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Generic Name: Augmentin for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection (amoxicillin-clavulanate)

Augmentin for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection Reviews

"I feel like the people that come on here to read reviews are people like me who have anxieties about taking medications. I needed this medication for a skin infection after my C-section. I was nervous about the symptoms after reading the comments on here, but I had ZERO problems with this medication. I was prescribed 875 mg 2x daily. I made sure I ate a probiotic yogurt before starting this med and had one every day for 7 days until I was finished. I had no upset stomach or diarrhea."

"Overall, not too bad. I had some mild nausea and diarrhea the first two or three days, but then I drank Kefir, which helped immensely. Be sure to take it as directed with some food (you don't need a whole meal) and eat yogurt, etc. I highly recommend Kefir during Augmentin therapy. I began clearing the infection by the second day. Remember, most people have little to no side effects with these medications, so what you tend to read on the Internet is negatively biased."

"I have adult acne and rosacea due to PCOS. I have redness, welt-type acne, rash-type scene, black/whiteheads on my face. When taking Augmentin, all my skin problems disappear within 2-5 days and my face stays clear while taking the prescription. Augmentin is a Godsend."

"I had a stye that turned into cellulitis with extreme swelling, redness and pain. If you google the most extreme pics of periorbital cellulitis, I looked worse than those. My lower eyelid was so swollen that it was projected so far out that when I closed my eye, my inside tissue, the mucous membrane was completely exposed. It felt like my skin was ripping apart. I was prescribed 1000mg Augmentin and after the first tablet, I was about 25% better. After the second tablet, all pain was gone and it went down to looking like a normal stye again. This was in just 24 hours. By the end of day 3 you'd never know it happened. I've also been prescribed Augmentin for bronchitis and respiratory infections and it's quick and works great for those as well."

"I was prescribed Àugmentin (Amox-Clav) 125mg every twelve hours for 10 days. Starting having diarrhea the day I started and by day five I became so sick I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. Horrible stomach pain and cramps, fever, extreme weakness, painful muscles mainly in legs, nasty sweat, nightmares, and I lost my sense of smell...which may have been a good thing since I was pretty much stuck in the bathroom. The fever and pain lasted two days after I stopped taking the augmentin on day five. The diarrhea has continued (on day eight after discontinuing drug) and is pretty much spontaneous. I can’t go anywhere. I have never had stomach issues in my life (I’m 50). I fear my gut is damaged beyond repair. This is a nasty, nasty drug. Also has worsened my depression and mental state in general."

"I took augmentin for a nasty stye that was getting increasingly worse. I do not have a good track record with antibiotics as I have either broken out in hives or it has caused some intolerable mood swings. I was nervous about taking it, but the stye caused me so much pain that I gave in. Hours after the first dose, the stye came to a head and immediately started draining. It felt like so much of the pain had finally left my eye. By day 4, other than the scar/scab, my eye looks and feels like normal. My digestion is a bit out of whack, but I deal with other complicated gastro issues, so this was not a big deal for me. Probiotics and kefir to help!"

"I suffered from pseudofolliculitis behind my head for years, and by chance, I got Augmentin from Libya without any prescription. In Europe, all the doctors that I consulted could not find a solution for this problem, so one day I just walked into a pharmacy in Libya and showed it to the doctor in charge of the pharmacy, who advised me to take Augmentin. I was a bit hesitant, but before my returning date (after 5 days), I noticed that all the bumps were drying, and now I'm very proud of my head."

"I have used Augmentin several times mainly for skin infection (acne) and had found it effective although I took only half course of 7 tabs x 625mg on each occasion. So far I have experienced no sight effects. I also increased my probiotics intake while on this antibiotic. The probiotics should not be taken at same time but after a lapse of time, say four hours or longer after consuming the drug. I would recommend Augmentin as it is effective and to me there is no side effect."

"I started this 6 days ago for an infection for a knife cut on my thumb knuckle. It seemed to work and swelling is down however I was advised to stop using it due to the side effects. Severe nausea upon waking, chills, agitation, unable to keep still yet tired, lightheaded and fatigued. The panic attacks and constant catastrophic thinking really made me need to stop this med. I hope it killed the infection because I think I may need a medicated coma for my next round"

"I was prescribed Augmentin for what my doctor thought was a skin infection on my right leg. Well after taking my first dose within 2 hours my stomach became extremely upset... burning...nausea... diarrhea....bloating...and anxiety and panic has always been a issue for me but after Augmentin it was immediately 20 times worse. My Dr ended up telling me to stop taking it on day 5 cause it was getting worse and worse. My skin infection cleared up with some hydrocortisone cream and antibiotic ointment but its been over 3 months since stopping this med and I'm still having major stomach issues and mental isses, so please be careful people especially if you have anxiety or stomach issues before hand."

"I've been taking this for about two weeks to combat cellulitis and after first trying Keflex and Bactrim which did not work, the Augmentin is working quite well. I haven't had any stomach upset or GI discomfort. I haven't had any Diarrhea that couldn't be easily stopped with a normal dose of over-the-counter Loperamide. Had a slight bit but the Loperamide fixed that right up. "

"Took this for 10 days after a cat bite got infected. Noticed hyperactivity during the course, but it was two days after I finished the course that the real fun started - fatigue, head fog, inability to do anything, weight loss (three kg in four days!), really bad insomnia (unable to sleep until 5 am), unable to stomach anything except carbs. After a week of this the nausea started, so that I couldn't eat anything without debilitating nausea. Headaches too. Am still in it after two weeks. Treating myself with ginger tea for nausea, slippery elm, probiotics, dandelion leaf and root for liver, lemon water, vegetable juices. I will never take this again."

"I was prescribed this twice a day for 7 days. I'm halfway through and I recently developed severe headaches, decreased appreciate, decreased urination, and shortness of breath. No diahrrea yet, but I did feel nauseous this morning. I hope not to get diahrrea because I'm trying to heal an anal fissure. I tested negative for some common STDs so I don't know what I have but my groin lymph nodes still seem to be swollen. :/"

"Throughout the whole course I had horrible nausea and diarrhoea :/ 2 weeks after finishing the course I'm still sick! So fatigued, flu like symptoms, chills and sweats, terrible cramps and always in the bathroom. I've now been diagnosed with colitis from augmentin. I'm more sick after the course than I was before I actually needed the antibiotics!! I've never had a reaction to any other antibiotic so would never ever take that again."

"Augmentin has been a saving grace for my acne. It works so great when NOTHING else works. Unfortunately over the years it has lost its effectiveness. 10 years ago I would take a course and have clear skin for months. Now a full coarse of aug 875mg will only last a few weeks after taking it before the unbearable itch and painful acne appear. Not sure what step to take next..."

"Don't know what's worse....the cellulitis infection or side effects of augmentin. Headache, gassiness, bloating, stomach upset from day one. Horrible vomiting on day 5. Thank goodness I only have 7 day Rx. Calling Dr tomorrow and will beg not to take last 2 days or switch to something else."

"Was prescribed the 875 mg tabs every 12 hours for an infected cyst. Right from the 1st dose I experienced stomach upset, severe bloating, and Diarrhea that burned. Within several days I also developed a vaginal yeast infection and severe yeast rashes in both armpits. I normally have a cast iron stomach and can take normally any medication without meals and have no problems. The augmentin caused bad side effects even with meals. Stay away from this drug it is well known to cause stomach problems."

"I was prescribed Augmentin 875(?) to be taken twice a day for 10 days to try and prevent infection from a bad cat bite. I did experience symptoms, but because I suffer from IBS it mostly seemed like an IBS flare to me. The looser stools started on day two, but they were not diarrhea. That was it until around day 8 when I bloated like you wouldn't believe. It was all up in my stomach and nothing gave me relief. However, I continued on taking my pills and my probiotics and finished a couple of days ago. The side effects were not pleasant, but they were much less unfortunate than I was expecting after reading reviews. I never got an infection from the cat bite, which normally leads to one in about 80% of people. So, the drug worked!"

"I had an external ear infection for almost 18 days, on my first check up the doctor prescribed Clindamycin, but that didn't work on me. About 2 weeks later i still have no signs off healing through Clindamycin, I decided to be checked-up again with different doctor (ENT) & I was diagnosed with Chondritis. He prescribed Augmentin 625mg, 3x a day, every 8hrs. and Inoflox, which is also an antibiotic for twice a day. I experienced side effects such as diarrhea that lasted only on 2nd day. I just realized that this side effect are temporary. Now i am on my 4th day on these antibiotics, i can say that im healing and my ear forms back again to its normal size."

"I took this medicine for a tooth abscess that couldn't be drained during root canal. Severe diarrhea, headaches, minor heartburn and I felt as though my throat were closing (doc said minor allergic reaction). I have been taking a probiotic and eating yogurt but it hasn't helped with the stomach upset at all. It helped with the abscess but 8 days later it isn't completely cleared. I've been switched to Clindamycin due to the tightening in my throat. Scared to death and sick of antibiotics."

"Bitten by a dog got prescribed this worst experience of my life. I cannot sleep and I feel like throwing up the entire time. I just close my eyes and wait till the sun rises. Lay in bed wake up eat take my course and repeat....hate this antibiotic..."

"Very effective on infection but stomach severe pains in the upper stomach had to stop taken it severe dirahea non stop to the toliet may need to see dr now and i stopped taken it an stomach still hurts"

"Doc gave me Augmented for some injury that broke the skin (too many injuries ago to remember). After the second day, I started seeing things that weren’t there. Ended up in hospital for 4 days until they figured it out. Rare side affect of Augmentin, psychosis. CRAZY"

"When I received a shot of Novacaine at the dentist for one of my front teeth, it seems he hit the nerve going from the gums into my nose. My left nostril swelled so that it look like a pig nose and was extremely sore to the touch. After three days on the Augmentin, all the pain is gone and the swelling has come down to about half its original size, so my nose looks normal. I was particularly worried because I had to perform in two concerts two days after my first dose. The infection formed scabbing on both the outside and inside of the nostril. A little cover-up applied to the outside got me through both concerts. Still have swelling inside but it’s doable. High marks for this antibiotic."

"Augmentin is the worst antibiotic I’ve ever used. This is the 3rd time I was prescribed this but decided to give it a good go with pre and probiotics an hour or so after taking this. It didn’t work at all. I was given this for cellulitis at urgent care. I took 3 doses where I am very bloated, gassy, diarrhea for more than 2 days now. I had to get switched to doxycycline hopefully this diarrhea goes way soon. I ended up taking two doses of Kaepectate so far. I highly do not recommend this antibiotic."

More about Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate)

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  • Reviews (442)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: beta-lactamase inhibitors
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Augmentin drug information
  • Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Chewable Tablets)
  • Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Suspension)
  • Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Tablets)

Other brands

Augmentin ES-600, Amoclan

Professional resources

  • Augmentin prescribing information
  • Augmentin Chewable (FDA)
  • Augmentin Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Augmentin ES-600, Amoclan

Other formulations

  • Augmentin XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Aspiration Pneumonia
  • Bronchiectasis