine with it for about a year, it seemed to help for the first 6 months and started declining after that. But what I noticed was i'd have stomach problems and diarrhea. I couldn't hold any food in, as soon as I eat I had to use the bathroom. I started getting pains around my bladder area, then I read articles that it gave people bladder cancer. By then I've been taking it almost 2 years and couldn't figure out that the small actos pill was really messing up my health, my hair started falling out and it actually got pretty thin when I read that article, and told the doctor i'm stopping taking it. Next thing you know, my stomach started getting better, my hair stopped falling out in bunches and did grow back a little, I still have a lot of hair loss, but at least i'm not bald. This small pill caused my whole system to be out of whack, so not really sure what it was doing to me. But if you have any of these symptoms, stop, it's only going to lead to something bad.

Was taking 45mg daily, within last 6 months cut that does in half w/o effect of gluocse levels.A1c has been around 7 consistantly.After taking Actos for around 10 years new endocrinologist suggests not using it further because of potential side effects (stated in these reviews) none of which I have experienced. Questions: What side effects expected stopping Actosl short term and long term?

I was on Actos for 5 years. Unbelievably, my doc put me on it only 6 months after I had a heart attack, in spite of the warnings about cardiac side effects. It did keep my A1C down below 7, taken with metformin and glimiperide. But I have suffered severe, debilitating leg and muscle pain. But I never made the connection to Actos; I thought it was related to neuropathy and problems with my spine. In May of this year my A1C was creeping up above 7, so my doc told me to increase my Actos dose to 45 mg from 30. Within a month I became short of breath and had crackling sounds in my lungs when I breathed. I just thought I had bronchitis and waited it out. I also had terrible swelling in my ankles and feet, and then I broke a toe, too. In Sept I was to return to the doctor and the night before, I began to wonder if the Actos could be causing the swelling. Sure enough...I read all the warnings, and realized that I was well on my way to congestive heart failure!!! I stopped taking Actos that morning. Much of the swelling has gone down. And my legs stopped hurting!!! This drug has made my life hell for 5 years.

i have gained 50lb since starting actos 30 mg and levemir 25 units and javunia 100 mg day that is not good, retaining fluid, bad,

With Glimprideride (3mg) twice daily, ACTOs has kept my sugar under 100 much of the time in the AM before eating. I have never had any known problems with ACTOS. I also take 5 Metaformin 500 AM,N, PM. Not sure if metaformin helps. In 1990 sugar was over 400. Started ACTOs + Glimpridie after about 1995 and saw big improvement. Never had any low sugar problems.

I lovingly cared for someone who was killed by this drug. It is important that you take the time to read the reviews of those who suffered serious harm from Actos, and remember that many people have died too. Do they make these drugs in China, or are they an oversight from the FDA? Who today would feed their dogs the killing treats made in China? Actos was rejected by Canada and the UK several years ago. Why does the FDA pander to the big pharma...we are the ones to be protected!

I've ben on Actos 30mcg for a year now. Has kept my blood sugar average around 130 (down from 300-400)but I have gained 25 pounds in 6 months! Also have had some shortness of breath. Doctor is putting me on Januvia.

Let me eat what ever I want for over 5 years BUT after stopping ,lost almost 80 Lbs in a year and no more getting up 5 times a night to urinate ..I wish I knew Personally I think its bad medicine :-(

DEATH...what could be worse? I was a caregiver to, and have witnessed the death of my dear brother because of ACTOS. Words fail to express my pain after two years. Please DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG...Mikey would have wanted me to tell you this. He was on ACTOS for a few years...than suddenly he died...he is gone forever. I've told the FDA...but...this is more about you and saving your life if I can.

Looking for the worst side effect? Read the reviews...DO NOT PRESCRIBE OR TAKE THIS DRUG...Liability for DEATH can be the future. (Not just bladder cancer.) A quote from just one of many reviewers... "Even though my mother (75 yrs old) told her doctor she was experiencing side effects from the Actos (weight gain, swollen ankles, feeling like she was experiencing angina), he assured her that he was "a good doctor" and she needed to "trust him" and continue the medication in conjunction with Insulin and other diabetic and high blood pressure medication she was already taking. Even though he had told her that her heart was fine, she had a heart attack within a week of taking the drug and died. He should have paid more attention to her. A week after she died, we received a brochure in the mail warning of conjunctive heart failure as a side effect of Actos. Yes, I'm bitter. PLEASE reconsider before taking this drug!!!" Hide Full Comment PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF...DEATH WITH THIS DRUG IS POSSIBLE. LET'S TAKE THIS OFF THE MARKET...IT KILLS.