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Generic Name: Amlodipine Besylate, Atorvastatin Calcium

Brand Name: Caduet

Caduet Drug and Medication User Reviews

Problems urinating 4-5 times at night,feeling sick in the morning and it takes me several hours to get balance back before I can start the day.Been check out and was told by two doctors there is'nt any thing wrong but just aging. Have had bladder back up and cysts developed in scrotum.Blood pressure now spikes at differ times and have developed more anxiety.

Uncontrolled HBP (avg. 200/115) for years, tried everything, cut salt out, lost weight, exercised, Ramipril, Coreg, Clonidine, Diovan, overlapped multiple meds, nothing worked. Went for MRI to rule out blockage or blood to kidneys or adrenal gland problems…nothing. I was taking Lipitor anyway, so doctor said let’s try Caduet , honestly, 1 day, and BP was down to avg. 123/77, I had to stop taking some of the other meds because it was getting too low! This is a miracle drug for me. Everybody is different, and the causes are different, just so glad we finally found the one that works for me.

I have not had any negative effects from this medication. I like it much better than taking 2 different meds for High BP & High Cholesterol.

I'm taking this for high BP & high Cholesterol. I previuosly took Zestril & Lopid to control each problem. I was concerned about liver damage from Lopid and asked to try a combination product. So far I', very happy and have not experienced any side effects. Thank God for doctors who are willing to work with patients to solve healthcare problems!

no doctor here knew why or what it was but I sure felt extremely sick, had from shoulder to bellybuttonb a weeping deep purple rash with blisters which got infected! I'm forever urinating, changes in vision, fainting spells, slow and irregular heartbeat, unexplained weight gain, a nagging headache, unusual hoarseness, tighness in chest, itching and I'm forever sleeping. went to the doc this morning and he said...nothing wrong with CADUET, keep taking it. reading the reviews just now I'm amazed, so it is not me it's thoses stupid pills. called immediately another specialist and he said stop immediately you've got an allergic reaction, there are other pills which work just the same. so in other words I'm not crazy but the first "quack"! thank you very much for ruining my exxpensive and long awaited holiday! I'm glad there are other doctors who take their patients seriously! for all of you: listen to your body and don't be shoved aside by a doctor who thinks he"s God Almighty!

Easy to take, one time a day pill.

Causes swelling in the ankles/legs. Very quick reaction/swelling after one drink of alcohol as well.

this drug is ok for me.

I've been taking this med for a year now, cholesterol numbers were lowered by 100 pts, my BP were 140/80. I had no problems until a month ago, started having severe leg (muscle) pains, unable to sleep or walk at times. Dr. got me another type of meds and the pain has pretty much disappeared. If I didn't encounter the leg pains, I would have been satisfied with caduet.

been taking for a year now and bp was still a little high. I am taking twice a day now to see if that works. Do not know if this causes my leg and back to ache or not.

I have had severe muscle pain in my calfs'so I stopped taking it-the pain was resolved.

No problems when taking the norvasc alone. Since taking this combo product I have had muscle/joint aches and pains, weakness, very little energy, mental confusion and fogginess. I felt very old, fatigued and depressed. I lost a great job. This medication is expensive so I quit taking it. It's been 5 days without this medicine and I am starting to feel so much better. The symptoms mentioned above are resolving. I would advise anyone to consider the possible life altering consequences before taking this medication.


After trying various types of medicine, this one works for me. My average BP was 160/100, now it is 130/70. Side effects are dizzyness, but minimal. I have been on this medicine for about a month.

One year this month- blood pressure and cholesterol doown significantly. No side effects. Very satisfied.

i am taking this drug since may-2009. my diastolic went to normal but not my systolic.during day time/working still high as 130-145 average.no ache yet but realizing a bit of sleepiness.