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Generic Name: Eslicarbazepine Acetate Tablets

Brand Name: Aptiom

Aptiom Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've been on Aptiom for 3 years now. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2012, and began treatment with Limotregene. Which basically caused me to have panic attacks, and feel bi-polar. I became immune to it in about 5 years and started to have breakthrough Seizures, specifically having difficulty understanding other people's speech. Everyone would sound like they were speaking Latin. I then transitioned over to Keppra (Levetiracetam), Which eliminated my panic attacks, and things got better. But after 3 years, I started having break through seizures. So I saw a different neurologist, and they added Aptiom to my medication, along with the Keppra. I had a solid year with no issues at all, which was the longest I'd ever gone with not having an episode. So I wanted to see if I could stop the Keppra, and just exist on the Aptiom. I was on Aptiom alone for about 4 months, when I had a seizure, and had to add the Keppra back in. So the Aptiom alone doesn't quite keep my seizures away, but does a great job when combined with Keppra. I'm now 1 year and 6 months with no episodes. With the Aptiom, I felt better and less bi-polar than I did on other meds. I've not had any bad side effects from taking it, other than a low sodium count on my bloodwork. Pills are extremely expensive without insurance because there is no generic brand.

I have never felt worse in my life, I have been in bed since 2 hours of taking first pill, I have not taken a pill in 24 hours and still am suffering severe side effects, no nausea, or headache but everything else on the list is killing me

I found after taking my morning dose of Aptiom I become a different person. I switch from being happy to seeing things like nasty spirits. When it starts levelling down mid afternoon I become more myself. Does not control my partial seizures. And by the way it causes me severe insomnia. It's by far the worse one I have been on.

NO idea if it was effective I started taking this at 400 mg for 7 days moved to 600 mg and spent a full night binge watching political podcasts and regrouting my bathroom the next day i took a boxing class and signed up for tennis lessons. I was bouncing off the walls. I was anxious, upset, and angry.I could not stop moving and was aggitated. I did not link it to the medication. I realized the medication cost a fortune. I couldn't get normal. I was washing my face with cold wather to slap myself. I stopped taking the medication before the third dose and had a hedache for three solid weeks.

No side effects and no seizures!!! Yes!!! So far so good!!!

Side effects are horrible, sweating, agitation and tremors are the worst, however excessive talking is there as well. I believe that any drug that has side effects of thinking about killing your self and acting on impulse should not be allowed on the market

I've been having petit mal seizures since the mid-1990's, related to a pituitary tumor. I did the Topamax first and found it uncomfortable. Now I'm using a low dose of Keppra and 1200mg of Aptiom, and no seizures for several years. BUT...it is expensive and if you do not have insurance, it will put you in the poor house.

Tired, dizzy, double vision and I am still having seizures.

I am taking aptiom for trigeminal neuralgia. I just started it. Im on 600 mgs. I was wondering if anyone had taken it for TN and if it worked for them and how well? Thanks I sure hope it continues to work!

I was doing fine while taking 400mg. When the dose was increased to 800mg I had headaches, felt like my head was spinning, had trouble thinking clearly. I went back to 400mg and doing fine. Dr suggested I give it more time before increasing to 800mg. So far so good.

It's convenient only taking this medication once a day, but it's made me nauseous to the point of vomiting, even with zofran, I usually wake up with a pretty severe headache, and it has caused me to gain ten pounds over three months, even while keeping a very strict diet. Even cutting calories and exercise won't budge the weight I've gained on this. I have focal epilepsy, and the doctor has seen a decrease in the number of spikes on my eegs, and I've had a dramatic decrease in seizures. I take this with topamax.

Have anyone had any side effects where you have been normal all day until you take the medication an start seeing evil spirits... need help cause my girlfriend have been taking the medication for about a couple of weeks now and she havent been able to sleep due to her saying she been seeing evil spirits.. Can anyone help us with answer

Vimoat gave me headaches and nausea and I felt weird all day. This stuff I don't even notice, and I usually get side effects from meds. I was allergic to reinstall but not this! I take it as an add on to keppra 1000mg a day. 600 mg aptiom once a day. Things weren't working for me on topomax and I had a big seizure (complex partial with loss of consciousness) and keppra alone in higher doses knocks me out all day. So that's how this came about, bcs I have 2toddlers to keep up with and I work out too!

This medication has made me extremely tired and have had some dizzy spells and a little bit of nausea after it was increased to 800mg.

Have seizures after TBI. Am taking Aptiom trying to ease off Keppra due to suicidal thoughts and emotional unbalance w/Keppra. Starting with lowest dose;and stepping up. Week 2 has me unable to balance gate;emotional instability, and lose where I am right in midst of simple tasks;confusion, and sleeping 15 hours at a time. Vision is spinning and whirling upon standing. Must hold onto caregiver to get from point A to point B. Do not know how I will be able to double amount to therapeutic level in 2 weeks. Not a lot of options for epileptics. Had high hopes for this one.The cost is astronomical. $2000. with PPO INSURANCE. Seizures promise another incapacitating or deadly stroke w/ each new seizure.. Where does that leave those of us with brain damage? Understand that medication must dumb down brain to keep seizures from killing you; but wonder which is worse...side effects; or seizure themselves. :( Praying cure for Brain injuries comes soon.

I have been taking Aptiom for over 3 years. (I started as part of the US clinical trial.) I decreased seizures from 3-4 a month to 3-4 a year. I do have to take it at night and be careful of problems with my balance. I even went through physical therapy to help.

I was on Lamictol for a period of time, still experiencing seizures. When I was switched over to Aptiom I had a period of time I couldn't effectively communicate, I slept a lot and was extremely sick. After about a week, some of the symptoms decreased in severity but remained. I'm often nauseous and find several things nauseating at the mere sight. I become extremely nauseous in the morning and have a killer headache. As the day progresses it becomes more manageable. It's been effective, but the side effects are a bugger.

Day four of taking this drug 400mg I'm feeling nauseated... I started puking... My neurologist wants to start me out at 400 mg at night. And then bring me up to 800mg at night. I'm taking another seizure medicine with it Lamictal 100mg. I read the sheet that came with it. I'm really reconsidering. I like the feature of 24 hours treatment coverage of the medicine.

I have not felt well since starting this medication - I seem to have headaches, nausea and muscle pains. I also am experiencing 'sweats' right after taking it.