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Generic Name: Alogliptin and Pioglitazone Tablets

Brand Name: Oseni

Oseni Drug and Medication User Reviews

nitially started Oseni 25/30mg remained on it along with Metformin and Glimipiride. With in one year I gained 30 pounds. I stopped taking it and within a couple of months the weight was gone. I recently started to take it again a few months ago and my weight is up 15 lbs already. I am done for good with it. I will stop taking this dangerous drug for good this time and will not go back on it.

Though daily blood glucose seemed to improve, A1C was still over 7. After taking for 10 months, developed congestive heart failure. Coincidence? Weight loss was impossible. Since I stopped taking it 4 weeks ago, I've dropped 12 pounds!

This drug was very effective. I even saw my blood sugar drop to 60 which I have never seen! I thought it was the final drug for me until I started showing side effects. After a couple of months, I realized I was so cold all of the time which is not like me at all. Then, after about 5 months, my legs started swelling up. The tightness and pain from the edema was so bad that even taking the hydrochlorothiazide pills didn't help. So, unfortunately, I had to stop taking Oseni.

I have been trying to get my numbers under control for 5 years with metformin and increasing insuling. Was unsuccessful. Withing 30 days of taking this drug I reduced my daily numbers to around 100 or less. I am using Oseni with insulin which I have reduced by half. This drug has improved my life with little or no side effects yet. However it is very expensive.

Has improved my A1C and fasting sugars dramatically. Along with excercise and some diet modification, I have been very pleased with Oseni.

Oseni has been excellent for my A1C numbers, most recent results was down to 5.4, however, since I started taking it, I've gained 20 pounds. I'm not sure if this is due to this particular medication or not however I was the same dress size for the past 10 years before going on this med.

Cramping really bad 1-2 hours after taken pill, but seems to keep my numbers around 100.

Combined with diet and exercise, my fasting blood glucose went from 161 to the mid 90s in one month. I have been working on weight loss and this medicine has done nothing to impair it.