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Generic Name: Trintellix for Major Depressive Disorder (vortioxetine)

Trintellix for Major Depressive Disorder Reviews

"I'm bipolar 2 and have suffered with major depression for so many years now. I have tried most antidepressants and with no luck! My latest bout lasted 3 very long years... 3 very dark years. I had enough of fighting my own brain and decided that I should see my psychiatrist because I knew in my heart that this wouldn't get better and I would wake up in 3 more years worse and wondering where my life has gone. I did it and I've been on lamictal and Trintellix for a few months now. I promise you it's the best result I have ever had. Zero side effects unless you go up in mg too fast. So far? I'm happier. I have more motivation. I have more clarity. I shower daily - most days lol. And, more importantly, I have hope. Not all meds are meant for everyone and they are very different just as we are as people. Please don't give up if Trintellix isn't 'Your drug'. Blessings over you all, Pandora."

"I have had severe anxiety and depression. OCD and social anxiety... over 30 years. Trintellix has taken the edge off and allows me to relax and feel carefree. This is saying a lot because I was living between sadness and the terror of anxiety of the absolute worst kind. Trintellix has provided relief that I didn't think was possible. Thank you."

"Excellent drug for my MDD/anxiety. Here's what I suggest: Start slowly. Cut a 5mg in half, let your body adjust for 4 days. Then go to 5 mg for 4 days. Then to 10 mg. Stay on it. Let it do its work. It has dramatically lifted my depression and anxiety and has helped me enjoy life, interacting with friends, etc. It seems to hit all the right brain receptors for me. I went up to 20 mg but didn't need it, 10 mg was enough and there are fewer sexual side effects at 10 mg. Low dose is enough to get my neurotransmitters functioning - no need to go higher. It might have taken me a little longer to get there due to the slower titration, but definitely worth it. Doc said to be patient and that climbing too high too fast will increase the risk of nausea, etc. Since I didn't have that, I'm thinking he is right. Good luck, I hope it works for y'all like it has for me!"

"Trintellix has changed my life. I feel a sense of joy and purpose I've never felt before, and have relationships with people in positive, trusting ways. Depression and anxiety are managed and life is manageable for the first time. I take better care of myself and have a more stable, balanced life - and fun! My husband sees a huge difference in me. This med has been a game-changer after trying 9 other antidepressants with little luck. Who knew life could be so good? And no sexual side effects. It has been a lifesaver and I would do whatever I have to to stay on it."

"I have depression and panic disorder. I have been sick since I was 14. Now I am 48 years old. I have tried almost every antidepressant in my life. Trintellix is the best I have found for myself. Don't be afraid to try and don't give up. You will find what will help you! Good luck."

"I've been on every antidepressant known to man. Trintellix is the only one that I can say works for me. I have no nausea. Sex drive hasn't changed, still good. I am able to do my job now. I am happy for the first time in 20 years."

"I've tried several other SSRIs for MDD. Lexapro had me puking every day. Prozac made me a zombie. Paxil gave me an energy boost and worked well, but I developed severe sexual side effects. Cymbalta seemed to be the best, but I got into a really bad funk and it just wasn't enough. After entering into counseling once the depression became debilitating, my therapist had me follow up with a psychiatrist. He switched me to Trintellix, and it is hands down the best drug I've tried. No side effects. He also put me on 10mg Dexedrine 3x a day for ADHD, which was previously untreated, and the combination has been amazing. I told my wife it's like jogging your whole life with ankle and wrist weights on and then all of a sudden someone removes them. That's the mental change I've felt on this drug combination. My depression scores have reduced from about 20-30 to 2 as of today. I hesitate to use the term 'miracle drug,' but it has definitely been an answer to prayer."

"This is the most gentle antidepressant I've ever taken. The first two weeks on this, I was very hungry, but that went away, and now I feel great. Virtually no side effects. I feel calm and happy. When I wake up, I'm not angry anymore, and I'm not down in the dumps. I'm taking 5 mg per day. I'm very happy with Trintellix."

"Was on Cymbalta, dr put me on Trintellix 10mg. My depression was bad. All I wanted to do was stay in bed. I developed social anxiety. Wouldn’t go outside of my home. FINALLY I made a dr appt. My dr upped my dosage to 20mg. Feeling much better. I’ve only been on 2 weeks. I had not decorated for Christmas. I have 12 grandchildren who come to see us. We have a get-together on Christmas Eve, and it’s a big deal to them. I just didn’t care. After starting the 20mg it’s like something starting working again in my brain. I can’t explain it. I put my tree up, decorated it, decorated my house, went Christmas shopping, wrapped gifts, and was ready when all my children and my grandchildren came over Christmas Eve. We had a wonderful time. It’s like I was ME again! I was wondering if anyone else has had good results with Trintellix and how soon. I’m hoping it’s not a placebo effect. I was crying all the time before she upped my dosage to 20mg. Now I feel good to go!"

"I have tried all the SSRIs and some SNRIs. Literally, Prozac, Lexapro, citalopram, Wellbutrin, amitriptyline, Remeron, venlafaxine, Pristiq, Paxil. I had slight symptom relief with Lexapro, however, the side effects outweighed the benefits. I started on 5 mg of Trintellix, I take it in the morning as it is a little stimulating for me. After the first week, I went to 10 mg. The only side effect I experienced is nausea, and that only lasted for about 4 days, it was not severe. I feel like a completely different person. If others have not worked for you, give this one a try. It has given me my emotions and concentration back."

"I have NEVER posted about a meditation. I had to with Trintellix. This drug literally brought me from a dark hole back into the light. I’ve been through most medications and started to feel hopeless. I am so happy I have it and don’t care if I’m on it for the rest of my life. I’ve been depressed since age 11. I’m now 41. That plus years of anxiety was enough for me. Please give it a try. I started with 1/4 of the pill to introduce it into my system. I was so scared of the side effects I’ve read about. Then I went up to 5 mg about 3 days later. I only need 1 soda cracker for nausea. Ginger ale helps too. If you are truly suffering, give this med a try!"

"I have been on 20 mg of Trintellix for 6 weeks now, and it has helped me tremendously. Previously, I was on the maximum dose of sertraline for 2.5 years. It worked well, but I experienced a flattening of my emotions, low sex drive, and restless leg syndrome. After a major bout of severe depression about 6 months after getting off sertraline, I tried Lexapro, but it made me sleep all day. My doctor suggested Trintellix, and I've never been happier with an antidepressant. I noticed an increase in motivation after a week. At 4-5 weeks, I felt like myself when I'm well. I am (so far) not experiencing a single side effect. I had mild nausea at the beginning, but that's it. I know everyone's experiences with medication are highly individualized, but as a trauma survivor who does 'everything right' (exercise, therapy, nutrition, etc.) and still experiences severe depression, I am so grateful to have found Trintellix. I will update this review if this changes."

"I wanted to wait a good amount of time being on this drug until I gave my review. I have now been on Trintellix for over 1 1/2 years and it works wonders for my depression. Prior to this medication, I was on four different medications including Cymbalta, Prozac, Wellbutrin, and one other, and none of them worked for me after a few months. This medication is for people who have serious depression and are looking for relief. I absolutely love this medication and it is the best I've ever been on."

"I switched from taking Trintellix at night to in the morning and it made a HUGE difference. I started taking this medication 3 months ago. During the first month, I didn't notice any major changes in my mood and was experiencing horrible insomnia (which wasn't out of the norm). I was ready to give up on the medication because there was no real change. So I figured what's the point? Then I read somewhere that someone suggested switching to taking the Trintellix in the morning, so I tried that. I have noticed a MAJOR difference. This medicine really works. My mood is better, I can get through an 8-hour workday without any mood disruptions, and perform regular chores when I get home. It has been years since I was able to perform a 'regular' day with chores. Before, I couldn't get through an 8-hour workday. Now I feel great. Yes, I do still have bad moments, but they are nowhere near what they used to be. I feel good, I am sleeping well, and I have lost some weight."

"I have suffered from extended major depressive episodes for over 30 of my near 50 years and had very little real success at life. Since my first few months on Trintellix, the clouds began to part for the very first time. I've been on the max dose, 20 mg per day, with 0 side effects and a whole new outlook on life. I've even taken on major projects that have led me to a new career and much happiness. There is a direct correlation between my starting this drug and feeling better."

"So, back in the day I started with Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Zoloft, etc...tried it all and nothing was working. Finally, my doctor switched me to Trintellix. There weren't really any side effects when first starting. After about a month and a half, I finally felt something. The darkness went away. The despair, anxiety, and gripping hell that kept me from getting out of my own bed, it's all gone. As if it was lifted before my very eyes. Life is great now. I'm truly happy for the first time in years. Please, give this a try, push through the side effects, and see what you feel like after 1-2 months. It's a small price to pay for a better life."

"I used to believe in exerting strong mental control to handle depression without medication, worrying it will last forever. But this time, after multiple occasions of acting suicidal behaviors, I realized medication is a must. My doctor gave me a few options, including Trintellix, and asked me to research myself and let him know (I’ve been studying this on my own for quite a while, and I actually appreciated this approach). I chose Trintellix. Starting off with 5mg for two weeks and then going onto 10mg, I noticed that suicidal thoughts started to decrease quite immediately. However, I still felt quite depressed periodically. Until after 2 months or so, when I suddenly realized that I started to really be able to enjoy life in a way I hadn't been able to for a long time. I have regained my innermost confidence, and my sense of humor has come back too. I didn’t solely rely on the medication - I also exercised my mental strength during the period and tried to exercise physically. I think combining all these factors really helped. Trintellix works exactly as I had hoped."

"I have been on 5 mg Trintellix for 1 month. The only side effects I've had are somewhat dry mouth sometimes, and not being able to sleep as well as I used to. Other than those 2 things, it has worked great for me! For the first 1-2 weeks, I did continue to have some bad days, but starting about week 3, the bad times became less extreme and have continued to do so. My insurance wouldn't pay for it, so I applied for assistance on the manufacturer's website, and received it for free."

"Been on a number of MDD medicines. This Trintellix is the best. It has changed my moods of depression to the better. I have tried others. It seems I had no energy, fatigued, and sat in the dark for a number of months. I was giving up on what would help me. I suffer from agoraphobia as well as severe anxiety with panic disorder. Trintellix, along with a low dose of lorazepam, has helped me cope and feel better. The company has been a blessing, along with my doctor helping to pay for the Trintellix. I would recommend!"

"I've been on Trintellix for about 7 weeks now. I've gone from 5mg to 15mg and about to start 20mg. I've been on many antidepressant meds for over 25 years and nothing has helped like this medication has. I do get the extreme nausea (that's why I didn't give this med a 10 instead of a 9 rating), so I take this at night and sleep through the nausea side effect and no nausea during the day. It has helped me deal with my PTSD, MDD, and anxiety. Now my house is clean, laundry is done, I take time for myself, react in a positive way instead of an emotional negative and defensive way. I have found with therapy and this med my world is changing and I no longer feel broken. My opinion is that it is definitely worth a try if nothing else has worked. This may just be the medication to put you back together again. The benefit of this med outweighs the side effects for me."

"I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and general anxiety after the birth of my first child who had a major birth defect causing 20 years of significant surgeries. I was put on Zoloft which worked beautifully for over 22 years. It then began to wear off, and I, too, was put on every antidepressant medication ever invented. Nothing ever worked. I continued to try everything, but eventually had a depression breakdown and lost my job of 35 years. Tried ECT, TMS but could not sustain the benefits as I had no medication working following the procedures. Finally was put on Trintellix (20 mg) with Bupropion, and it is still working after 2 years. I pray this will continue to be effective as I will have no other hope if it does not. I experienced no adverse side effects. Not every med works for everyone, as I am sure you have found out. Never give up hope!"

"I tried different medications for around a year and a half, including most of the SSRI family, and some anticonvulsants and antipsychotics off-label. I have GAD and MDD. Trintellix was the only thing to finally work for me. It was a life saver. No side effects to speak of. I take 20mg. Manufacturer's coupon brings it down to only about $35 a month. So grateful I found this."

"I’ve only been taking Trintellix for about 5 weeks, and I can honestly say that this is the best emotionally that I have felt in years. I’d been taking Pristiq for almost 3 years, and it simply was not working. Within a week of starting on Trintellix, my mood, attitude, motivation, overall well-being have improved 500%. I’m not having problems getting out of bed because I no longer dread the day ahead. My mass anxiety is just gone. I have energy and motivation, and I’m once again taking initiative and taking ownership of my life and career. I’ve started doing light workouts again and eating right. This is exactly what I needed because I wasn’t on a good path. Now I’m totally looking forward to life as a grandpa (I’m 54), doing things that I’ve been avoiding and enjoying the ‘empty nest’ life with my wife!"

"I am updating my review of Trintellix. I have now been using it at 10 mg at night for 5 weeks. Feeling better every day. One thing I had a problem with is getting really sleepy early evening (around 5 pm) so I started taking my dose at lunchtime instead of first thing in the morning. That is working wonderfully for me. It has regulated my sleep patterns! Also, a major plus is that it has helped me with my severe social anxiety. I am so happy that I was able to walk into a fast-food restaurant, order, sit, and eat by myself! And enjoy it! I am 56 and never have done that before. I so hope this medication helps you, friends, and if not, I hope you find your happy place wherever it may be. Oh, one more thing... the cost. I have Cigna insurance, and of course, they denied paying for this as it is a level 3 med. My doctor was able to get me approved since I have failed on other ADs, and the copay was $60.00."

"I have taken almost all of the antidepressants with varying results but mainly side effects I couldn't tolerate for the past 25 years. I began taking Trintellix 3 months ago. Starting with 5 mg. It took away my appetite and I lost 10 lbs. Now, I am up to 20 mg. a day and am feeling better. My mood is up and I have more energy. The only side effect is a slight problem falling asleep and my appetite has returned. However, the good outweighs the bad and I am hopeful for the first time in many years."

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  • Drug class: miscellaneous antidepressants
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Patient resources

  • Trintellix drug information
  • Brintellix

Professional resources

  • Trintellix prescribing information
  • Vortioxetine (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Major Depressive Disorder