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Generic Name: hydrocortisone butyrate

Brand Name: Locoid topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I got relief after first application.

My face was red, bumpy, and quite itchy especially on te cheeks, nose, and temples. The itching was releived within the first three or four applications (two days.)The redness was redusced soon after. It has been two an a half weeks and the redness is left only slightly on my cheeks and nose. I have noticed no side effects.

I actually have trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder where I pull my hair without realizing it. I was prescribed locoid to ease the skin irritation that resulted from pulling, and the steroid in it promotes faster hair regrowth-which is a great motivator to stop pulling. I still pull, but seeing the results of locoid help me do it less. Also excellent for alopecia, a condition where hair falls out.