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Generic Name: Aliskren and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Brand Name: Tekturna HCT

Tekturna HCT Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been on drug 300-25mg over one year. Worked wonders on my BP. But I was found to have numerous kidney stones in both kidneys. Had to have two surgical sonic blastings to break up the bigger stones. Just be sure to see a Renal doc to check your kidney functions while using this med.

This med dis work on my blood pressure,but I have had terrible side effects. First I could not raise my arms to even turn a page in a magazine-weakness,even to bend down was horrible. Then my knees and feet began to hurt. Then gout in foot,that has lasted over 2 months, severe pain in feet and knees still. I see my doctor soon and am going to stop this--Lab work is abnormal also. Bad medicine!!!

The diarrhea is not good for a working person; it is unmanageable when it starts.

I am glad it helped you. How long have you been taking tekturna? It was working for me for about two years before I started getting real sick and found out it was tekturna hct causing me all these health problems like crohns disease, low sugar, gallbladder removal, fibroidbialgia,I spelted this wrong but also other severe problems. Don't take it too long or you will be sorry.

I had uncontrollable high blood pressure, and had tried many combinations of BP meds to try to control. When Tekturna came on the market, my internist suggested I try it. Blood pressure immediately dropped and has been under control since. Prior to Tekturna, I took so much blood pressure medication, in combination, that I had no energy. Tekturna gave me back my life.

Blood pressure lowered from 190/98 to 117/73 within three days of starting this drug. Was totally amazed and quite pleased! Then, weight gain of 5-pounds within seven days of starting this medication. (Please note, I actively watch and keep my caloric intake to less than 1000 calories per day and have an exercise regimen that has maintained my ideal weight for the past year.) Legs, arms and face showed signs of swelling on day five. Lips began swelling on day ten. Lightheadness and a feeling of disassociation with sporadic blurred vision occured almost daily. Generally a poor physical feeling (heaviness and bloating) that I am not accustomed to. Have stopped this drug in the last three days and the feeling of bloating and heaviness are diminishing. A sense of well-being has returned and my scale is showing a reduction in ounces daily. Was truly amazed and pleased with how quickly my BP lowered...so very sad to have experienced these side effects. Just not the drug for me. Am checking my BP daily until I can see my doc again...so far, so good: 148/81 is the highest it has been in the last three days and that's continuing with the other two meds I have been on for years (clonidine & verapamil).



Since I have been on this medication which has been about a week and a half it has reduce my readings drastically. I have not seen my pressure numbers this low since before I was told that I have Hypertension. I am very much satisfied with the medication and would recommend it.

I believe my bladder became over action from this medication. I thought it had to do with another drug i'm taking but i have beeen off of it for 3-4 days and the feeling of the bladder went away not completely but close to it because of the way i felt for the past 6 months

I'm an 85yo woman, and after 8 different drugs in 9 months, tekturna 300+hct12.5mg has reduced my blood pressure from 180/98 down to 117/67 in 3 months. My side effects include low sex drive and an unproductive cough.

cannot have organism

I was taking norvasc which was very problomatic. I was switched to Tekturna HCT and have no side effects and a very acceptable blood pressure.

The higher dosage, 300mg/25mg absolutely saps my energy. After a couple of weeks on this drug, I can barely get around, no sex drive and no energy.

It helps somewhat

I have been on the drug for at least a year and a half. I have been overall quite pleased, but I had to reduce my HCT to 150 mg. I was literally incontinent,no control AT ALL. I am also a bit sluggish but I read that some other people have the same symptoms. It was kmy LAST resort because everythng else mad me cough uncontrollably. so far, so good.