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Generic Name: Alendronate Sodium and Cholecalciferol

Brand Name: Fosamax Plus D

Fosamax Plus D Drug and Medication User Reviews

took fosamax D for about 6 yrs. I have some pain in my upper leg area, could be muscle or bone. I have had some gum,lost teeth but maybe condition before fosamax.I had to mention the 5 yr limit to my doctor.Now I am off it but still have leg pain.

I have been on it for 3 months, the only negitive effect I have is swelling in my ankles and a matalic in my mouth. I have not been taking it long enough to tell if it works or not for me.

I just started taking Fosamax two weeks ago so I cant really rate the effectiveness yet. After taking it I experence indigestion and some stomach upset. But after reading some of the other reviews, I think I'm pretty lucky. I think in my case if the drug was coated it may be a little better with less discomfort.

I'm 34. I've always had bone growth problems. I am taking the depo shot which causes bone loss. But, I don't think this is the cause of my bones loss. About 5 years ago, I broke my collar bone where I could not grow new bone on my break. I would like to hear from younger folks taken fosamax.

I just began taking this and remain concerned about the jaw/teeth "bone death" has anyone else experienced this? I don't feel that I have any other option any suggestions?

post menapausal, but does it stop periods from coming on im only 49 ,, or im i done with them ,,,how do i judge

I,m 48 yrs old, took 3 doses of this drug. Every joint in my body seemed to ache, including muscle pain. Felt like I had the flu. It's been 2 weeks since I quit taking it and my symptons are not getting any better. My mother (72 yrs), and my sister (53 yrs) also take this drug; however, they do not have any negative side effects.

Took this drug twice and experienced nausea, diareaha, and flu like symptoms. Stopped taking it and will continue with calcium supplements and Vitamin D.

I was recently diagnosed with a fracture of my femur. My dr. says this is a little advertised side effect of taking fosamax for over 5 years!! PLEASE be aware that in some women it can have this effect only in the femur. It is NOT in any Merck literature but in Europe drs. require their patients to stop it after 5 years!! Be advised.

After using bisphosphonates for 12 yrs. two months ago I have 2 teeth extracted & the pathology report said those areas had osteonecrosis (bone death) plus bacteria. It does not show up in dental x-rays so be sure you have a biological type dentist. Do not take Fosamax is my recommendation.

Good except for jaw problems

I am still in so much pain I do not think this is doing the job!!I used to take evista and I wasn't hurting as much then

have experienced bone and muscle pain in my legs, numbing and burning,tightness for one year had all sorts of test done and everything was normal, no one will say that it was the fosamax, after one year it is subsiding

Sporadic mild leg pain for about a week after first starting. No further problems with this drug. Causes heartburn if not enough water taken with it though.

After 3 doses(1x/wk) I had swelling of feet, ankles,lower calf, headache, and joint pain. Stopped RX, all symptoms gone within 1 wk.

Extreme stiffness and pain in hip and spine if sedentary for more than 1 hour. Getting out of bed in the morning was agony. Movement reduces symptoms. No longer taking. Side effects outweighs benefit.

I tried to take this med twice and both times I experienced vomitting and diarreha both times. I advised my doctor and am waiting to see if I can use another med.