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Generic Name: Alfuzosin HCl

Brand Name: Uroxatral

Uroxatral Drug and Medication User Reviews

Does make the flow easier, have had some dizzy spells continue to get small blister type boils around waist ,upper legs and back. They will erupt and then disappear. I am 72 and sex life stopped when I started to take these pills 5 years ago. Get up once sometimes twice a night.

It reduced the number times I had to wake up and pee at night in half (2 times instead of 4). But it took away all enjoyment of sex. No ejaculation at all and almost no sensation. I stopped taking this medicine, then stopped the others that I switched to. They all caused similar problems. Going to see a naturopathic doctor to see what he can do.

Switched to Uroxatral from Flomax. All my BPH symptons have returned. The Uroxatral has been completely ineffective for me. I had been taking Flomax for more than a year. Flomax virtually destroyed my sex life...NO Semen, NO ejaculation, NO orgasm...NOTHING! period...LIFE IS TOO SHORT!...I am ceasing using these meds and will just have to handle the BPH symptoms

58 year old male, five years plus of use, definitely improves flow, however, will reduce semen at ejaculation, resulting in a less satisfying orgasm. At 58, I may have to decide whether I want to pee like a 12 year old, or have sex.

Started having bad dreams after starting this med, but unsure what is causing this as I'm taking plenty of meds since my stroke 4 years ago.

Taking this drug (10 mg at night) for BPH and ED. Has worked very, very well. After about 10 days, urination improved - went from 3+ trips per night to mostly 1. The big surprise was the effect on ED. In the flaccid or aroused state I am noticeably larger. Only side effect is a slightly stuffy nose.

Switched to Uroxatral after being on Flomax for a couple months. While Flomax addressed the BPH issues well, it had a horrendous effect on my sexual function. Could no longer ejaculate at all, and could no longer reach any orgasm. Within a few days of being on Uroxatral, those issues were gone, and in some ways were better than before I was on either drug. Uroxatral seems to be handling the BPH issues just fine.

Not experiencing retrograde ejaculation on this medication but urine flow seems even worse and I have a pain inside the tip of my penis and bilateral pains in inguinal canals. Perhaps still from the cystoscopy last week! Very fatigued on this med. More ejaculate but it is clearer and less milky in color! May stop med soon.

Gave me terrible stomach pains. Almost fainted upon standing. Seems to work too well with very strong with strange side effects. Had to discontiue after 1 pill. Should help if you if you can tolerate it.

Urination back to normal, or close to it. After using Rapaflo and not having any ejaculate, sex is more normal with Uroxathral. I'll stay on it.

Was on Uroxatral for nearly two years and it reduced my trips to the bathroom to maybe once a night, if that.. But the expense was too much. Switched to Rapaflo but almost immediately my ejaculate disappeared. I'm shooting blanks. That's too freaky for me. I'm going back to Uroxatral and hoping my semen stream returns. I feel dehydrated with Rapaflo.

I have an enlarged prostate. Tried Flomax but was not happy with the side effects during sex - ejaculation was internal. With Uroxatral sex is more normal. BUT, urination control is definitely not as good as with Flomax. I take Uroxatral at night and most mornings urination is hesitant and I have to go back again in a few minutes. Am considering taking out the prostate.

I don't have to go as often unless I drink a lot of water but I notice that my left lower part of my leg get hot then it goes back to normal not sure if this is causing this or not if you someone who is having this to please write

Been on this drug for over a year and have been rather satisfied with the results. Only have "to go" every 4-5 hrs from 2 hrs (depending on hydration level) and no sexual side effects.

My experience is a good one using this drug. I do not wake up at night to go to use the bathroom.